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Fuck no. It might as well have been a concentrated effort to make this board even worse.

Didn't they give up?

I'm sorry you're retarded

spotted the nu-males

Wonder what's with the GG threads lately. Did Hotwheels finally off himself like he'd been whining about doing for pity donations for God knows how long?


Someone post those Reddit-tier comics.

For what.

I don't apologize for having fun

Even as pro-GG, I'll say it.


2 year anniversary.

Worst thing to come from this was when people from tumblr and reddit began to use this site as the GG HQ or some shit

Also, Internet Aristocrat is a huge retard

People way overreact like this was the worst thing ever, saying it damaged our reputation. Since when did we give a fuck about that? It's anonymous and has always been known as the edgy shithole that pisses people off, who the fuck thinks we should have some respected status? The fact that you can't even say you agreed with some points of it without being shouted down shows how many faggots has infested this board.

I think after Sup Forums ran them off they moved to reddit. There's a subreddit called KotakuInAction where they seem to congregate now.

Fine. I'm Sorry you're a pussy. I'm sorry you can't function in society without making people cater to your imagined "Triggers".I'm sorry you pay attention whores money for shit that never gets released.

Ans mostly I'm sorry.... That your mother didn't have the Abortion.

GG probably saved the video game industry from going to total shit.

When will we let this fucking shell of an event die already for the love of god.

Kek. Since when did Sup Forums turn into SJW nu-male paradise.

God no. Gamergate was pure cancer despite the originally pure inentions.
Sup Forums still hasn't recovered.


since the furfags invaded

I feel sorry you didn't succeed, leftists still plague this Earth.

I still don't know what this was about

it was
>moot banishes gamergate fags
>they go to cripple chan
>it's dead as fuck who knew

then they went to reddit or simply came back

Since the very beginning, then, eh?




It's just Sup Forums being contrarian as usual.

Exposed the double think thought police, the Hypocrisy of liberal self loathing virtue signaling retards.

Gg was a good thing.

GG needed a more centralized system. It was too disorganized.


Duke Nukem couldn't ask for a better father

The mods on this board were autistic.

Couldn't handle what was going on and didn't want to get blamed or anything.

Nerds not wanting to be shit on decided to fight against the media, they lost since the media is adept at writing themselves the winner and the other side the devil.

vivian is cute


fuck sjws

Thank you #GamerGate for being right about everything, and for being the hero we need, but don't deserve.

It was originally about improving vidya journalism and it ended up becoming a huge shitshow.


I liked the first couple of nights when it was just about making fun of indie idiots and faggot journalists

then it never ended

Can someone give me the sparknotes on what GG actually was/is?

The only bad thing GG did was lose.

They've come and gone and will never be accepted
Creating false history won't help you

Why'd he end up banning it anyway?

Lose what?
Gaming journalists are more hated than ever.

>It's just Sup Forums being contrarian as usual.
This tells me right away you're new, and actually cancer.

>Anons finally decide to move their fat asses and react to the gaming media shitting on their throats
>They force the FTC to renew their CoI policies, fund TFYC, make the best daughteru ever, support various charities and fight against censorship in general
>Some people just reading the wikipedia article STILL thinks this was just about woman hating despite going for Steven Tortilla and Nathan Grayson amogst others
>Mfw 2 years and going strong for an internet movement


Gamergate did about as good of a job at stopping corruption in gaming journalism as hairspray does putting a fire out

i'd tell you but i don't feel like getting banned
i just got out of a ban a few days ago

Is this bait? I can't tell. Someone help me out here. Is this bait?

True. They were so right and this board crucified them.


Because it was only ostensibly video games.

Prove me wrong, faggot.

Because a board that should be about video game discussion was filled with threads about journalism.

Because he's a

U .. U
K .. K

mad nerds spending two years of their lives angry that people called them mad nerds

All the bitching and it was Hulk Hogan who gave the real fatal blow.
Thank you Hulkster.

Not videogames.
It was clearly turning into a raid.

