Meanwhile, in Johto Sup Forums

Meanwhile, in Johto Sup Forums...

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Post yfw our boy Gold beat that faggot Red

what a shitty region

So has anyone tried sticking it in her yet?


Who hasn't?

Gold really does not get enough appreciation.

Everyone goes on and on about Red (and Blue). "Oh man, the Pallet Town Miracle Year was so great. Two kids in their rookie year took on all 8 gyms, became League Champion one right after the other, and even catalogued 151 species to complete Oak's First Edition Pokedex."

Gold in his rookie year cleared 16 gyms (meaning he beat former Champion Blue), became League Champion, catalogued 251 speices to complete the Second Edition Pokedex, and even challenged and beat former Champion Red atop Mt. Silver. But look around and it's all "Red this, Red that."

Infuriating. Gold deserves more fans.

New Bark Town Miracle Year > Pallet Town Miracle Year

I've always wondered where the train in Goldenrod cuts through. There's no tracks outside of Goldenrod and Saffron I think it was.

You're forgetting the fact that Gold actually put an end to the crime syndicates in both Johto and Kanto



Post your rattatas
Mine is definately among the strongest rattatas.

This place fucking sucks. Where should I move to, Hoenn or Unova?

Unova, unless you like swimming.

Hoenn, unless you like white trash.


Hoenn has two gangs that constantly fight, Unova has a bunch of liberals trying to stop pokemon battles. At least they have a badass theme they play when they battle you, though. Why the fuck do even battle you anyway if they want to stop pokemon battles?

Move to Sinnoh honestly, nice comfy region with lots of places to explore.

Unova has this freaky separatist hierarchy that says they care about Pokemon but really all they want is control over land

Hoenn is FILLED with a mix of liberals and religious nutjobs, also gangs are trying to get rid off all the land/water.

Overall, move to Kalos. Best cities and best women

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And then you'll still have fags insist that Red is stronger and say the postgame was noncanon.

Please, he lived in Johto.
If anyone has experience with white trash its him

>They live in Kanto's slums

How can I get my own house? There's just 2 and only 5 people live in here.

t. Firebreather

What the fuck ever happened to Giovanni? I remember some people saying that this little red-haired kid is his son, but I haven't heard anything about Giovanni in a long time.

Rocket bros where are you guys at? We need to try and find him again.

Do I need a passport to go to Kanto?

>tfw some fagget steals your Sneasel

Thats funny because Johto has higher property value and tax income that Kanto has in 10 years.


Dude literally just fucking fly or walk over there.

They'll probably ask for one if you go by boat/train. Security has been tightened ever since those Electrode and Graveler suicide bomber attacks.

Went into hiding. If you manage to get a Celebi into HGSS and take it into the Ilex Forest Shrine, Celebi will teleport you to Tohjo Falls at the time when Team Rocket invaded the Goldenrod Radio Tower. There, you find Giovanni about to head out to meet up with Team Rocket, and trounce his ass, putting a stop to it.

So what's the deal? Girl or feminine penis?

This. What ever happened to that nigger

all team rocket members meet in the lone shack near Lake of Rage.


Lets just say Lance needed a Transexual to add diversity points to the league

>part of the game
>not an easteregg
only the spergiest

Yes, fellow team rocketers this not a trick or anything.

Boy, he just has girlish hair and likes short shorts, because they're comfy and easy to wear!

>Have a lvl 36 Pidgeot
>Guy with lvl 12 Pidgeotto is a gym leader


>Property Values
>Ecruteak City still hasn't done a thing to fix the Brass Tower

Can someone please burn Eusine's stash of Suicune porn? People in Kanto could hear him beat off to it


But user thats not a woman thats a girl, a young and highly illegal to fuck girl. I though you said there were WOMEN in your region?

Why would you go there? Kanto pokemon are shit.

I heard Kanto is going to annex us
I'm scared

They want to inflate property values by leaving useless shit in plots so they're out of the market, dropping supply.

This place sucks, it's like Kanto but shittier

Boy, I worked for Team Plasma for a while because I was jobless and they would feed me if I worked for them.
Their king or boss or whatever is autistic as fuck, while their sages are creepy as hell. The headsage, ghetsis is a fucking sociopath, he tries to manipulate everyone around him for some goal I don't know. I left as fast as I could. Earning money through Battles is suffering.

Why are Pokemon women so much better than human women?

What Pokemon would you marry and impregnate?

Didn't Kalos have some nutjob try to commit genocide on the entire country a few years back?

