Did Millennials ruin gaming?
Did Millennials ruin gaming?
No, normies ruined gaming.
Millennials refers to literally billions and billions of people.
>gen Z
Aryan "scientists" got nothing on you,OP
>Gen Z
>not self-centered
>falling for the generation meme
>Gen Z better than millenials
Is this a joke?
>tfw gen Z
This, every generation since Plato shit talks about the next generation and praises their own.
>Having gen 7 and 8 as childhood/teenage years
>better than millenials
>generation memes
Gen Z is better than millennials. Gen Z is red pilled
this image is the epitome of irony
>Gen Z
oh darn did your other thread get deleted?
Gen Z believes in memes, like, actually thinks it has real bearing on reality. That's just plain pathetic.
Don't doubt the power of meme magic
>Gen Z
I do faggot what do you think anonymous is anything other than a Fox news joke?
Most of this board are millennials, i'd say it's 50/50. There are the ones that fell for the sjw/whitknight/gamergate/hipster/pink hair whatever else memes, and then normal people.
This is without a doubt the best bait I've ever seen, and make no mistake, it will become a meme spread all over the net. You won't be able to go anywhere without seeing it.
I'm a "millennial" btw, born 87.
This. That age gap is pretty fucking huge too. People born in fucking 81 had a vastly different childhood than ones born in 96.
>Generations that's yet to even reach adulthood has defining traits
That's a trap right
2007 influx of casuals did
>Posting this on Sup Forums
Nigger, the entirety of Sup Forums is self-righteous, egotistical millennials. Me included.
But Baby boomers are considered 1946-1964 and I don't see many 70 year olds complain about being lumped in with 51 year olds
Generations are 15-20 years, even if the beginning is always different from the end
No normalfags did just like every other hobby.
Baby Boomers are almost dead, people need to find a new group of people to blame society's shortcomings on
because society is literally degrading
late capitalism ruined gaming
late capitalism ruins everything
user, have you ever interacted with still water? a touch creates ripples on the surface. any motion creates movement, even a small one. there's really nothing stopping ideas from forcing their way into reality, even if they're stupid and baseless - it just how things are
You're a generation of cookiecutter pornaddicts
Gen Z get to revel in all the out of wedlock births, bizarro "I gotta dick but Imma a woman" or "I got vagina yet imma man please treat me as one" all men are rape pigs, kill all the white people, cuckadoodledoo culture the West has now.
I expect them all to be insane by the time they reach 30.
Gen Z are the indigo children.
Not OP but I've seen it on Sup Forums once before.
the only ones that argue about "millenials" and "gen z" are dumb fucking americans, yu cock suckers have way too much time on your hands
nice 9gag tier image friend
I think it should be just, "Women ruin anything."
>different age groups
These kids that aren't 18 yet wouldn't know shit about entitlement. The claim that millennials are entitled comes from us not wanting to pay out the ass so corporations get richer.
>I literally believe in magic
>please respect how educated and grounded I am
Gen Zero attention span
yes, good doujin too
But I've seen tons of British, Canadians, and Australians use the generational terms too
>People born in fucking 81 had a vastly different childhood than ones born in 96.
This. I'm a teacher and I was born in 1988. My students who were born in the late 90s or early 2000s had a much different upbringing.
you guys running out of things to complain about?
So the solution is to be super elitist and anyone with the slightest opposing opinion should be crucified?
What the hell is supposed to be the difference between "creative" and "innovative?"
how old is this fucking kid
Nice butthurt reply.
yeah, but they were influenced by american crap
How do you think Sup Forums held off Naruto for so long?
You call this bait?
>late 90s
1996 is arguably mid nineties
>normalfag detected
welcome to Sup Forums faggot
>12-18 years old
>self reliant
Find me one self reliant and innovative 12-18 year old. Go ahead.
fuck off nu male
>turns out most Sup Forumsirgins are actually millenials
Wow, that explains why this place is shit.
Retarded faggot detected.
I would agree, I wasn't including 96 when I said late 90s, I haven't had a student born in 96 in awhile.
No you! Fag lord.
What the fuck
Why does the millennial generation span 15 years, but this "Gen Z" shit only go for 6? Wouldn't it make more sense for this nebulous idea of generations to span roughly an equal amount of time?
>muh lennials
>Welcome to Sup Forums circa 2004-07 faggot
Both Melinnial and Gen Z applies to me
>self reliant
gen Z here. 18 years old and a senior in high school. most of the kids i know tend to lean towards more conservative ideals, but there's a few kids who are total SJWs.
Most of Sup Forums is in the 18-35 range so no shit.
It's annoying how they retroactively made "millenials" a thing. Didn't it used to be gen x, y, and z? Not that those weren't stupid too...
So basically you're a delusional faggot
Are they casuals?
If so, then yes.
I have a question
Im a millenian, but I was raised as an 80's kid
I mean, I like old rock music
I practice old school sports
I like old comedy show
Am I really a millenian?
>you'll never be Generation Z
>you'll forever be a shitty millenial
>implying there's anything wrong with being a lord of the fags
You're a milleniman
The actual Generation Z anthem: youtube.com
>12-18 years old
>Being realist and self-reliant
The fuck am I reading?
As long as you don't grow up to be a complete fucking loser who mooches off of his parents then no, you're good.
>Implying that ideas, no matter how strong or believed, can influence reality or make things real or true when they aren't
Nigga wat
I don't get the point of grouping millions of people together into "generation ". The generations aren't even well defined and seem to change constantly. I seriously doubt these groups of people are really that well defined that they can be generalized in any meaningful way. Grouping by the president would probably make sense like Reagan era, HW Bush, Clinton, "Dubya", Obama
...and why you're here
>used on someone who's a realist
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
>Responding with a facebook tier reaction image
You aren't helping your case here.
Oh god. She is going to be the biggest righteous cunt when she grows up.
Even better that what she said is truth.
>call them millenials
>they're not born in the turn of the millenium
Well crafted bait.
If you're an 80's kid in that you were 10-20 during the 80's, no. If you were born in the 80's, then yes. Millennial originally was the concept of people becoming adults turn of the millennium.
"Dang nabbit them Millennials in my workplace accumulating power when they have no respect for it..." etc.
As opposed to the absolute brilliance that was your image?
>there will be kids that grow up on fucking memes
end it
Big money ruined video games.