A lot of people get called nostalgiafags or "trying to be cool", but in a time span of just a few years we have games like:
>Final Fantasy VII >Half Life >Baldur's Gate 2 >Zelda Ocarina of Time >Quake 3 >Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 >Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri >Starsiege Tribes >Resident Evil 2 >Thief 2 >Metal Gear Solid >Roller Coaster Tycoon
The list goes on and on, and that's just the late 90's. All great games with widely different gameplay. How many good games can you think of released in just the last few years? How many games that are completely different?
There's been a clear cut in quality and creativity since the mid 2000's and no one seems to care.
Jayden Phillips
In my experience the only series of old games that are superior to their modern counterparts are FF V up to IX, Zelda from LW up to WW and Mario from 3 up to 64
Josiah Torres
Gaming really went to shit in 2007 and has been on a mostly downward spiral since for anybody with taste.
Leo Brooks
I think a big factor in older games being better is their speed. There were no hour long tutorials, 15 minute cutscenes, infodumps about the lore, install times, day one patches, 300 company logos on start up and so on.
You just put the game in, hit start, and had fun.
Christian Lewis
older games are different, i don't think that necessarily means they're better though. i happen to prefer how older games were made, but that doesn't mean i'm objectively right about that. people who claim that those who prefer older games are nostalgiafags are being silly though. there's clearly a difference in how older games were made and how they generally feel compared to games today.
Kayden Peterson
The iPhone releasing is what changed everything. It affected the entire world as we know it
William Phillips
older games are actually games
(most) new games are "muh cinematics and deep artistic meaning"
Isaac Hughes
Well, a factor in older media being "better", whether that's film, music, or games, is that it's filtered. By that, I mean, all the rubbish or just mediocre stuff isn't remembered, and you only deal with the truly great stuff.
Austin Clark
When trying to cite "old games were better" shit, don't come up with games that aged like milk (Ocarina of Time, MGS and fucking FFVII).
You have to be blinded by nostalgia if you can't see how these games are NOT as good as they were by today's standards.
Andrew Roberts
What standards? All three of those games have better gameplay and story than your average game today.
Blake Turner
>Digital media >Aging poorly
Oh boy here we go
Carter Brooks
>what is their fucking respective sequels
FFVII's gameplay is not good by any standard, Ocarina of Time is already outdone by their sequels and so is MGS.
On other franchises, Mario RPGs do what FFVII does better. Story-wise there are games that parallel MGS1, although the story of MGS itself also holds up quite well. OoT's? Not so much.
Camden Parker
You realize he doesn't mean aging is in physically degrading, right?
John Reyes
Well that's the only way it could possibly age. Otherwise its the exact same game as before
Nathan Rivera
Are you acoustic? We have newer games and updated standards. Judging those games by today's standards, they are not as good as they used to be.
Jaxon Flores
>We have newer games and updated standards *lowered standards
Colton Jackson
Games aren't really getting better though. That's the entire point of this thread. Unless you're talking about graphics and voice acting. Even then, the older games didn't "age"
And no, I'm electric.
Camden Lee
Back then PC was it's own damn platform. We had exclusives that evolved the industry. Now everyone focuses on consoles and everything is dumbed down for them. We just get to play games at higher res and fps now. In the 90s and early 00s we got games that kept pushing the limits. Now we got games that keep it simple to attract the average dudebro console gamer.
Gabriel Myers
I have no nostalgia goggles for any game besides pokemon fire red. With that said, older games just feel more fluid and get my attention. I hunker down and appreciate the work that went into it, mainly because I never had too many games growing up
Logan Peterson
I'd agree with you on 8th gen, but not before that.
Even then, most people seem to forget that 90% of NES games were utter shit and we remember the era fondly because we remember the classics.