New 3x3 thread homies. Post your 3x3s and rate another homie's 3x3.
3x3 Thread Famalams
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I don't know how the rating works with this,so I'll just say what I think. Your choice In FF Is pretty passable,Twilight Princess has some pretty visible flaws that ruins It slightly,Persona In general had awful gameplay mechanics and I hope you played Subsistence and not garbage camera Eater. Xenoblades Is a pretty cool RPG thou.
I meant Xenogears,Xenoblade Is also a good game.
too lazy to make a 3x3 so posting top 10
3/3 i really need to go back and actually finish the spyro games, haven't touched them since i was a kid
X being the number of games you liked or approve of
Y being the number of games in the 3x3 you played
I played the HD version of MGS3 on my Vita.
Rating system: Mosaic maker:
we shall now formalize the tres por tres grading system with this simple formula
r = x/y
r - rating
x - games you liked
y - games you played
save this for future reference
you will need it for the upcoming chapters
>halo 1 instead of literally any other halo besides 4
otherwise nice taste in doom, KOTOR, L4D, and HG
>a vn
everything else is great tho
>not liking fear
genuinely curious as to why you don't like it, most people i've talked to love it
1/2 + TP, -MGS3, i hated the camera
3/4 +halo, HG, doom, -gta
3.5/4 + MM, SotC, SH3 ~DS, -MGS3
2/3 +DMC3, doom, -MGS3
1/1 +CB
I couldn't enjoy FEAR nearly as much as everybody else, the levels were too repetitive and everything looked the same. It felt pretty good to play but even that got old quickly.
GTA III is my favorite GTA due to nostalgia, the rest can get fucked.
I fucking hate ME2, it made me drop the series despite enjoying the first game. I don't particularly care about GoW or Halo, but the rest is pretty good. MGS2 best MGS.
Technically didn't play Chaos Theory, but I enjoyed the first Splinter Cell a lot and I've heard Chaos Theory improved upon it.
I don't like that the entire game is set in an office, and I really hate the aesthetic of the game in general. I also don't like the gunplay, since it seems like everything lacks kick. I can understand why people like it though because the slow motion stuff is fun and the AI is good for its time, and it's also a TECHNOLOGY goldmind, but those two things really kill it for me.
7/7 this guy is my nigga
8/9 -Lightning Returns
I... don't know how anyone enjoys that game.
10/10 I thought Reach was superior to 3 in almost every aspect, though.
9/9 I need to replay the Mass Effect trilogy at some point.
6/6 What's bottom-right? I really feel like I should know it.
8/8 Don't know bottom-right, but still very good.
6/6 Great.
>8/8 Don't know bottom-right, but still very good.
It's Elona+.
I tried pretty hard to find an actual logo or something more recognizable, but in the end I just had to pick between a boring screenshot or something funny.
Hard Mode: Actually have diverse taste isn't of making charts over half full of JRPGS
>6/6 What's bottom-right? I really feel like I should know it.
pandora's tower
Thanks, senpaitachi.
It was a little too short for my tastes. And the combat was really funky.
I'd have a beer with you though.
Just not a fan of the franchise. You're a cool guy though.
-Mass Effect
Too short imo.
Good shit dude. Sim City's a masterpiece
You get a beer too.
-Mount and Blade
Combat's clunky as hell. But anybody that likes Rance is a nigga in my book.
-New Vegas
Phenominal stuff otherwise.
i'm thanks man
5/6 you got some good taste there man, glad to see some more zero escape. didn't care for black 2 as much as the original
in what ways did you like reach more then 3? the multiplayer or campaign, reach was ok, i couldn't get past the reticle bloom, even though it wasn't that bad
Add in STALKER though.
>I... don't know how anyone enjoys that game
Story aside I honestly thought it was a really great game. It had fun combat, beautiful graphics, fun areas to explore, and a really nice OST. All that and it felt strangely comfy to play. What didn't you like about it if I may ask?
Never played it homie. Could you tell me about it?
left to right
>Bayonetta 2
>Dark Souls
>Tetris, idk
>Fire Emblem RD
>3rd Strike or Melee
Is Dragon's Dogma one of those games that "gets good 10 hours in" or does Sup Forums just love mediocre RPGs?
