Is it one of the greats?
PCMag lists it as the third best console of all time.
Is it one of the greats?
PCMag lists it as the third best console of all time.
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>What are your thoughts on this console?
Genuinely good for the first half of its lifespan. Went to shit when they moved the focus away from actual games and to garbage like this.
>Is it one of the greats?
God no.
Probably the best console ever made
>Best games of that era
>Looks aesthetic
>Little to no problems
>Huge community
Only faggot JRPG weebs will disagree
boring selection of exclusives so it can't be one of the greats, but it did give us the greatest controller ever conceived, dualshock fags eternally BTFO.
>little to no problems
so close
>Only faggot JRPG weebs will disagree
Nah, it has a decent selection. They dried up, but MS tried before throwing support to the Kinect
just as bad as the other two
>original model was literally destined to crash by simply playing games on it
>by the time they got a new model there were no exclusives and the ps3s price was competitive.
so the wii was shitty all gen. the xbox 360 was the best while being broken, and the ps3 was retarded until years later it and the 360 became as good as each other.
But is a console just "exclusives"?
PC Mag says Xbox Live alone makes it the 3rd best console of all time only surpassed by NES and Dreamcast.
Xbox Live pushed online gaming on consoles further than ever before and really transformed dashboards, social interaction, party chat, marketplace, digital streaming, etc.
Besides, for exclusives, 360 still had Halo, Fable, Perfect Dark, Crackdown, Gears, Forza, and more.
Passable up through the days of Halo 3 and Mass Effect 1, then it stopped getting interesting things for a few years before Kinect struck. Overall, it's unfortunately the worst console of its gen, which in and of itself was not a particularly great gen as a whole.
>Wii was shitty all gen
It had a good 2007 and 2010.
It was garbage.
These had an inordinately high failure rate.
No HDMI support (you had to buy an expensive proprietary cable that was analogue)
No wifi (you had to buy an expensive proprietary wifi device)
Really pushed pay to play and 'micro-transactions'
Ridiculously noisy disc drives
Needed to be rocked to work properly (shit you not)
Were known to scratch discs when in use
The menu became bloated compared to the "blades"
Face-plate stupidity
HD-DVD failed
DVD medium objectively inferior resulting in games that required a larger HDD than supplied for downloading or installing from multiple discs
Controller was badly designed
>xbox menu button too large beside tiny start and back buttons
>d-pad is garbage
>better d-pad version costs $60
But user my 360 supports HDMI, maybe you just mean one of the garbage older models
>Controller was badly designed
Bait. Controllers cost 50-60 bucks new anyway
>Perfect Dark
fuck the haters, PD: Zero was good and had some cool elements
batshit plot and terrible character design but whatever, it was still a cool game with a cool inventory system, a cool replayability mechanic, and mysteriously present and not that terrible RPG elements (you can talk to people in certain levels, and one stage is pretty much based around the mechanic)
yes, a console is best defined by its exclusive games. the internet doesn't belong on gaming consoles, if you want to do that then you should buy a PC because the console version will always be inferior.
>Bait. Controllers cost 50-60 bucks new anyway
The improved d-pad was the selling point, kohai.
>No HDMI support
literally what, I have my 360 right here next to me and it has an HDMI out
it's not an "elite" or whatever the weird edgy hourglass shaped one was called, it's just a normal 360 purchased in... I wanna say 2009 or 2010 or so, maybe. I don't remember. But this thing is getting so on in years it's starting to crash while playing Dead Space
fuck you pleb the 360 controller is the best vidya game input device ever made that isn't a mouse and keyboard
i still play my 360 and really love it but the first models were really really terrible. i had one it red ringed many many times. i had a warranty so i was good on repairs but still it was disgusting how many times it died on me.
halo 3, ninja gaiden 2 and the gears series were a ton of fun for me though.
I think it deserves a lot of credit for realizing the Live Arcade feature, being the first HD console to come to market, and offering up some high quality first party titles, but it had a lot of quality issues that can't be ignored.
Conceptually I think it was really great.