Sup Forums being contrarians again. Cause that gets them...somewhere?

>completely stopped visiting Sup Forums around the time this whole thing started

Glad I dodged this bullet. It's too bad it attracted more obnoxious SJWs though.

Gawker died, which was kinda the number 1 goal of GamerGate at the start, so... eh?



if you want the media manipulation on GG, just go to wikipedia and see how ridiculous it gets.

It did get centralized. Eventually. Under Vox fucking Day who used it to start the puppy shit and try and rig the Hugos for himself.

You can't even get a nice hardcover of Throne of Bones (which is fucking Roman fantasy - a rare as fuck setting if it's not historical fiction) for anything less than $300 because retarded GGers spiked the prices because they were buying it "for da cause."

Nope, they actually won. Game journalism is actually viewed as a joke now openly. Now everyone can be cynical, and judgmental about mediocre and shitty products that companies put out. Just like with No Man's Sky recently. It is fucking wonderful.

GamerGate is literally justice.

Yeah, video game journalism.


It started with a particular indie dev promoting her game and Sup Forums shitting all over the game because it sucked ass but for some reason that no one could quite figure out it was popular with sites like kotaku. Sup Forums ended up coming to the conclusion that someone must have done favors for someone so they started shitting all over these sites. The sites retaliated by calling all gamers a bunch of losers or some shit and called for an end to the term "gamer". Then the GamerGate was officially formed and the people in the group started complaining to advertising companies accusing these sites of bullying which was very effective and it caused kotaku to lose many of its sponsors. Kotaku and the rest of the media painted these people as bullies as well and branded the whole movement as a hate group and people bought into it.

>furfag revisionism
The only people you're going to convince are furry newfags, you know.

I'm glad that Chanology 2.0 shit got kicked off Sup Forums. Nothing but retards with half baked arguments using the same tactics as SJWs to disguise the fact that they really just have a social agenda just like all the other trannies and SJWs by pretending to be relevant to videogames.

You faggots lost all credibility as soon as you tried to move to Twitter because you revealed the one thing everyone knew, you were all disillusioned newfags with no concept of how other social platforms work and couldn't wrap your heads around people just not wanting to engage you in a debate but ridicule you. It was embarrassing to watch. You probably think Smegma King is the funniest shit too.

There is literally nothing wrong with SJWs, you're all just projecting hard.


>Wasnt about games
>Shitposting overflowed
>Bans happened
>Shitposting hit critical mass

gamergate faggots are just the other side of the same coin as SJWs

You mean the gay guy they fucked over who funded the Hulkster's campaign?

That's what they want. It makes them cockier and they are more likely to post

He couldn't handle being a part of something bigger than himself.

Post the comic. You know the one,

because REAL MEN sit on twitter shitting themselves over politics in video games

Every time I see this image, I want the industry to be destroyed.

Yes. No one was talking about video games, they were talking about journalists.
It was basically the equivalent of the usual twitter screencap threads taking up the entire catalog.
Which is awful.

I hate to post this picture, but you force me to.

lol epic win
really made me think

The part I don't get is why anyone would suddenly give a shit about gayman journalism.

Its not like it was ever a trust worth source even before it involved trans and fags.

The backlash against sjw retards wouldn't be nearly as big if it wasn't for gg.



nu-Males are cancer. We can all agree with this.

Was gg a mistake?

What did it accomplish besides giving femmies another excuse to get attention for themselves

>Sup Forums can barely get vidya threads as it is
>'movement' that appeals to MRAs would open the floodgates to faggots who want to meme it up

You're just proving me right.

Checks out, Moot should be ashamed.

>this is what you nerds actually believe

Sup Forums somehow thinks it matters to society now


It was only tangentially related to videogames as it was mostly just talking about politics and borderline /r9k/ shit.


do any of the words you just said have a definition fag

Let's be real here.
Hulk Hogan should be the one to get all the glory for killing Gawker.

1. FTC regulations
2. SPJ Airplay