I'm making a beat em up game that involves 3 hookers going after super pimps. Would anyone be interested?
I'm making a beat em up game that involves 3 hookers going after super pimps. Would anyone be interested?
I promise all dlc will be free.
Make one of the characters a sarcastic skeleton in a suit who was one of the hooker's best friends that rose from the dead to avenge themselves and do hard drugs, and you've got my interest.
It better have lewd super attacks and sexy moans when you take damage.
You mean superpimps as in superhero pimps? Or in the Superfly / dolemite, pimp of the year, pinacle of pimpness way? Or ubermensch in the german philisophical tradition as in the Will to Power?
To tack this question. Is this going to be AO? Full on hentai?
Pic is Sup Forums but related. About a superpowered ho'.
Can one of the hookers have a penus
I've made two different types of attacks. The ahegao system, collecting enough "orbs" will temporarily put you in a super overdrive mode. The other is a straight up cover the entire screen base move which will be lewd. I like butts.
The super pimps are stereotype type(like punch out) base villians who are dominating your turf.
Yes. One of them does have a penis, i haven't made names yet.
I like butts too. I'd buy it.
It won't be a hentai per say, i just want to focus on making a good lewd beat em up. However, I will include soft core mini games and later make free dlc of what the public wants.
Do you have a name for it yet?
>beat em up game that involves 3 hookers going after super pimps
But Brianna Wu already did that with Revolution 9 or whatever the fuck his shit was called.
Not yet. I'm not good at names. Trying to think of a name that won't get taken down off of steam or psn.
Might be cool. So what enemies do you fight?
Is there nonsensical nudity and gore? Can there be an ultimate called orgy where they all fuck in an AoE and at the end it stuns them and takes half their health?
On My Mark
Im not good with names either, After Hours?
Hook, Line, and Sinker
As of right now, we have made 5 different enemies that are not including the bosses.
>sex deprived teenagers
> rookie pimps
> female slime monsters
> female aliens
>my personal favorite, the hambeast
Will add more later down the line.
There's a little gore. The boss characters can get killed badly. Nudity is going to be what you would expect from senran kagura. I did make a implied orgy move when you have 3 people playing at the same time.
Should I make a twitter to post updates of said game? I want to keep you guys up to date and have user input to help my team.
Sure, go ahead.
What kind of art direction will the game have?
Glad you ask. Expect to see a good imitation of wayforward or scott pilgrim verses the world.
Why not 3 pimps going after their super hookers?
It had better be a feminine penis.
That doesn't even count as a game, and you know it.
Super Pimp Out
Final Trick
Sweet Slickback's Strong Hand of Doom
TQS: Tricky Quickie Slicky.
Save that for the sequel.
Here's a pitch: Pimping Musou, where you must slap the shit out of ho's, and convince their leaders to join your army.
Yeah, I'd play it if the combat and level design was engaging.
However, one of the prostitute must be a black woman.
This is very important for diversity.
And not just because I have severe jungle fever.
is it fun?
That bloke seems like a good lad.
I'd love to share a mug at the pub with him.
>and by a mug I mean his DICK.
Heck yeah. I love gimmicky beat em ups. Just remember local co-op
Cream Queens
One Fight Stand
Sorry, not a poofter.
it's not gay if it's a feminine dick.