232,647 active players

>232,647 active players

How do we save FFXIV, Sup Forums?

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>Inaccurately shitposting to join the ironic hate parade.

that data was pretty bullshit
I've been playing since launch and didn't get counted in that thing cause I haven't done the 3.3 story yet

so there's at least 232,648 active players

Source: Your ass.

Don't you have new tomestones to grind, user?

Grind, grind the tomestones. Over and over.




Source: my ass

If Im brand new to FF series is XIV ok to start on? I know its an MMO qith widely different gameplay than any othwr in the series but still

At that can this rig run it?
I5 4690
R9 380x
16gb ram

>Source: Your ass.
He actually has a source, but it's misleading, it only counts the amount of people who have an achievement/minion since 3.3

It in no way accurately represents the player count.


Dead, dead, dead!

Your pitiful excuse for a MMORPG is dying!!!

It runs on a ps3. Just a hint of how it runs.

>Don't you have new tomestones to grind, user?
I don't even grind the tomestones, just do the story content, raids and such as well as some side content like POTD

And don't forget to buy all this content we are cutting from the game on the cash shop!

I'm running this perfectly fine 60fps with 770 and an amd fx 8320 yeah i know >amd cpu, i got this rig for free from a friend and 8g ram

>I've been playing since launch and didn't get counted in that thing cause I haven't done the 3.3 story yet

Yeah, it's probably 300k instead for 232 kek

"* (Any reference to "Active" players, refers to players who have the wind-up aymeric minion from the 3.3 story)"

>Not counting new players, hardcore raiders who only finished 3.0 storyline, people are no longer subbed since, etc.

A ton of people don't do the story


Only 688k characters got ONE LEVEL in Legion vs 232k completing the entire main scenario. These numbers are fine.

>A ton of people don't do the story
Kek, you very well know that's bullshit.

I don't know but I think the mmo genre as a whole needs some changes. Wish some non Korean shit would bring some actual cool ideas to the table with good execution..it's only a matter of time. Something needs to come out with more specialized ways to play, also the skill clicking shit needs to be redone. There needs to be more depth.

Can't tell if it sarcasm or not.

Well the first thing you have to do is get SEdrones to admit the game is bad because the devs see nothing but praise.

232647 * 11.99 minimum subscription fee = nearly 2.8 million clams per month just from subscription fees, and people are paying for extra retainers, bullshit costumes, dyes, and special mounts.

So even if the numbers are that "low", it's making a fucking shit load of money.

No ps3 limitations
Stop appealing to weebshitters who can't do endgame
Fix pvp
Make it more horizontal in gear and content
Make the world large and interesting to explore; stop making everything instanced.

Oh wait, that'll never happen

Getting rid of ps3 support will not fix anything game changing.
Devs are just way too lazy to take the game to further potential.
When they get rid of it, the new meme will be
>ps4 limitations

>No ps3 limitations
That's a shit excuse, FFXI RoV had more interesting content than all of FFXIV and it was developed with fucking PS2 dev kit.

>How do we save FFXIV, Sup Forums?
According to Yoshi-P, gear reset and NEW tomestones farming!

I completed the 3.3 story but I never redeemed my minion because those things are stupid.
This recording system is hella stupid so why does Square use it

>ps3 limitations
aren't they getting rid of it for 4.0?
>stop appealing to weebshitters
there goes the cash shop profit
>fix pvp
pvp was a mistake
>horizontal gear progression
i always wondered why more games these days don't do this anymore




Horizontal gear, better balancing of the stats and the fucking ability to either customize skills or find gear that has fun upgrades to them.

Fixes a huge variety of problems and would thoroughly reinterest me in the game.

Why is the end-game community so dead now?

goblins are shit
normal mode

I was mad about the magitek armor until recently. Finally saw it in game and it looks like shit.

Spend 3 months dying to 1HKO jump rope mechanics. Get recolored gears

Repeat every 3 months.

>all these people bitching about NOTHING TO DO AT ENDGAME OHMUHGERD
>been playing for like a year and a half and still have plenty of classes to level and shit

I don't get it

For starters fix this shit

No matter how uninspired Yoshida's FFXIV is, it's still a million times better than Tanaka's abomination of the game.

Except it does. It counts people who have completed the storyline, aka who are still subbed.
The story is mandatory to unlock endgame shit.
People who dont have that chiev, are no longer subbed.