I enjoyed TPP while it lasted, but the parting was on such bad terms that I can't really understand anybody liking it over pretty much any of the other MGS games.
Also, why Bayo 2 > 1? That's a pretty rare opinion.
8/8 still, and extra props for DP. I want to go drinking with Swery
God Hand - Morrowind - Dark Souls
Space Chem or Jelly no Puzzle - Pathologic - Supreme Commander
I don't play any so I guess Smash - Yakuza 5 minigame - Tactics Ogre LUCT
It kind of is. The beginning is pretty dull but you can get to Gran Soren in like 15 minutes and it gets much better. Most people just try to do sidequests right away which makes it take them longer to get there.
Hell yeah man.
So basically Chernobyl happens but is much bigger and creates a 10km radiation zone, called The Zone. People now go in there for its lawlessness and to find riches, those people are called STALKER's. Its got mutants, factions, artifacts that change stats, and the mods are great.
I highly recommend grabbing all 3, beware though, there will be frustration early on.
I did something different, got my favs per platform.
Hadn't played any Tales of games.
I just don't enjoy ME, GoW, or DMC enough to play them, shit taste I know.
Hadn't played a Fallout since 3.
>that isn't all JRPGs
Then it's going to be mostly a list of DS/3DS games.
fuck you, you stupid jrpg fuck
play better jrpgs
Sup Forums hypes it up more than it deserves, but the very start of it is shit like says.
You don't really play it for anything other than the combat, pawn system, and monster fighting, all of which improve once you get past the beginning. The island in Dark Arisen is especially good.
>no xbox or xbox one game
Fucking weeb.
>dark souls is an adventure game
Am I being memed or is this just neo Sup Forums
Fable 1
I have had no reason to buy one. If I did it would probably be Rare Replay, because nothing else on it interest me.
It doesn't fit quite well in either action or RPG, but I still wanted it in there somewhere. Point & click adventure games are shit anyway.
Sounds like a lot of fun actually. Thanks, man.
Tales series is a pretty good series my man. I'd recommend starting with Xillia personally. Also that's a nice Xenoblade X cover you have there. Never played Etrian Odyssey, Blue Dragon, or Phantasy Star Portable 2, are they good?
I like how you presented your favorites as well
>play better jrpgs
Recommend me some, homie.
>in what ways did you like Reach more than 3?
I thought the matchmaking was much better, along with the armor customization. I get that those are very subjective things, I just have more fond memories of Reach.
It had the best combat of the three XIIIs, that's for sure; I just hated the aesthetic and character design. Plus, the story wasn't just bad, it was atrocious. It's cool that you liked it, though.
The ending is some of the hypest shit I've ever played.
I adore the mirror scene with Venom; I thought it was an excellent sendoff to the whole series, plus it's the one that I've played/replayed the most by far. I get why people like the other games in the series more, and, to be honest, I feel odd saying V was my favorite considering how different it is from the others, excluding Peace Walker, but still.
>Why Bayo 2 > 1?
I thought 2 was a more polished and fun title. I didn't know that was an unpopular opinion. Imo, Platinum at its peak.
4/5 + Banjo, M64, PM, SH2
- Never really cared for oot
4/4 + Banjo, F:NV, Black2, PM
1/1 + Heroes III (Neat)
3/3 + Prime, TESIII, Orange
Fair enough my man. Thanks for answering though, it's nice to hear another's opinion.
I always miss one
thats fair, the biggest reason i loved 3 was all the customs games i used to play back in the day with my friends, wish it was still a thing
Man, while many of those game are fine games, you got some problems if they can make your 3x3
Pretty pleb
>Gears of War 3
>A Mass Effect Game
>A fucking isometric shitPG game
In to the trash it goes
Not very good
Objectively shitty way to do a 3x3 and if you have a paper mario game and not Super Mario RPG on your 3x3 you are a shithead.
Not bad despite the shitty 3x3 setup
>A Fallout Game
>A Paper Mario game and no SMRPG
Otherwise not terrible, but not great
That bottom line is just shit. At least you figured out how to make your collection of art and screenshots into an acceptable 3x3. The other shitlords can learn from you. I declare you King of the Shitlord, first to the throne.
