Okay guys, this game

Okay guys, this game.
This fucking game.

There's one thing I'm afraid of, and one thing alone, and it's something Nintendo has consistently dropped the ball on recently.


Anybody that doesn't think a good degree of difficulty is needed in ANY game basically is just plain fucking wrong. I can't play easy brain dead games anymore, they put me to sleep, they do fuck all for me.

Now Zelda technically has never been hard (inb4 zelda 2) but that doesn't mean they can't inject a good amount of challenging difficulty into the game, especially in a title like BoTW which looks ripe for such a thing.

I should clarify too, when I say I want some difficulty, I'm not deluded enough to expect each encounter with random monsters to be an ordeal to get through.
I'm merely asking for shit to not be brain dead, especially as the game progresses.

Now the Bokoblins we've seen so far are fine IMO. It's the start of the game and yes they're easy but they still have their quirks. My fear is that the difficulty won't increase much from that starting point.

I hope we get some completely optional areas & bosses that cater towards people looking for challenge that normies can, if they wanted to, ignore.
Saying that though, I still don't want the main game to be too easy either. I'd like a solid progression in difficulty.

What's your hopes/fears? Post here.

BoTW thread nigga's.

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Have a bump for your thread, OP

the difficulty in zelda comes from puzzles, it legitimately hasn't been difficult since the super nintendo entry, and even that and zelda 1 aren't very hard since their death and combat systems are very forgiving. i wouldn't be worried about that, i would be worried more about this openworld focus

Would have enjoyed participating but you had to be racist. Not black, but I ain't your "nigga."

I think it should be fine, since we've seen stuff like the Guardians and the Steppe Talus one-shotting people left and right. That first Guardian has a laser that deals at least 5 hearts of damage, and the ones that move are apparently fast enough to keep up with you on horseback.

It looks promising so far.

It's going to be beatable by 11 years olds like every other zelda game.

The way i see this wrking is by enabling Hero mode from the start.
This may probably be the longest zelda game so far, so having to finish the game in order to get a chellenging experience seems off.

Maybe at the end of the plateau (the "tutorial" area) you are able to choose a difficulty, hopefully.

I also hope for more types of enemys, I'm not so worrid about this, since zelda has always had varied enemys from area to area.

Also, IIRC Bill stated in one talk with a youtuber that he once head off just walking and walking, and had like 3or 5 hearts still, and when he had gone far enough we tried to get back he had a lot of touble getting back because of the enemies.
He literally said
"If you go far enough without the proper gear or supplies, you are going to get your butt handed back to you"

So that sound pretty recomforting

There's not really that much of a need for a Hero Mode since you can already self-impose something equivalent in the game by itself by doing something like a no-clothes run

You do realize the aoe from the Guardian's laser did 7 1/2 hearts of damage, right?

And that's just the aoe, not a direct hit.

I think they're being a bit more aware of the difficulty this time around, but they really can't just make it up and SUPER HARD MODE the entire thing because Zelda and all.

I hope there is a wide range of enemies in the game. The preview showed that the desert area was still nothing but bokoblins, same as the plateau

>The preview showed that the desert area was still nothing but bokoblins
>Lizalfos are now Bokoblins

There were no lizalfos


Difficulty and the game being an open world of nothingness like MGSV

That's a bokoblin

>bokoblins have lizard tails

There is no tail. It's a bokoblin

user check your eyes

>There is no tail

You will not get a hard Zelda game with Aonuma in charge. He enjoys making games for kids. He's very open about it.

It certainly looks more difficult than the average Zelda game, but nothing special.
I have some hope due to the insane damage the Guardians do.

Why thank you user, I pretty left the thread for dead since it was on page 10.

I am indeed. As I said, I'm quite happy with the starting difficulty we've seen, it looks very on point.
My worry is purely that the games difficulty won't progress much from there. Might seem crazy and unlikely but I never really felt games like windwaker got much more difficult from the beginning either

That sounds promising, I hope it is indeed like that.

Is this a troll? Are we being trolled?

It's a bokoblin

>it was a troll thread after all

It's gonna be pissweak easy, like all modern Nintendo games. Accept it now so you don't get too disappointed.