I know you're just some shittershattered retard fanboy, so you especially should be aware that the story is mandatory because it unlocks everything else.

the few sliders they have are pretty awful

The only reason to actually play this game is if you're a fangirl who likes the game going "HEY REMEMBER [thing] FROM [other final fantasy game]" every 10 seconds

>king of the hill online

whoa... you mean like... every other final fantasy game?

All the surly people come out at this time of night. Be a bit more positive people.

>the dead game had more battle content variety than the one that's been alive for thee years

>the game going "HEY REMEMBER [thing] FROM [other final fantasy game]" every 10 seconds

Can't expect much from a creatively bankrupt person like Yoshi-P. All her can do is copy WoW, and remind fans of the good games in the series.

The only thing gated behind anything after the conclusion of the 3.0 story are expert roulettes and Niddhogg EX.

As always, only 3.0 was required for end game. Check that clear rate.

>How do we save FFXIV, Sup Forums?
Do what TERA did, make it free to play and add a ton of slutty costumes to the cash shop.

Japanese players playing slutty Elins literally paid for the international servers.

>You didn't level every of these DD that basically play the same to 60, you still have content


I bet you think chocobo racing is content.

>I'm the exception to the rule

Seeing how this tracks per character and not account, this data is most likely padded by altfags.

>Literally 90% of this game players claim they play it for the story
>According to FFXIV fanboys, most of them haven't done 3.3

You don't want content, you want a treadmill with a 2.5% bigger carrot than the one you have.

It's a fan service game so you won't get as much enjoyment from it as fans of the series.

>whoa... you mean like... every other final fantasy game?
The only game that borrow heavy from the others is FFIX, and that game is basically a love letter to old FF after the futuristic FF. And the game STILL feels fresh.

FFXIV is literally WoW recolored, on the top of that, the game has literally almost 0 original content, and heavily borrows distinctive elements from other FF, muddling his game world. It also re used shitons of FFXI assets.

No, I want horizontal, multiple ways to gear up that feel different, and shit that isn't possibly locked behind DF time-gate.

I'd say give us a whole bunch of side-quest story lines like Hildy but they can't even manage to give us decent amount of Hildy.

I don't get that picture.

>Patch 3.3+
>Ever having to grind for tomestones ever again.

Mate it's not A Realm Reborn anymore and even then it was easy to get tomestones without grinding.

Yeah, it's not ARR, but you still basically doing the very same things you were doing in ARR, only with a different skin.

don't worry, 3.4 will revive diadem
it's just a bot going trough lodestone and checking if people have the wind-up aymeric minion in the mounts/minions tab
having alts on xiv, especially ones that you have take trough the entire story again, is pretty rare

>don't worry, 3.4 will revive diadem

>doing the very same things you were doing in ARR
I'm not. When I want to cap I do Deep Dungeon, Aquapolis and PvP. And with 13 jobs to play as any time even running dungeons doesn't get old for me when I want to do them.

You didn't enjoy diadem?

Not him, but I hated diadem. 90 minutes of grinding dinosaurs is not what I had in mind.

If blizzard ever did the same thing, the amount would only be marginally higher probably.

But blizzard never releases numbers because it'll make their game look bad. WoW isn't doing too much better and if they are, it's just the legion content. In a week it'll come down.

You don't, no amount of shilling will save it.

It's the embodiment of legacy shitters from 1.0 around the time ARR alpha/betas were up.

I haven't touched Expert Roulette since I unlocked it, so there really wasn't a reason for me to do MSQ after 3.0. I'm sure there are others like me that still haven't done 3.3 MSQ.

Anyone know if the japs are as passsive aggresive as the english community? Shit really pisses me off that everyone in the df is a bitch cunt that cant take any form of criticism without triggering their personality disorders

Not even trying to defend this shitty game but those are just cosmetics and most were available ingame during events.

JP players never say anything during DF runs except the greetings and farewells. Even if there's a shitter that dies multiple times, they normally just ignore it and keep going especially if it's a dungeon where it doesn't really matter.

This, they desperately contradict themselves all the time to defend their shit game like the little corporate cucks they are


The numbers fall in line with the ones from the JP census, face it shills, your game is dead and buried.


I can count the number of assholes from roulettes on one hand after 600 hours
where are all these complaints coming from

Blizzard actually released such data recently. There are 4 million demon hunters created already. Since you can only have one per realm and realistically, next to nobody will have bothered to play more than one, there should be at least 3 million active subs, not counting those that do not own Legion yet.

you do know the nip census uses the exact same way to count active people as the new one?

All it means is they're both padded by alts, the NA census hides this and just calls them players which is wrong, while the JP census explicitly says they're characters.


