Hi ask an sjw anything

hi ask an sjw anything

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Take a whiff of this...

hnnn... nnnnggggh...






ppfftt... brrghgrrFFFBBHHBFHRRRRTTTT

FFFFF- GURGLGRUURbuburubruburblebubrbur-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP... PLOP...

nngghhhhh... ngAAahh!!!...

nnhhHNNGGGHH- THTHHRRPRPTPHHHFFTTTgurgurburubrburburblebublburbububr- plip- plip drip... drip..

huh... Yaagh! jesus... nggggh...


hhh.... hhh....

hhhuuuhhh... fuck....



ok you got me i miss ghost too

Why do you feel the need to keep pushing your agendas into my shit that I enjoy

because you have bad taste and should stop watching anime

what game makes you the maddest?

uhhhhh idk i picked up ciV recently and i forgot how petty the AI can be

i let ethiopia have open borders and he sent a warrior (200~ turns in) to one of my fishing tiles as soon as i purchased a work boat, and kept it there for the entire duration of the deal, and had the balls to ask me for open borders again once it expired

that really triggered me, as they say

Are you free to play some usfiv?

>i miss ghost
hes back you know



Are you aware how much you ruin video games?


I bought a wii u ;_;

actually i got it when the 3DS came out, but like hell there's cross platform play

i remember something about that! but darkrazorz hasnt uploaded anything... i should look into that


What genre of vidyagaems do you enjoy? Why do you considere yourself a sjw?

I still can't believe they censored shading.

Emotions aside,I think you know stepping In Sup Forums and calling yourslef an sjw Is like stepping In Ye ole shitsdale crook tavern and calling yourself a justice maker.

Well,I guess this Is just another circlejerking thread.

PC or Console?


wanna fuck?

I grew up on nintendo kiddy gaems and valve games
as of late i've played sm4sh, overwatch, league of legends, and undertale, really whatever's popular

for depression and desperation to make friends reasons I dont play a lot of single player games that i'd rather be playing

anyways people that say kek and cuck and nu-male and complain about boobs being censored in anime games are the most embarrassing people to meet irl and i want to be as far away from them as possible

like dead ass, it's amazing how sjws are supposed to be the ones that embarrass themselves in real life and then you get people like this guy far too often youtube.com/watch?v=6bZnqyE14RY

Elfoxoloco uploads his stuff now. DarkRazorz is in the military now and doesn't have time to upload radio graffiti.

What do yoshi's eggs smell like?

Remember that GG caused censorship and SJWs to be taken seriously. No one gave a shit until GG "rose up XD" and gave the crybabies a big glaring smoking gun that caused actual devs to take the bait.

>Wow why aren't these fire ants contained anymore? I only took a kick at their ant hill and now they're all over my leg wtf? It's not like I gave them leverage or anything!