We literally have Aounuma quoted as saying one of the most challenging parts of designing the game was making sure that night time was not too "dark and scary".

>like all modern games


Hey Maelstrom. How's it going?

>We literally have Aounuma quoted as saying
source or GTFO

You're taking that quote out of context. What they meant is that they wanted to keep the night from being so dark players feel discouraged from exploring during that time and just skip to day

If you watch some of the videos the game is very challenging in a few areas. You must be aware of the environment and where Link is fighting.

Example, if you go crazy with the fire rod in a grassy area you might burn your self to death. Trying to swim in freezing water you kill you in seconds. Link can get knocked out and roll off a cliff and plummet to his doom.

This Hyrule actually feeling like danger could be around any corner

whats with the manbun

considering there are enemies that can one hit kill you from the demo and that you can actually die from fall damage, I think it's safe to say there will at-least be SOME challenge.

Not him, but.


“We didn’t want to create something that was dark and scary. I’ve been up a tall mountain at night and seen the stars; it was completely dark, but the starlight made it brighter. I wanted our nighttime environment to be something like that. And when it’s dark, there are elements in the environment that glow, so the player can use those to find their way.”

Therr might be different selectable modes of difficulty from the start considering Nintendo's obsession with trying to market to 2 different groups of people

yeah i hope they step it up in difficulty or at least have a harder mode
recently played through twilight princess and it was a complete joke

Hero Mode for TPHD was nice, upped the challenge a little bit.

I could've sworn this game came out already.

Hello, I work at Nintendo and I can clear up some things. It will be punishingly difficult, we have implemented level scaling so you will never not have challenge even lategame with all the cool unique loot you have collected. There is also always a worry of resources, we wanted survival and you can't survive without a full stomach!

I doubt the main game will be much challenging, but maybe Hero Mode will help.
I think it was in ALBW that they decided to multiply damage by 4, making some attacks OHKO early on.

All they need is to allow it to be selected from the beginning, like they did in WWHD and TPHD.

Hero Mode is kind of a weak way of adding difficulty. Taking more damage doesn't do a lot if the enemies are still braindead morons that never attack and leave themselves open all the time.

Sounds like he just wants the player to be able to find their way at night. Still I would have loved if they used the lantern to let the player explore the really dark areas. Dragons Dogma did this really good

I think a lantern for darker dungeons and as a general puzzle-solving device seems very plausible.

If it launches with Hero Mode then it'll be fine. Hero Mode could even make WW and TP seem like a little bit of a challenge on occasion, and the default difficulty on those games was beyond piss easy. It also helps that the health/rupees seem to be considerably revamped in BotW to be significantly less cheesable so there's that. Now that the idea's being explored, the old implementation of those mechanics outstayed their welcome by a good 15 years now that I think about it. Oracles were the last Zelda games to not feel like its difficulty was completely wrecked by them.

>Dragons Dogma did this really well

Did we play the same game? You couldn't see more than 10 feet in front of you.

I'm more worried about the framerate

If you want difficulty in a Zelda game you're looking at the wrong franchise

>he didn't get the lantern radius skill perk

I can be your nigga if you know what I mean
cotton biting time

Who here is going to put restrictions on themselves in terms of food?

I think walking into a dungeon with a stockpile of the best food would kill difficulty, but at the same time, I'm glad they did shit this way. Much better than finding random hearts etc.

>You couldn't see more than 10 feet in front of you.
that was the point

Neat look at the music of the game:

main point almost every Zelda game has taken after the mid romantic era music of the ate 18th to early 19th century right down to the instruments used. this one is impressionistic music of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

>a good degree of difficulty is important
I agree with this. however, your idea of a "good degree of difficulty", I'm going to guess without wasting my life on reading more of your post, is more along the lines of "excessively punishing for no reason", and thus, your opinion is without merit.

remember, children. "obnoxious" and "tedious" to not mean "challenging". they mean "this game is bad, but the devs have tried to stretch your play time so you won't realize it unless you're really paying attention".

speaking of which:

only fucking rip of the music I can find that's decent even if it just is a rip of the youtube trailer.


I mean, fuck, we had a rip of Sins of the Father a couple hours after it premiered, yet a few months after the BotW trailer and we still don't have anyone trying to make a clean version of the song.