Do you have a favorite video game girl?

Do you have a favorite video game girl?

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for me it's clownpiece

Yes, I do!

I have 2 but they're both not vidya.

superior 2hu coming through

Clappy too lewd.


Remi can suck me dry.

The world will end before she actually gets her game.

I love Nero!

>I have two favorite video game girls
>but they're not video games

i love tenshi!
and seiga

How are you marisa user?

Prinny 2?

I wanna fuck all of your waifus.

hello marisafag

you came with a hard question today. It's hard to decide on one.



She wasn't the real main character tho, it was more of a side story.

It was basically a second campaign in the second game. Can't remember if it was just as long as the main game though. Pretty sure it was. Asagi's a good girl though, and she's now the Underworld's #1 idol.

I have many, but pic related is the one.

Although after finish HDN:RB1, Tekken is a very strong 3rd after Yomi from SK.


I have two.


I just came to say good taste in video games

asagi is a bully that doesn't deserve her own game

Asagi is a good girl that deserves to be the protagonist of every game, I agree.

Of course

Why, thank you.

loli only, no aged hag

what is she going to do with those big scissors?

>loving Seija
You bully

>Implying she gives a shit

Well, I suppose. Just playing some video games.

Well, they can't all be thought provoking questions, right?

I dunno, why?

She's a spirit born to be contrarian. She hates everything others like and loves the things others hates. She loves to be hated and hates to be loved. She is a creature that hurts those that gets close to her and wants to be hurt in kind.

she looks like she wants to cut off my peepee

That's a very memetic definition of her
She's not that simple

What ever happen to the Reisen fag?
Also best girl is Flan-chan

>Also best girl is Flan-chan


My kind of nigger.

>china that high
Are you serious?
She's a joke character at best

Mei, or "Rosa" in her English name.

I really like skirts and leggings.

Hexer loli from EO.

well... now that we have answered op's question, I guess we can post our "chosen ones" without ceremonies, right?

joke characters are still characters, non?

what's wong with a hard working gatekeeper?

How can you people love characters that wouldn't think twice about having your heads on the end of a pole?

She became 2nd after I watched Burning Meiling.

Since then,I've been conflicted whether or not it's justified for her to be so high because of a secondary work,but I just can't help it now,she's awesome.

i wouldn't think twice about having her head on my pole


>come into a thread about videogame girls
>post something that has nothing to do with videogames
Great job dumbfuck

Well, don't give her a reason to.


Asagi only went insane because of Soul Nomad.
Thing is, Soul Nomad made EVERYONE insane.


Marisa has some pretty great moments in all the manga.

I really really like Magilou!


You can't really mess up Marisa, even if she isn't my favourite girl.

Wait I'm confused,is this the fairies manga or FS?

>he doesnt know
its WaHH

have a gander

I haven't read them yet.

The one with Kasen right?
Then what are the fairies doing here ?

They are not regulars but the fairy manga is old, why not feature them?
>tfw fairy manga began 11 years ago
>WaHH isnt finished after 6 years
ugh i am feeling old
atleast the new fairy comic is nice


Alice is literal perfection

Marisa is cute, CUTE!

pic related


I know who the best video game girl is, if that's what you mean

all I needed to save

Raya-O will always be number one in my heart!

there's still some useless stuff, I removed it

You're late


What parts is this? Do I see vagina bones?


I'm sorry. I was going to scour the catalog for one of these threads when I woke up, but I got distracted by other things.

It's her armpits, retard.

Onis aren't allowed here!

does this look like vagina bones to you?

Mai waifu.

Exquisite taste.

>not making sure that you let the world know how great your waifu is first thing after you wake up
You're not devoted enough!

Where you live, Rayabro?~

>expecting monsterfags to stay on topic

When you've got an impatient german shepherd pestering you to get off your ass and take her for a walk, that tends to take priority.

I'm Finnish.


The absolute cutest without compare


>Exquisite taste.
Thank you, and that's a cute girl you've got there yourself.


Somehow, I'm not surprised to hear that

I love Daidouji!

is that a good or a bad thing?

Well, it could be worse

That doesn't sound very reassuring.


It's okay, I still love you

good taste user

I don't see taste in liking old hags


>favorite video game girl?
>It's just weebs picking bodypillow characters

Gross. /jp/ is leaking.