Serious question:

Serious question:

How does a bunch of 1s and 0s become graphics?

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Serious question:

How is OP such a gigantic faggot?

They're not really ones and zeroes, they're "on" and "off", or "on" and "not on".

his mom didn't get an abortion

Go to school for it and you'll have a vague idea.

graphic gnomes

will graphics improve when we have 0s, 1s, and 2s of quantum computing?

No faggot, it's high voltage / low voltage. Learn to physical hardware.

the screen is made of lots of red green abd blue dots
most colors can be made by combining red blue and green in different amounts

each red green and blue dot has a brightness level 0 through 255 usually

the numbers 0 through 255 are represented by combinations of 1s and 0s, google binary to decimal conversion

Here you go OP:


Read this



Qbits do not simply add another value, it's both values at the same time.

There are computers that use 3 values per bit though

>faggots on Sup Forums give OP shit when they themselves have no fucking clue

both value at the same time is essentially another one, it's a third state

It's a yes or no. So for example you would program the computer to ask "do I put sicknasty graphics here" then you say "1".

If that's the case then why can't we play games directly from our tvs?

the 1s bleed red and the 0s bleed blue
when they mix they bleed green

the 1s and 0s take turns stabbing each other until the desired colors are created

God I wish I didn't have that vague idea. The course where you learn how to make the ones and zeroes become moving pictures yourself was hell.

Progressive levels of lower level drivers.

Something communicates with the monitor using a language it understands to tell it what pixels should be what colors

Something communicates with the thing communicating with the monitor at a higher abstraction, such a program telling the graphics card to draw a line.

And so on where the programming language does progressively more work for you, until eventually you get to something like unreal where you can just drag in the 3D model and it knows exactly what to do with it.

This is a pretty incomplete answer though.

Are you trolling or do you really have no idea how a computer works at all?

>do you really have no idea how a computer works at all


You need specialized hardware to do the calculations of where the different colors should be.You don't really need it just to play back video but video games are interactive. So for instance if you throw an object in the game you need the hardware to calculate how gravity and other physical forces are affecting it, and then when you know this you'll know where it should be in the next frame, which is then drawn by the GPU and then finally output to your screen as various colors that make up the final scene. And it does this once every 16.6 milliseconds if you're playing at 60 fps.

no it's superposition

Today I learned. Thank you.

Because you need something which tells the TV which ones and zeros to fire to reproduce the image.

Screen is made of pixels with colors that can go from 1 to 16777216
Programs can change those pixels and colors
With fancy math you get 3D graphics and shit

Not quite, it's more like the value has yet to be defined. There's only actually two possible values, when you observe the state of the qbits they lock into one of the two values and take on a defined state.

The same way it happens with images but that shit is being thaught in school so suck it underage OP

Models are composed of a list of points (vertices), lines between these points (edges), and the parts between the lines that it needs to fill in (faces). For sprites and textures, it loads the image in as a series of color values and does the necessary transformations to put it in the right place. From there, you have extra things like bump mapping and normal mapping to modify textures and shaders to do weird shit to the graphics pipeline.

Games usually use things like OpenGL or Vulkan to do most of this work for them. If you use a modern pre-written engine and art tools like Blender/Maya/Photoshop, you'll likely never touch any of this on a code level except shaders.

Basically, there's something called the frame buffer, which is a long list of numbers that represent color channel magnitudes (rgb, each between 0 and 255) and correspond to the pixels in reading order (left to right, then top to bottom). The GPU constantly sends the color values in the frame buffer out to the monitor, according to the standards of the display cable you're using. Likewise, the GPU and CPU together are responsible for setting the values in the frame buffer, and how that works depends on the type of application that's rendering. It usually comes down to something called rasterization, which is converting geometry (usually triangles) into pixels, along with texture mapping, alpha tests, and nowadays, general programs that are run per-pixel-fragment. Older systems use a process called blitting, where you set the color values for a section of the screen in a smaller array and do a fast low-level copy into the frame buffer.

