Can someone explain to me why the new Doom is not "true" to Doom ie the first two games...

can someone explain to me why the new Doom is not "true" to Doom ie the first two games? I remember a lot of shit was posted months ago about it.

people are panzies

Maybe because you can jump and its full of jumping puzzles for secrets? They must really hate jumping for secrets.

I don't get it either. I mean, it's not a complete 1:1 copy of the original Doom, but it's a hell of a lot closer than Doom 3.

never played Doom myself but the main complaints I remember from when D44m came out were about the lack of crazy shit e.g. high movement speed, rocket jumping, etc.

Doom 3 was a violent butchering of the franchise for the sake of showing off lighting effects. People complaining about the new DOOM most just stubborn hold outs from Denuvo crybabies and people who like I, got upset when they saw E3 footage of doomguy hacking through slow moving zombies with the chain saw with repeated canned animations.

The game suffered from really retarded press releases that made it look really bad.

Doom 4 takes inspiration not from actual Doom but from pop culture Doom

what did he mean by this

Speaking characters and a plot drag it down.

Because the game plays like Painkiller instead of Doom

Because the game is already dead because there is zero mod support, unlike every other doom game.

Re:Zero is the worst anime i've seen this year

Too much focus on the dumb plot, cinematic press X to win executions, shitty platforming bits, etc.

It's nothing like the original Doom games.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Basically the devs were inspired by the comic instead of the actual game
That's why we get rip and tear/huge guts setting, the BFG and Brutal Doom executions but gameplay wise is completely different with platforming for upgrades etc

>People complaining about the new DOOM most just stubborn hold outs from Denuvo crybabies
Oh fuck off, I played it through Steam share and it was shit.

It was better than Doom 3, but it still felt like they were trying to bring in new casuals instead of appealing to the fans they already had.

I blame EA, mostly.

Is it gonna be good?
I played the Beta and thought it was terrible, but it turns out the MP was outsourced and is almost entirely unrelated to the campaign, and no review I've watched has disliked the campaign.
It doesn't look that good to me but it seems like something you have to play for yourself to really appreciate.
Is Snapmap fairly active? I'm hoping that will add a lot of replayability of I don't like the MP.

>Is it gonna be good?
It's bad. The level design - at least in some levels - isn't awful (I can see that some of the people who worked on D44M actually tried), but it's not great either and it is severely let down by the combat - which is bad in every way you could think of - and in particular by the fact that it relies way too much on arenas in which it spawns monsters and forces you to have a fight. I also think the visual design is mediocre and makes the game annoying to explore, and the music is really forgettable.

Another problem is the difficulty: Ultraviolence is dull and you can pretty much turn off your brain when you play on that difficulty, but Nightmare is tedious and mainly seems to increase monster damage (to the point where trash mobs 2 or 3-shot you) and numbers (or more accurately, I believe it increases the number of monsters you have to kill to clear an arena and not the number of monsters spawned at the same time, and this only exacerbates the problem with arenas).

Finally, despite people claiming the story doesn't get in the way, I found the game forces you to stop to either witness obvious shit or listen to an uninteresting speech way too often.

It's pretty good.

You're so full of shit.

>Finally, despite people claiming the story doesn't get in the way, I found the game forces you to stop to either witness obvious shit or listen to an uninteresting speech way too often.

The game barely does this. If you really want to see a game that truly stops you all the time, try Wolfenstein The New Order.

You'll find out next week.

>You're so full of shit.
You sure got me.

And no I'm not interested in playing TNO given that I've heard it's a shittier D44M.

Shit I bought that too lol.

Please keep this cancer anime out of v you Reddit faggot.