What was his fucking problem?

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He was a big guy

for you


He had no control over his life.

>What was their fucking problem?

this is my favorite Sup Forums meme right now.

White men forced him to the back of the bus and separate but equal drinking fountains for clanks.

hes literally forced to do it because the Illuminati has his kill switch
you can find it on the same level and use it

You can find it in GARM or London.

yes i know
that 's how i know sir

I miss Barrett

He was an actual character, infinitely better than the "bosses" in MD

I take it he was agreeable?

I thought you meant "same level" as in London. Carry on.

You mean the singular form: boss

oh yes


>they missed the optional one

that bich in the sewer is not a boss if you can one shot here with a takedown


But not even Marchenko needs more than EMP+takedown


>optional boss that you can kill, knock out, or talk down
>last boss you can kill, knock out, use killswitch on
Step into right direction from HR's mandatory bloody fights.

literally letho

>Sup Forums meme

two boss that are so easy to beat i did them in my 0 death run without a second thought
in my first play through i saw the sewer chick and her augs expecting an amazing battle but she accidently saw me
walked up to my cove r
and i pressed b

Anyone else get the feeling Adam wasn't supposed to be the main character of MD?

The offscreen "aug reset" in Alaska and the fact that none of the original cast is relevant anymore seems to imply that maybe Ben Saxon was supposed to be the main character.

So what's the deal with the mysterious augments side mission? Is it just me or does that just end abruptly with no closure?

garm yes, but how is it in London though, there's two of them?

I like this mission
you find a keycard on the docs body and go to the palisade bank
go to tai young corpurate vault and pick up schematics for nano blade shot
now im guessing talk to the tai young relative and get the mystery solved

50% trying to explain the reset and new shit within the story and 50% teasing for part 3.

if you don't find it in GARM, you can find it in London

There were so much off-cam action from McReady and his team, i wonder if it could it work as a tactical shooter spinoff

GARM was so boring I didn't bother to look for stuff like this.

before you see miller there is a guy in a room
beat the shit out of him
there will be two duffel bags under the desk
move to find a weapon case
boom killswicth

Where would it be, some random ass locker again?

Same room with keycard duplicate?

It's not entirely clear but its implied that his wife lied to him, told him that their daughter was killed and in his grief he ended up the militant that he is in the game. Given he's in ARC, I think its safe to assume he was told that his daughter was killed by anti-aug militants. There's an email in GARM where he finds out the truth and essentially quotes Macbeth, saying he's already too deep in blood to stop now.

GARM was pointless
You just go there to get poisoned and navigate out. There should've been some other objective.
Tho that email from Chikane was interesting point

They might burned bridges with the old VA's. Sarif's VA was different.

i dont know next to the kitchen with the invisible guy

It ties into the Tai Yong Medical vault and the Harvester quest. I like that the game doesn't spell everything out for you, people have been complaining about games being too handholdy for years but the instant a game doesn't just hand every detail of its story to you on a silver platter, people start whining.


So the bosses in MD are better than the ones in HR or what?

keks for eons to come

Wait, who are you talking about?


They just announced a DLC with Pritchard as a supporting character, and his old VA is coming back.

I love Deus Ex concept for bosses, they're just regular enemies but buffed with abilities and tricks, they're not video gamey bosses that fill half of the screen and have several lifebars

Oh, is she a unique enemy? I just talked her down.

So wait, is it implied from the mystery augments sidequest that you're not the Adam from HR, considering they failed to trace you with the serials from your old augments or am I jumping to the wrong conclusions?

its not a boss if you accidentally win user

I bet you want metal gears in deus ex

trips smells like clones

Yeah, she locks the sewer area so that unless you knock her out or kill her, you won't get out

Wrong conclusions. The clone theory is retarded.

You are jumping to the wrong conclusions. It's understandable, since the way Sarif worded it was weird.
What actually happened was that the Illuminati manipulated Jensen's memories, and also replaced the conventional way to track augs with their own so Adam could be a sleeper agent.

no i want a boss like mr freeze in deus ex where you have to change strategies constantly
but harder

From what I understood they just took your augments out and put it new ones, they didnt bother identifying you because they didnt want anyone to know it was you until they finished with their new augments. They kept you all kinds of drugged up and shit.

But does she have anything unique when fighting her, or does she just shoot her revolver until you punch her out?

smoke grenades
im not jokeing thats it
shes just like those gold masks

She loves cats

How does the game compare to HR?

HR is like a great movie while MD is like season one of a great show


Gameplay and Level Design


Side Missions

MD felt like a James Bond game to me, minus car chases. Not that i'm complaining, it still felt genuine Deus Ex experience

It's better for the most part

The London level felt more James Bond than most James Bond games do

Perma death is a fucking joke

This... but i do like the black chick tho. Only black girl in HR was the boss I forget her name

i agree 100% with this

also HR soundtrack was a lot better

just finished the london mission and i cant help but feel ripped off

TF29 HQ was bond as fuck too

The only good tracks are the club ones (red queen, theater, 10 secon techno loops on some buildings)

Two playthroughs later and I still have no idea. The story of this game was just that bad.

>Gameplay and Level Design
>MD > HR

The only good levels were Golem City and the final mission.

nigga we've literally explained it already
read the computers

The weird thing is that she's originally from The Fall, but she looked completely different.

>read the computers

no one should ever have to do that to find this information.

>that mission at the party where you have to take down all the fake guards without raising an alert

What about the bank?

looks like a man

Thank God. That's disturbing.

Is this game even worth my time?

I never played The Fall. I think that's for the best I didn't hear anything good about it. And no chocolate eye candy on top of that just terrible.

I mean, if you're REALLY into Deus Ex, and I'm talking "bought the comic books and novels" into Deus Ex, then it's a maybe.

I played the fall but i don't remember this character

i wonder if you could save both stanek and miller by retrieve janus's card first and the proceed to stanek quest.

>those guards that hang out in plain sight and you have to pull them behind sofas and bars to hide their unconscious bodies

>tfw you didn't get to meet Sarif in London
What was the fucking point

>Not getting dressed before you call Sarif

Get professional, user.

>not getting hugs from Sarif dad
why live

Yeah, that was awesome mission. Splinter Cell 2 final mission was similar

Stanek quest failed for me when I was riding Palisade elevator before getting the card, so unlikely.
You're definetely not meant ot complete both, maybe there's some glitch

I never let her die every time I played it

Wasn't there some reference to her in MD?
I've never seen any.

>not GARM
>not Palisade

no m8


>Jump into the shaft from Garage
>End up right in the most secure vault with containers of word-controlling corporations

If you go back to your apartment some time at night. There will be a cereal box that you can interact with. When he dumps the cereal out a little toy airplane will fall out. And a message that said "good luck spy boy" or some shit like that

You realize she was probably a lesbian

Though she was obviously Adam-Sexual despite that

She's not black. She's Russian. Some russians have tanned skin for the way the snow reflects sunrays in their faces all year.

This is not how snow works.

t. Russian