On Saturday...

> On Saturday, Russian officials announced that atheist vlogger Ruslan Sokolovsky has been detained for two months for “inciting hatred” and “insulting religious feelings” after posting a video of himself playing Pokémon Go inside a historic cathedral. He reportedly faces up to five years in jail if convicted.
> In July, state-owned news channel Russia-24 warned that Pokémon Go users could be jailed under Russia’s strict anti-blasphemy laws if they played the game in church. In protest, Sokolovsky filmed himself catching Pokémon in Yekaterinburg’s Church of All Saints and shared the footage on YouTube.

Since when do did playing video games become a hate crime?

Other urls found in this thread:


>insulting religious feelings is actually a crime

Goddamn, Russia is a bigger shithole than I thought

wtf I hate russia now

Russians take their religion very seriously. It's a question of cultures churches being sacred places they are subject to different rules than other public places.

Nigga in the Missouri farting in church carries a mandatory life sentance

russia you say?

>post non violent and non threatening video on YouTube
>get detained for 2 months

can confirm, I blinked at the wrong time in a missouri church and was immediately executed

>people want to congregate at a place peacefully for their beliefs
>some retard should have the right to go and insult their faith just because he feels entitled to

Just because you're le edgy leddit atheist doesn't mean every government on earth should pander to you.


Based Russia. Fighting numale atheists one at a time

And how did he insulted their faith? He didn't scream "there is no god" he just played a game on a smartphone.

Yes he should it's freedom of expression. He should be well within his rights to express how he feels in a public domain

Russians and the Chinese are both barely human

No wonder everyone in Russia is an opiate addict.

Serves that fedora tipping faggot right.

>your faith is so weak you need to have the authorities imprison a kiddo playing Pokemon Go

Based Russia

Not in a church he's not

That's like walking into a Star Wars convention and saying "Star Wars sux a dick"

>Guy gets jailed for "insulting religious feelings" of christians
>Sup Forums: Good riddance, lock him up. No one has the right to just intrude on a sacred place like that.
>Guy gets lambasted on social media for "insulting religious feelings" of muslims

Playing games banalizes faith. Impossible to explain in a small post.

Not really. Can you jerk off in a public park? Can you smoke in a restaurant? Freedom of expression has limits.

Good, Atheism is literally a meme pushed by kikes I'm glad that at least Russia acknowledges this.

Based Russians. They clearly give no fucks.

dumb frogposter

But the police actually declared her claim bullshit and asked her to see a fucking psychologist.

Russians are apparently more asspained over religion than muslims

>Sup Forums is the same person
I hate this meme.

Facebook as a private company can censor whatever they want to censor.

First of all, Insulting People's religious belief is a real thing. Was introduced post-factum to sentence Free Pussy or Riot.

Second, he is not getting charged with playing Pokemon GO but for releasing multiple extreme fedora atheist videos he shot in the church.

Come on, this 22 y/o vlogger needed a wake up call.

>Talking about opinions on social media is somehow the same as talking about it in their place if worship in this anons eyes

>Sup Forums is now full of biblethumpers
What went wrong?

>Your rights end where my whatever fucking beliefs based on faith begins

This. Exactly and precisely this.

shouldn't take those things so lightly -- she's a victim here, what if she got pregnant?

>this board cries censorship when a dev shows a little less skin on an underage character
>meanwhile they cheer someone literally being imprisoned as a means of censorship

The cognitive dissonance of this board is amazing

Its always been half and half. Whatever is more counter culture. Right now it's religion.

So jerking off and playing Pokemon go is the same thing for you?

>people peacefully using their phone
>retard assumes it's a personal attack on personal beliefs

Sup Forums happened. Sup Forums invaded, they wish to claim all of Sup Forums as their own.

That is a bullshit analogy.

why would kikes push atheism if it means jews will end up being alienated?

ITT: Contrarian Sup Forums

So only Jews go to heaven

but I care about video games, while I don't for some dude in russia

not really

Anyone going to church willing and playing games during church deserves to be lynched.