You gonna be mine now nigger

That's just an urban legend user
There's no proof or any recording

Hoy fuck you sick fuck


Do I look like a give a fuck anymore? Team Rocket Power forever

Each region has had one of those


>There are people who pray to Lugia rather then our true lord Ho-oh

Just listen to his theme

Why would you want to pray to some shitty sea bird when you could pray to the fucking sun bird?

They're all tanned pacific folks who love trumpets

Everyone has their assholes


People might think me weird, but that cave over to the east of Violet has become one of my favourite spots to just hang out. All you need is a light source and you're good to explore at least the areas next to the entrance. I swear, that place feels like it's filling me with creative powers or something, I always get this killer industrial tune stuck in my head while walking about the place. If I was more knowledgeable about music I'd write it down note by note and make the sickest single this world has ever known

Although it's rare, sometimes I also run into other people in there. They always say they're looking for some really rare Pokemon. I wonder what exactly those guys think they know.

He was saying Unova is the one with white trash which isn't true either

>People fell for the Chikorita meme

You posted her

Unova's filled with niggers, hippies, and white trash
Seriously, that skank Elesa was caught doing drugs and puking in the toilet
Her modeling career is over


I'm sure it's great there, but wasn't there a whole case with those weirdos running around saying they wanted to "create a new world?"

Undercover cop that's a Plasma grunt here, Ghetsis is fucking insane. N is actually pretty cool, but he always follows whatever Ghetsis says. I'm thinking of doing a full-blown raid soon with Looker to get this guy arrested before he does something insane.

He also has his sages fucking chant his name all the time, just listen to this shit:

Holy shit guys, a fucking entei just crashed into my house and it was fuckong asleep. Caught it, but now what? Should I train it and burn myself through the gyms?

Any of you Sup Forumsirgins going to the Driftveil tourney this year?

I've been trying to pump myself up to go this year but after seeing that newcomer kid literally sweep through an entire roster of elite ass trainers a couple years back I don't think I could ever live down getting sweeped by a newbie. The fuck kinda drugs did he pump his pokemon with?

Anyone participating?
Heard it was fun


What a surprise, Unova the region that birthed the abortion that is Team Plasma is full of degenerate Pokefuckers. Yiff in hell, sicko.

Which region has the best women?

I prefer Pokemon Boys

>implying drugs and puking in the toilet aren't what girls do to get their modeling careers in the first place

Sell it and use the money to find Suicune and then give it to some fruity fuck in a purple dress. He will probably pay you enough to get the fuck out of Johto and not work a day in your life

Holy shit guys I decided to go to Sinnoh and explore Spear Pillar, and I fucking heard this And now there's a fucking giant pokemon god here.

I'm currently hiding, what the fuck do I do?

Come to Unova, we got some bugs for you to catch.

>Go to Unova
>Get shot

Has anyone been keeping up with the shit going on in Ferrum? I like watching some of their battles on TV but then there was some weird shit and some broadcasts were cancelled or something.

I just want Machamp-bro to win guys, but he's the underdog that no one supports.

Region bicycle

If you don't shower can you please stop showing up to dragons den? I'm trying to train my dratini and you neckbeards keep crowding the place.

>Not wanting Pikachu Libre to win

She's gonna take everyone to suplex city.

>all this autism


But it has a penis right?
Please tell me it has a penis.


This fucking contest.

>Participate when I was 17
>Catch a badass Pinsir
>Lose to some 10-year-old and his fucking Caterpie

Not like I needed that fucking Sun Stone anyway. Still mad.

isn't the legal age 13 in johto?

>Being scared of Scrafties
>Not having the proper Pokemon at your disposal
>Not going the extra mile to get your money's worth
>Implying you'll get killed in Unova and not in Kanto's polluted cities

Hoenn is a great place. Top tier women, so much water to swim and get fit, too many trumpet bands here though.

I'm from the Orre region, ask me anything.

Did you have your pokemon stolen?


>Be me
>Living in Orre
>There are almost no fucking Pokemon here natively
>Almost the entire region is just rocks and desert and wasteland
>Have to import Pokemon from other regions and that's expensive as hell
>Criminal scum keep stealing everyone's fucking pokemon

I want out of this place. What's a nice, quiet place where I won't get mugged but is cheap enough that even I can live there? Ideally some place that's not surrounded by more fucking rocks or desert

>tfw I'm too much of a poorfag to import a single Pokemon

I miss Kanto.



Look at the tail, user.

Fucking agreed. Gold is better than Red, who was fantastic too.