Plenty of people do in fact, almost all raiders do, all 1% of them, and almost every Balmungfag has one, the rest are people fucking around with one because they ran out of shit to do on their mains, hang around with people on other servers or corner the markets with every specialist.

>released such data recently
got a link as I am sorta intrested because google didn't turn up anything relevant

Did anyone enjoy Diadem? It was terrible in literally every single way

Make it not boring. Too much of a task so it'll have to struggle along until 4.0. Then it'll just be Heavensward 2.0.

google better next time

Huh, weird. Wonder why FFXIV is flopping then. I personally play it over WoW just because I don't really enjoy the toony low quality textured art. I can see how some would like it however.

>Active Players

So the census is based off of # of characters instead of accounts, where each character can play every job/class? Of course WoW's numbers are going to be ballooned in comparison since you need to roll a new character to play as a different class...

Most attires aren't, also events cosmetic used to be free once the event was repeated.

It's also everyone who has the aymeric pet unlocked and redeemed

I have 7 alts which I made purely to fill in time, to replay the story or to reacquaint myself with class/job mechanics after long breaks from the game.

The leveling experience is great. It's cathartic just running around killing shit because you get to watch the level bar go up and reunlock more fun skills.
The sense of progression completely evaporates once you hit the level cap though; you run out of meaningful progress and hit the "run dungeons and raid, or just run dungeons" part and that gets very old very fast with how unfulfilling (since story mode exists) and PUG unfriendly raiding is now. Coil was great, the lack of a story mode for entitled crybabies was great, and so was having 3 dungeons per patch- can we go back to that level of content and difficulty yet?

>almost all raiders do
yeah I know most "hardcore" raiders have alts for weekly lockout shit, but this is 3.3 late patch census
ERP alts usually don't have the latest story done
in general I'd say the number of alts is smaller then the number of people that don't have the minion (low level mainly, but other reasons can apply too)

>The leveling experience is great.
>200 fetch quest

Those low level ERP alts still show up on the total amount of active characters alongside the number of new players or players on older patches, which still means the game has less than 500k subs out of 6 million accounts, and less than 232k players at endgame.

FF Brave exvius is better than all this post FFXII games and we know the FFVII remake and the FFXV are gona suck ass.

>no text mention
I can see why that page didn't show up
3.9m demon hunters created with no extra info.
wonder if it counts the chinks, because this number looks kinda low

Why do people keep hyping the story in this game? Shit is so bland and boring as fuck and filled with the most pathetic forgettable cast of characters ive seen in a ff game. The coil questline was pretty much the only decent excuse of a story this game had to offer

>Can't expect much from a creatively bankrupt person like Yoshi-P. All her can do is copy WoW, and remind fans of the good games in the series.
Where did all the Yoshi-P love went?

When level up your stats increase a bunch, you get an allotment point, you can equip a better weapon and you unlock a new skill to fit into your rotation that grants you the ability to deal a lot more damage. Your DPS at level 40>41 might go from 50 to something crazy like 70 in a single level.
Quests are like a test graded on a curve, and you pass if you clear them faster than 90% of your peers.

When you hit the level cap though you have to run expert roulette 5 days in a row to buy a single accessory that might give you 1% more DPS, and you're only allowed 1 per week due to caps.
The endgame structure is fucked up in how unrewarding it is. I genuinely find more fulfilment going through the MSQ for the 8th time (just made a new alt the other day) than running Expert Roulette for the billionth time.

Are there new tomestones yet?
if there are, what do the armors look like? The primal armor was underwhelming and not worth trying to get.

>Wonder why FFXIV is flopping then
Because HW sucked balls since they diverted most of the dev team and money into the shitfest that is XV, so there was no good content to actually get people to want to play.

let this piece of shit die

How I feel about FFXI post-Abyssea.

Adoulin era is fine now, kinda old way in some way.

>Because HW sucked balls since they diverted most of the dev team and money into the shitfest that is XV, so there was no good content to actually get people to want to play.

What's with FFXIV team and excuses

>PS3 limitation

Just admit the team sucks balls, FFXI skeleton crew did more with FFXI RoV than Yoshi-P baby in 3 months.

No it doesn't, because it doesn't count anyone who hasn't caught up to the 3.3 storyline. It's a shitty inaccurate way of counting that at best serves as a minimum because it doesn't count the tons of people who are new to the game, or just haven't even gotten to Heavensward.

But I thought most FFXIV played it for the story?