Not really. I don't mind banning smoking when people will be subject to second hand smoke against their will, but I would be against a ban on smoking.
In Russia religion is something that should not be banalized, trivialized, and should be treated with respect. If you're an atheist, don't go around bothering religious people.
No cognitive dissonance at all.

Sup Forums invaded the board and never left. Kind of like how Stormfront invaded Sup Forums and never left.

The difference is that mudshits literally aren't human.

>I made this obviously illegal thing which I totally knew it was illegal on a land known for severe law enforcement and I got detained.

What did he thought would happen?

This is what you get for being a huge fedora tipper

Slippery slope to hate speech laws.

So Sup Forums is basically the sandniggers of Sup Forums then?

Those girls are punk as hell. Fuck Russia.

>unironically defending this

Just look through the videos

I'm from Quebec, my friend, I understand the circumstances. But

>a failed state that routinely persecuted and murdered its citizens

is not a good response to

>a failed state that routinely persecuted and murdered its citizens

>public masturbation is a form of expression

maybe if you're a scarf-wearing arthouse hipster with a Vimeo account

That's like saying having police is a slippery slope to having a police state. What's up with autists like you and not being able to understand that there is a middle ground?

Russia has been going to massive shit in the last 5 years, it's really depressing.

>he doesn't realise that many "atheist" celebrities are of Jewish descent.
Not even memeing.

So in essence, Sup Forums was invaded by Stormfront. In fact, every board, this whole website, is being invaded by Stormfront. This is an outright attempt at conquest by a foreign website, we should've kicked them out long ago.

p much, except instead of worshipping muhammed, they worship Trump and occasionally Hitler.

>russia has been going to shit because they aren't PC faggots waaaah

Sup Forums got very popular and became a hangout a for a shit ton of bible-thumping science-hating boot-licking people, who of course leak out into other boards. And of course being contrary to Reddit, which has a healthy atheist population and thinking not being religious is "edgy". Also it's an election year so political issues are out of control and it's all these people can think about. I have a friend who was a normal chill Sup Forums guy and then he went to Sup Forums and says cuck and jew every other sentence and won't shut up about degeneracy and people not doing their fair share and "gibs" while he himself is a NEET who masturbates to who the hell knows what all day.

>that edgy joke at the end
he had it coming for him

That's a shitty ass analogy.
Police exist to uphold laws.
What you want places restrictions against people's thoughts just because of emotions, you fucking crybaby. If someone wants to be an edgy faggot and he's not hindering or causing people indirect harm to someone then he should be as edgy as he wants.

From 2003 to 2008, Bush and the Republicans were in power. Even large swaths of the media, internet, and society were openly conservative although it waned as his second term drew to a close. Sup Forums being a contrarian haven was thus largely not quite liberal but definitely not conservative.

Then in 2009, Obama and the Democrats came into power. But that wasn't the only cause. Web 2.0 was around the corner and as most youth got easy mobile internet access, most of the internet leaned liberal. Thus leaving Sup Forums as one of the last places to spew stupid shit. Try spouting Sup Forums or even mundane conservative talking points outside of Sup Forums, Breitbart, or InfoWars. You'd be laughed out if not flat out banned.

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression is literally only backed by law in America.

Resisting him only makes his "pocket monster" harder

>gif from the wired
my nigga

Sup Forums.
Yes they are, and this is pushed forward by the government.

what is this?

Oh for fuck's sake fuck off Sup Forums

If it was a mosque or a synagogue you'd all be praising him

So if someone got thrown in prison for using their phone in a mosque, that would be okay to you?

You're all so fucking transparent its a wonder birds don't injure themselves trying to fly through you. Everything I agree with is okay, everything I disagree with is wrong. Only your opinions aren't even your own, just whatever contrarian shit Sup Forums is forcing this year, but as soon as the mainstream starts agreeing with you suddenly you're on the opposite side of the fence and have been all along. Straight up embarrassing behaviour.

thats because muslims deserve to be put to the torch and burned for their disgusting belief. its an insult to say they're subhuman, because they're even less than that.