Nice Katamari bro
Would have been great if you didn't ruin it with Starcraft. There is a reason why North Korea is Best Korea.
It's okay.
best taste in the thread
Thanks, will keep that in mind.
>XCX cover
It's just the reserve side of the insert.
Great Dungeon Crawling series, one of my favorites. The first 3 are easily emulatable (DS), III being the best. IV is the easiest to get into, if you got a 3DS there's demos on the eShop.
>Blue Dragon
Great JRPG also, personally feel it doesn't get enough recognition being a 360 game, made by a few of the same hands that made Chrono Trigger.
If you loved any iteration of Phantasy Star Online, then yes. It has a feature that lets you carry over progress from the first, but I never finished it before getting hooked on 2 (played it online with some old PSO buddies).
I only spoke out of jealousy. If anyone had a favorite Xbox One game in their 3x3 I'd question their taste.
The mirror scene felt incredibly cheap and obvious to me, especially considering it came without any actual buildup towards the end of the game. Venom just arbitrarily remembers everything all of a sudden. Honestly I have to force myself to remember that I had a lot of fun with that game. The fact that it released as a phantom of what it could have been and was hinted to be still causes me pain.
I guess I shouldn't take Yoshesque's opinions as representative of the majority of Bayonetta players. I haven't played it yet because I don't want to buy a region locked console, but she complained a lot about various mechanics being simplified and the pseudo-devil trigger being too straightforward of a choice compared to any other use of your magic meter.
>Not bad despite the shitty 3x3 setup
I fucking suck at graphical design. I just can't do it. I can tell what looks terrible, but everything I change just makes it look worse.
You need to include the titles of the games in the 3x3.
You don't need to be a fucking genius to manage that.
6/7 Not a halo fan, but the first Max Payne is great.
5/6 Not a Halo fan
6/7 Not a Halo fan
6/6 Surprised to see Pathologic on a greatest hits.
2/2 I live... again! EX soon.
>The fact that it released as a phantom of what it could have been and was hinted to be still causes me pain
I don't know if it was your intention, but that was a good way to hamfist that title in, lmao.
I dunno, senpai, I thought the mirror scene was well-shot, and the OST that accompanied it was fantastic. I like Venom as a character, and what he means in terms of BB's arc, but, yeah, the writing behind it was pretty weak.
As for Bayo 2, those criticisms aren't wrong. The health system is more casualized, and Devil Trigger is incredibly OP, but I just didn't use them and got by fine. The combat felt much tighter than 1's, and the end sequences were fucking golden.
Why? If people have played them they'd recognize them, and if they haven't those games aren't relevant for their rating or any other points.
How do I git gud at Armored Core? I have For Answer and it seems like the kind of game I'd love. But I always fuck up and do horrible on every mission.
>XCX cover
My copy is a UK copy so my reverse side is the standard box art without the Wii U logo and such.
I'll give one of the demos a go. I've played Persona Q and I've heard EO is pretty much the same thing, correct?
>Blue Dragon
Sounds excellent. Unfortunately I don't own a 360 right now so I won't be playing that for a while.
I haven't played any of the Phantasy Star games aside from dabbling with the fourth one and Universe. Would I still enjoy the Portable series and would it be a good starting point for me? Thanks for answering my questions, dude.
Say what you will, Starcraft and Brood War is top tier.
Not a single western game.
>I don't know if it was your intention, but that was a good way to hamfist that title in, lmao.
That was on purpose, yeah. As much as I hate how it handled, well, most things beyond the gameplay, it sure did manage to hit me with its main theme in the most meta way possible.
If Kojima had a dollar for every time he put "Phantom" in the game, he'd have enough to finish Chapter 51. It was downright painful.
>I hated the camera
Did you only play the original PS2 release? It had an updated version called Subsistence released the following year with a fixed camera and other bonuses like the original MSX Metal Gear games packed in. All ports are based on this version. I don't know how you could end up only playing the original.
>not a single western game
Oblivion on PC, there happy?
Yeah, Persona Q is just EO with Persona skin, just no story unless you play the Untold games, but they're not required.