Because games have a lot of things going under the hood. What you see on the screen is just the outer layer.


how does a bunch of letter becom sentence i don't kbkqm fiqmff samopadm tgqmz


No one understands the process completely through and through, there are way too many things it passes through. a rough idea of the process it:

The Code itself
Library used in the code
System calls used in the library
System calls are connected to the Kernel
Kernel then goes to HAL.
HAL then sends High/low voltage signals across the system to according to what needs to be done, its tempo regulated by clocks.
data is received into the Graphical components which process the display command into RGB values, which it converts to a suitable format based on your output (Analog or Digital), which tells the screen what to display, one pixel at a time.

to understand all this you need in-depth knowledge of Programming, Operation systems, Computer hardware, Logical gates, timer system, electronics and documentation from the component makers because you most cases you cant open their little black chip boxes without breaking them.


Its not high voltage you fucking retard, its fucking eletrons going through with such intensity that can be identified by the mechanisms or not, it also varies too.

Of course, the mechanism works regardless of whether your interpretation of physical phenomena are accurate, so let's not get ahead of ourselves talking about "electrons" or "intensities."

>1st was the dot, that dosen't exist
>then, a bunch of dots make a line, that dosen't exist
>then the lines make shapes, that does exist

From opengl persoective. Definition of a shape in a 3d space is defined in a program and rendered per draw interview. Vertices of the image designed are then mapped in a 3d space, various shapes go through tessellation, vertexes are then put together to make a primitive object, parts of the primitive object are then calculated to make a shader. The data structure with all of these calculations is done and then sent to the GPU to render to the screen.

This is where the CPU bottleneck comes in because it requires you cycles to calculate the steps before it is rendered on the screen


If a program is used to create various applications then what made the program?

>the one class where you had to make a game in assembly and that one guy in your class does it in full 3d with an ai opponent just cause he can while yours barely works

It wasn't in assembly but I took a few programming classes in high school and one of the projects was to make a game of some kind. At least one person had actual graphics, though it was 2D, but most people just did command line/text adventure stuff because that's what we were used to working with. We never really focused on graphics or UIs of any kind and I couldn't wrap my head around how to do it at the time.


how can any sane person use java

Notch. Im still mad he coasted into the millionaire club with that mess of code

My buddy is a doctorate in engineering and he took a class on quantum computing and basically said it's just a meme, a quantum computer won't be just hundreds of times better than a normal computer. it's a lateral step.

the same way a bunch of letters become words
you interpret them in a language

How do our brains work

Am i even real

our bodies are like video games, and our brains are the players

I honestly don't know.

>OP doesn't know about the tech gnomes

How can mirrors be real when our eyes aren't real?

Which language is good?

How can anything be real when nothing is real?

>tfw too retarded to learn to code

If nothing is real, why is there even a concept of real?

Beats me
I still don't know how graphics cards/cpu's work.
>these green rectangles with metal connectors can render all that shit

Considering every api states theres no such thing as 3d id say youre right

Literally why do graphics cards get hot?

Is it because I'm pumping electricity through metal or some shit?

It is just telling what pixel to be on or not. That is all your monitor actually displays after all.

But even before that its the compiler who converts code using up cpu and ram to a machine language so your gpu can read it. Hopefully vulkan cuts down on this

If God doesn't exist, why is there even a concept of God? Checkmate, atheists.

>you're just a brain piloting a flesh mech


>tfw one of those nights where you lay in bed pondering the meaning of life and if you're even an actual being or just a program or some shit

>Am i even real

You first have to ask. What is real?

I don't know if this question was ironic, but someone answer it please. Why do computer components get hot? I have a vague understanding of how logic gates work, and motion=heat (right, basically?) but I don't understand much more than that.

It was not ironic.

you aren't, I guarantee it
it's just that it can be very hard to find resources that will teach it well

the guy who teaches the introductory course on python for edX from MIT is a world class teacher. Not all professors are good teachers, but he's fucking exemplary.

right now I'm working through unity's tuts and it's a brutal slog, but even then still workable.