>he should be as edgy as he wants.
That's your opinion. It would be a valid point except that in Russia people think different. You can like it or hate it but it's just how things are and I'm glad a majority of Sup Forums agrees with jailing the retard.

>stands up to globalization
>literally sold off basically all their far east oil, natural gas, and mineral reserves to China

>You can go to prison for writing about loli in France
>You can literally go to fucking prison
>For writing fiction
>That will never harm anyone

Euroshits, not even once.


>You can go to prison for writing about loli in France
I don't believe you

>your actions can have legal consequences if they insult someone's feelings
>no actual rights are infringed, just feelings

This is some 1984 shit

Nearly every single Russian I've met in my country is a resident and said they don't ever plan on going back again.

Insisting that religion be treated with respect to the point the law will get involved if you disrespect it is no different than doing the same thing, but for racial minorities or something.
All that differs is the value that people hold so dear they want to punish anybody that doesn't hold it, but the principle is the same.

Is him being an atheist even relevant in the context of this story?

Sosi, mudila, you don't know how I think.

>The majority
Based Putin, let me swallow that cum great leader.

The majority of Sup Forums is ignoring this thread. It's two minor sides being loud.
Russia is a corrupt shithole that treats their people like dogs. All sides should have an equal standing, but in Russia orthodox Catholics get the approval.

I'd say in 2007, when I started browsing, Sup Forums was pretty left and libertarian. Never saw any complaints really about all the traps and gay shit posted here. In fact it was an in-joke that you'd become gay browsing Sup Forums long enough. Now you say anything negative about any religion and you get a *tips fedora* and people won't shut up about homosexuals being degenerate. The only catalyst I can tell is Sup Forums becoming super popular for the right, because the old political board, while shit, wasn't nearly as popular and didn't draw in such a massive crowd. I fucking hate moot for bringing it back.

Good thing Sartre was a philosopher instead of a novelist

There are wacky laws all across the world. For example, in some states--maybe all--in the U.S., it's illegal to carry ice cream in your back pocket, and in Germany and Austria, it's illegal to deny the holocaust.

Local church top official said they will probably let it slide if he agrees to public service. Guy is crying freedumbs and messaging every other embassy to be a political refugee.

Still better than the US m8

The Holocaust didn't happen though!

>some retard should have the right to go and insult their faith just because he feels entitled to

And the church in turn has the right to kick him out and ban him for life.

FIVE FUCKING YEARS in jail for such a tiny offense is a little much even if you think it should be illegal.

Even in the US, loli is a grey area though.

Or more accurately, the laws regarding loli/shota in the US amount to "we don't fucking know lol" in terms of what can be enforced. So if you piss off the wrong people, you could probably get busted for it.

It's fine that you don't know any history, as long as you're willing to learn. :)

Fedoraposting originated from Reddit in 2012. That shit has been forced and spammed for four (4!) years. Not even making this shit up or attributing it to a boogeyman.

>atheist vlogger

Good. I'm sick of fedoras being so disrespectful of others because of their beliefs.


>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
I know I don't speak for everyone but I was browsing Sup Forums before I started browsing /new/ and then later Sup Forums.
If you're actually autistic enough to hide on one board and pretend that everyone on that board thinks and feels exactly like you and that anyone with a differing opinion is an "invader" then you should genuinely go to Reddit, Tumblr or Neogaf instead.
I don't even say that to be insulting it's just that the communities, rules and cultures of those sites would probably suit you more.

>inb4 Sup Forums is one person muh CTR
No, you hypocrite.

It's because groups like Pussy Riot would have orgies and masturbate with holy objects during masses.
This prompted the Russians government to pass laws to transform all places of worship into practical safespaces


Shit, but what do you expect out of Slavs. They don't know any better.

Of course but the truth makes a lot of people upset. :-)