People playing videogames in movies

>people playing videogames in movies
>randomly pushing buttons

Other urls found in this thread:

>people actually playing video games
>one is calmly playing
>the other is trashing about and mashing like a madman at random
>the second guy wins

Has there ever been a movie that portrayed vidya as well as Reign Over Me?

Stop going to premiere night. Kids/teens are crappy movie goers.

>watching new season of narcos
>son is playing video games with his dad
>its a sega genesis
>actual controller
>theyre talking about what you actually should do in the game
>pick up the pipe
>dialogue about how the son is actually about to beat up a girl.
>show game
>it's streets of rage

>people playing video games in movies
>the movie is set in 2010+
>don't see the actual game but hear sounds that seem like they could be out of the original pac-man

>people playing video games in hentai


>Randomly mashing buttons
>blips and bloops coming from the TV
>I got to level 27
>A new high score!

>people playing video games in a tv show/movie
>beep boop noises


>playing videogames in movies
>people say the most ridiculously cliche things
>Haha, I beat the evil dragon! Awesome, a new high score!


I knew what it was the from the first second of music

Those games are carved into my brain forever

>kid is playing a shooter game
>camera shows the tv
>just a gun aiming down the sight and firing
>kid is pressing every button repeatedly so hard his arms are shaking

>girls in porn playing video games
>aren't even holding the controller correctly

>girl and guy playing videogame
>guy let's girl win/girl wins
>usually followed by some variation of "girl power"

>they take their left hand off the controller
>the character on screen keeps moving

He's not talking about the audience user.

hey, there are games with a feature to let your character keep moving while you type text and similar during travels

>people preparing to start playing video games
>the monitor gets unplugged once they start playing

>playing someone online in a fighting game
>all they're doing is randomly pushing buttons

Sauce pls

Fucking hate the "High score" trope

Sauce me senpai

must have been playing street fighter

There's a movie where a blonde woman is playing Punch Out for the Wii and is going against Glass Joe. At the end she says "LEVEL 5!".

If anyone could tell me where this is from that would be great.

think it actually was, it was some fighter anyhow

was thinking of The Tester

best picture of palutena i've ever seen


>what tv shows is not a real game but some ugly 3d cgi video

youre doingit wrong user

She actually says level nine, never mind.
I found a decent clip of it but I'm still trying to find out what movie or tv show it's from.

The way Community did it was pretty cool, they practically made the whole episode in pixel art with only a few scenes in live action.

>person clearly playing Xbox 360
>TV makes 80s arcade game sound effects

>tfw got beaten at soul caliber IV by my 8-year old random button mashing niece

PM'd you, check your inbox :)

>characters are playing a game in a movie
>they get up to do something/go to another scene
>don't even pause the game
>the game music completely stops anyway

>kids playing game in a tv show/movie
>console's not even plugged in

>Big Zimbabwe Theory
>Sheldor doesn't drink, but still wants to get drunk
>plays RDR and goes to the saloon to simulate drinking
>actually shows RDR footage

They also made a halfway decent drinking and driving joke
>Leonard you want one?
>Nah, I'm playing GTA later tonight

I miss the tester, whole thing was so retarded

my problem with soul calibur. I would practice combos and strats for hours. only to really break even with my button mashing friend who would quit If I won more than 5 games in a row.

>get Pokken Tournament when it comes out
>friends are excited to play
>i've been looking forward to it so I get really into it
>get pretty good
>play a lot of online, win a lot
>friends come over
>one of them picks up controller and picks machamp
>literally doesn't even let me explain controls
>beats me by button mashing

This is why I don't play a lot of fighting games. They only work if you're around the same skill level.

>actually shows RDR footage
That's what we call product placement, Breaking Bad did the same thing with Sonic and Rage. Rage is actually shown in a couple of episodes, one for the actual gameplay and one with just the box, sneakily placed within shot when Walk and Jesse are fighting.

>VIDEO GAME shows two characters playing what is clearly a singleplayer game
You're better than this, Rockstar.

>get ridiculously good at Soul Calibur and Tekken because my roommate was a tourneyfag
>he moved country and now no one will play me anymore because i keep beating them into the ground

Fuckin house m.d. did a horrific job.

>that on-rails shooting section Jesse plays

I remember that, Jesse played with a light gun.
It's funny, most people who saw that probably just assumed RAGE was just some fictional game with a ridiculous title, like Demonic in Grandma's Boy.

>That episode of Scrubs
>Carla says "Follow my lead and jump in that Warthog. You drive, I'll man the machine gun and kill all the Jackals."
>Screen shows a singleplayer game that isn't Halo

Remember when Badger and Skinny P. namedropped Left 4 Dead when they were debating zombies?

>Movie shows a kid playing a video game
>It's absurdly inappropriate

World at War too

Don't they mention Las Plagas as well?

Oh fuck, what movie is this from? I totally remember seeing this game in something.

It's from Inside Man. Good movie.


Not enough games let you stick a grenade in someone's mouth.

i liked it in The Office

I really should rewatch Breaking Bad again, might start it when i finish rewatching Spartacus.

Same, I watched it in too many separate parts.

Replaying SotC over and over seems a bit excessive even if it is great but it was done pretty well.

That shit had some of the best lines in television history and they all came out of this fucker's mouth.

>You kiss my cheek only to finger my asshole?

>screen shows metroid zero mission


>characters in a video game doesn't know how video games work

Why is this humorous to me?

What's the name of that CSI episode that everyone keeps talking about here?

>show has video game reference
>its mario

alright we get it, mario is the most iconic video game character. also it would be nice if there were video game references that isn't retro games

You sure you're not talking about Law and Order: ironically subtitled Special Victims Unit? It's called Intimidation Game.

>fictional game with a ridiculous title, like Demonic in Grandma's Boy
That was actually a game in development at the time, then it got cancelled.

>Character is playing Halo on a laptop
>Both hands are on the keyboard

>Law and order

>GTA style game

>There is a rape minigame.

>Causes monster of the week bad guy to hit a woman with his car and rape her.

Thanks user

It's one of those rare occasions where an episode is so shit and retarded it ends up being unintentionally hilarious.


>He's playing video games while monolouging about how good he is at killing people.

>He's playing halo 3.

>On PC

>2 kids playing FFVIII together

You forgot to mention that he was playing with both hands on the keyboard.