The game was rushed, even the devs shat on it
That's what you get for being an early adapter, stupid ass white boy
>fairly cheap compared to the competition
>graphical power still holds up
>easy to use architecture for developers
>could always be used as a media center
>robust construction (except for the first gen with their RRODs)
>supports external drives now
>Face-plate stupidity
you didn't HAVE to buy aftermarket ones, you know
>The game was rushed, even the devs shat on it
and it's still really not that bad
it's kinda bad but it's a lot of fun
it's really only the local multiplayer that was awful, which is inexcusable for a game following the best split screen experience of all time, but w/e the single player was ok
Easily the best system of its generation and the best place to play games. Great service and community, ports, controller. I dont think xbox will ever reach the 360s greatness again
It's one of my favorites.
My favorite games on the 360 were afterburner climax, soulcalibur iv, halo 3, sega rally revo, grid, phantasy star online, virtua tennis 3, ridge racer 6, forza 4, and doa 4.
>it's kinda bad
Why do people say this so goddamn much? Is it just nostalgia for n64 or something? Perfect Dark Zero, Fear, Fable 2, and Kameo were incredible on 360.
Don't you kohai me I will fuck your day up
So let's add "early adopters screwed" to that list as well.
It had the best versions of most multiplats when it came to consoles, especially games like Bayonetta where the PS3 version is complete garbage, even after I patched and installed it, and still runs better than the Wii U version I'm pretty sure
It had the better controller AND the better running versions of like all games released on it, the only multiplat I can think of that ran better on ps3 was the Zone of the Enders HD collection, even Metal Gear mothefucking Solid ran like garbage and had shitty pressure sensitive bullshit you couldn't opt out of on the PS3 version, and cutscenes that would immediately tank to 1 FPS where the 360 version ran infinitely smoother with almost no drops
>bought something before HDMI was big
>confused why it doesn't have an HDMI port
are you stupid or something
it's a good game, but it does have some problems here and there. most people say that PD:0 is complete unsalvageable trash though. I think it's a good game, just not "incredible".
>Fable 2
My sister paid REAL AMERICAN DOLLARS for that game as a downloadable and it didn't give us the full game
fuck Fable
I still have my copy, never finished it. Had balancing issues, was buggy, they drastically changed the game and how it played, it was a mess. Compared to the original game (I still have that one too) it was a disaster. Even the devs said so, the story being that because there was not Halo game they needed a shooter and PDZ was tapped because MS owned rare at that point.
Great multiplat machine until the 8800 GT released. Then PS3 got some games.
>kek its ur fault they built it wrong
good one, user
The 360, in its early years was kind of neat.
But the hardware failure rate alone prevents it from ever
being on any decent "greatest of" lists.
What games?
>little to no problems
i love the 360, i own one
but loooooooooool
That is literally the worst list of top consoles they could have made.
Coming in as a respectful underdog from the 6th generation, Microsoft really pulled some massive heat on Sony as they got tremendously cocky with the ps2 being the highest selling console of all time. Because of that burning passion, Microsoft pumped out incredible games, experiences, huddled third parties, and revamped the entire online ecosystem on consoles. To this day, navigating the xbox 360 dashboard is still incredibly more seamless than the cumbersome load times of the psn store on ps3. For all of this and more, Xbox became a serious competitor to playstation in brand name, but unfortunately Microsoft overestimated how large that loyalty was. With ps3 despite the massive fuckups at launch, it was still coming off the heels of 2 of the highest seling consoles of all time, ps2 and ps1, so ps3 still managed to carry its own weight in brand name eventually coming neck-and-neck with 360 sales.
But with xbox, this was only the first time after they had achieved tremendous mainstream success, so with all the problems and mixed messages before and after launch, the xbox one sort of floundered in comparison to the ps4 while hoisting a high flag from carryover.
the slim was probably his first, or the falcon motherboard ones. those don't have any problems.
Why? It has all the big hitters. Ps1, 2600, Genesis, NES, Turbografx, Dreamcast, 360.
They're not missing anything else. The Saturn, n64, and 3do aren't significant enough. If anything, they were anomalies.
You are one dumb motherfucker
>never finished it.
git gud
>Had balancing issues,
welcome to literally every shooter ever made before 2010
>was buggy
i found it had some occasional stuttering, but what overt bugs?
it's not a great game but it's certainly good enough to play and enjoy. some of the mechanics aren't explained very well and the stick aiming is dodgy but it's not a bad shooter at its core