>Would I still enjoy the Portable series and would it be a good starting point for me?
It's nothing like the traditional RPGs and takes more from PSO than Universe. If you like repetitive, grindy, weapon farming action games, then go for it.
I dunno what to tell you man. I've been playing games in the series since 2. So that's like 15 years of AC.
Just play it more. Look up good builds. Go fast.
Pretty good 3x3 by the way, except for the FUCKING NON-GAME. Seriously, the fucking Belgium of "games",
Hey, you're pretty good.
Definitely neither of you
Best taste in the thread goes to Street Shark poster. May The God Emperor bless your soul.
If you have autism
will rate before I leave for my exam
games 7 and 9 on your grid look cool
how would you rate Blood on a scale of 1/10?
always wanted to try it out
no PC games?
and remember:
Sounds good. I'll give the EO demos a go later. I'll give PS:P a go at some point, maybe see if I can play PS:O2 somehow. Thanks for answering my questions, homie.
>no PC games?
see I don't have a physical disc anymore for it.
No problem.
I need to update this at some point.
4/4, but I'm not sure why you went with OtR. DR1 is still the best game in the series.
1/1. Only game there that I've played is SS2.
2/6. You've got some weird tastes, friend.
>Soul Hackers
What's so good about it? I bought it ages ago but haven't gotten around to playing it, kind of far back in my backlog
need to play swat4
earthbound is one of maybe 4 jrpgs i liked
smw is the goat mario game
glad to see the pokemon trading card game, uts a lot better than expected
i could never get into doom honestly. ive beaten it multiple times but i just get into it. might just not be my kind of game
chrono trigger is p good, not a fan of ff7 though
nice taste user
what is blood? ive seen it posted but i have no clue what it is
why the phantom pain? not gonna hate on you, im genuinely curious
is sticker star as bad as people say it is? ive never actually played a paper mario game
could never figure out dwarf fortress, what are those games in the top left and bottom right though?
good taste btw
you know what you like and i can respect that, even if im not a fan myself
personal opinion: half life 1 is better than 2
both are god tier though
good taste overall, but why gears of war 3?
what exactly is 999?
halo: combat evolved isnt the best halo game (3 is the best imo) but the first 3 are all great. reach is ok, odst is pretty good, 4, wars, and the spartan games are shit and i havent played 5
I made my 3x3 right after finishing Soul Hackers. That's why I said it needs an update.
Soul Hackers is still great, though. Cyberpunk is my favorite setting, so it was a blast to play a Megaten game that went all out with its Cyberpunk theme.
Mai negro
>Crash Bash
My nigga
What's your favorite mini game?
Dot Dash is da best
it was the only image i had on hand, user
Make a new one, then.
how is a 3x3 made? do you have to organize your lil squares in any particular manner or just plop them in the cube
Some people place their favorite game in the center and some just plop their faves down in any order.
It's called big huge labs m8
>why the Phantom Pain?
I had a lot of fun playing it.
That's about it.
10/11 -DA: O
999 is a vn with puzzle elements, it's about a group of people who are trapped in a ship and need to escape in 9 hours, some pseudo science and supernatural stuff happens as well, definitely recommend
Finding title art is difficult in this day and age.
have you played system shock 2 or pathologic? if not get right on that
I unironically think Digibro is one of my favorite youtubers
It's apparently been in my library for ages and I never noticed. Would I need to have played the first game?
system shock 1 is good but not necessary to play system shock 2. ss1 aged extremely poorly, and if you can get past that it might be worth the time, but ss2 in every aspect. besides, the plot is summarized at the beginning of ss2 in a few seconds so its not particularly important
Awesome, thanks.
if you play though make sure you mod it first. its needed at this point
wrong board friendo
A 3x3 thread is a 3x3 thread.
Where do you think you are? This isnt Sup Forums man.
Top tier taste.
its bait lads
Xenoblade X was cool but I couldn't get into it. FFXIII was one of my most hated games ever so I didn't go near the sequels.
Left 4 Dead is alright but I never could love it like others did. Good tastes.
9/9 Still haven't played TWEWY, it seems cool.