Anything The Binding Of Isaac related

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Are there any mods worth playing other than Heretic? I 100%'ed this shit ages ago and have been having fun recently with aforementioned mod.

Godmode is a good one, do you find mods at The Modding Of issac?

So how's that 1001% coming along?

lol done

Edmund McMillan, the creator of Binding of Isaac, on GamerGate & how retarded game journalists and other indies are.

>Another minion version of Gurdy
I have some concerns.

Why is Cain so shit?

Cause Rabbit's Foot Nerf was totally unnecessary and dumped him in irrelevancy.

Afterbirth+ fucking when?

Should have been here when Afterbirth came out with 0 Afterbirth or Afterbirth content and just the modding kit+Workshop for free.
Then, Edmund would have remained a praised "Good" developer instead of "Petty manchild who holds a grudge over the smallest things and enjoys fucking over the people who play his game."

Can I still exploit Krampus? I never finished rebirth, and haven't bought afterbirth.

His wife is a vapid cunt whose voice sounds like a 6-year-old's. "Hee hee I am so cute and edgy with my rape jokes hee hee." Edmund's got money now. Why doesn't he drop this land whale?

I finally found spied a Bomb Bum today, from a judgement card.

Well, if she's loyal and he enjoys being around here then what's wrong?

There's something to be said for love, commitment and loyalty.

what have i done...

Sorry, I don't have images of steaks saved on my terminal

works better on the vita than I thought it would
and it's perfect for a portable system

just wish there was an easy way to reset
>we ran out of buttons
fuck off tyrone, the fucking thing has TWO touchpads
buttons are never a problem

Is the 3DS version not god awful yet?

i have it. its not really horrible. at least its playable. just like bayonetta on ps3. people complain over the framerate even though the game is still playable.

This is the code for a custom challenge in Afterbirth+.

For any code monkeys out here, what do you think? Honestly I'm concerned about the magic numbers in lines 19-20.

it's not really about the framerate (at least not entirely)

>music problems with extended play
>game may crash after picking up an item because fuck you
>no content updates because nicalis can't make an engine that runs A 2D GAME be stable

Now, I know what you're thinking: but there's a lot of objects onscreen moving and loading their AIs at the same time! of course it's gonna lag

Gauntlet the Dark Legacy on the gamecube could handle an amazing ammount of enemies on the screen without breaking a sweat in 3D, yet a handheld with as much almost power as the wii (minus the resolution) can't do the same in 2D? Eat a dick. It's the reason we don't get new content

>one of the items is the stupid fucking poop diaper item but beefed up

Oh great, another retarded fucking challenge, can't wait.

Who gives a fuck?

In fact, it's you have to only fight with the bomb diaper item, I don't think you get any tears at all in it.


>tfw want to make neat shit
>tfw too stupid to learn lua by picking shit apart
What are some good learning tools to get started figuring this stuff out? I'd love to start making stuff when Afterbith+ comes out, but I have very little experience with lua.

actually i kind of agree with you on that. i believe that if they really focus on the game they can create a better engine that can even run on the old 3ds and make the dlc for the 3ds (And if there's not enough power then make the dlc available only for the n3ds.)