Nah, i'm a dumbass but i got a basic understanding.
You can do it user.

Take a step back and think of the clock speed that these chips run at for a second.

1GHz is 1 billion cycles a second. Every second those little particles shake 1,000,000,000(or more) times. Shit's fast.

Visual Basic

>Am i even real
Remember what dickman said user

His 'proof' of god was really dumb, should I trust his other insights?


Thinking of it like that, how do processors not burst into flames immediately?

games have often 30-60 frames per second
it means in one second processor and graphic card perform up to 60 "update()" functions
means getting input from your keyboard and mouse, calculating what effect does it have on game world and relying the result back to your monitor
if you have 1650x1080 resolution then its 1782000 pixels, every one of them is small red green blue (rgb) dot with brightness from 0 to 255. 255 is the highest number in (2) system, its 8 bits or 1 byte: 11111111. Processor/vidya card is telling monitor how to highlight every one of them pixels. For example: [010010111010011010101 - coordinate of exact pixel, 11010001 - how much highlight red pixel, 00010111 - how much highlight green pixel, 01111011 - how much highlight blue pixel]

Shit like that happens 60 times in a second if you have 60fps in your game.
You get shit FPS in games when your processor/vidya cant process enough information in one second. So technically you can run Witcher 3 on Ultra on pentium III 800mhz processor and Riva TNT 32mb graphic card but you would get like one frame per 2 minutes.
Yeah, computers are pretty mindblowing. But the basis of them - LOGIC, was invented in ancient Rome/Greece by Socrates or Plato, dont remember.

How do a bunch of atoms become the universe?

they end up, after some translation, setting certain pixels on your monitor to particular colors, which your brain interprets as graphics


Look into assembly if you want the gist of it. Basic instructions are abstracted into higher level languages that can more easily do the things you want.

Ask Brianna


Incorrect, try again

rule of thumb in philosophy is here are no rules of thumb. evaluate all ideas both in a vacuum and in context and reach your own conclusions

The major thing is gate capacitance. You can think of an FET switching states as a mini capacitor, charging and discharging each time it switches. Whenever this happens, a tiny amount of energy is lost as heat. When you add up all of the transistors in a CPU, this makes a sizable amount of heat.

This is why clock speeds haven't increased much in the past years - CPU manufacturers found that high clock rates make things heat up far too much. Instead they have been improving architectures and reducing transistor size.

C# is best.

>java is shit
>but not-java is the best

Even girls can code, you definitely can learn to code.

lolibot begone!

Your idea is dumb

No one cares

Assembly is one of the the lowest level of programming languages. OP, look into this if you really want your question answered.

Interpret my dick



I warned you

Assembly is already high-level. Not even trolling. Assembly is useless to anybody who doesn't already know something about computers and/or mathematics from other sources. If you really want to start from zero, learn about Turing machines, punchcards, the Babbage engine, mechanical looms, and/or music boxes.

If you're having trouble wrapping your head around the metaphysical question of how such simple deterministic systems can display complex behavior, look into fractals, emergent phenomena, and the Chinese Room.

Really I would suppose average programmers are as unaware ignorants as they think the people they're programming are for if you think about it, I'd suppose to write a language to work with in the first place you need to be fluent in binary and then write different groups of 1s and 0s to mean different things, and then get someone taught that language to program what they imagine with it, sorta like an oil painter. I have no idea how those little atoms become different colored oil paintings, but it just werks.

I know very little about programming but a big of understanding of Taoism and the taiji helps with an understaning of how code works, or how I envision it to work. Basically the ons and offs have to work together, and be strung together in larger groups to mean more complicated things, and then in different ways of thereby turning those groups on and off in different intervals can get different processes to happen. I'm not sure if it's a meme or what but I think the Chinese I Ching inspired the idea of a 1 and a 0 being able to create anything just like the Tao's Ying and Yang are the fundamental building blocks of all creation.

>Assembly is already high-level

Wow it's like you didn't even read my post!

>Assembly is already high-level

he doesn't mean it that way and you know it quit being little fuckers!!!