so now that this guy got nerfed who's next on the chopping block my bets are on zarya
So now that this guy got nerfed who's next on the chopping block my bets are on zarya
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>Its a genji didn't deserve a nerf episode
nah they're going to Nerf mei
Why would they nerf Mei? She still isnt relevant to the competitive meta.
Genji is still retarded.
Just fucking remove Genji, Junkrat, Roadhog, and Mei and the game would improve 1,000 fold.
>It's a nerf everybody except Reaper or Junkrat episode
It's as if Sup Forums is trying to reshape Overwatch into another TF2 clone with the shotty and explosive classes dominating everybody else
in quick play shes a pain in the ass to deal with but not unbeatable
they'll probably reduce the range of the jizz gun and the speed reduction is more lenient
Nobody cares about quickplay. The game is balanced around ranked.
Reaper, most likely.
still annoying
only now you have people with half a brain on the team
Zarya is fine as is. Pretty much everyone in the game can be dealt with, you're probably just a shitter.
Complete removal of Hanzo would improve the game significantly.
Implying tracer isn't the new pre patch genji cancer
i never said i wanted zarya to be nerfed
Its Mei's job to be a annoying bitch. Mei's problem is she is a wasted slot in a competitive setting.
If anything she needs a buff or a complete rework of her kit. Till that happens, she will always be a quickplay scrub pick.
Autistic weebs need to be put in their place
>balancing a game based on casual mode
>see reaper
>walk backwards
gee that was hard
If Reaper were to be nerf I'd make his shotgun pellets a bit more wild at medium range. The spread doesn't have to be Roadhog levels of retardation but I'd figure an adjustment wouldn't be bad. In a perfect world Reaper would also be able to initiate/turn off Wraith Mode whenever the fuck he felt like it also D.Va's Defense Matrix.
Make his trap destroyable by yourself or teammates while you're ensnared. If that doesn't work then make his AOE damage follow the same laws Pharah does. Pharah gets 13-80 damage based on the splash. Junkrat should get the same. Players shouldn't be rewarded for spamming chokepoints and lanes and scoring a meaty 80 damage even on missed shots. That's horse shit.
>reaper sees you
>walks forward
Gee that was hard.
>playing blind and deaf
found the problem
I wouldnt mind a Tracer nerf.
I only want the devs to remove ana and nothing more.
bring genji back and give him double damage during his ult I promise I won't care but please remove ana from the game she's a part sniper part support hero and below mediocre in both roles, and stupid people just can't help to find her fun to play
honestly who was the retard behind this hero's concept
You must suck with her I like playing as ana
They should make a support just like Lucio but white
Zarya and Roadhog nerfed to shit when?
>6 second cd hook through walls
>8 second cd self-heal that outDPSes incoming damage
>somehow this character isn't considered OP
huuur durr your must suck with her I do 200k average healing per game huuurr durrr
fuck off retard, she's not useful enough to be worth 1/6 of a team
>huge as fuck
>slow as fuck, no mobility
>give free ult to enemy team
>no way to block damage for his team
>ult is situational and leaves him vulnerable
>difficult to kill anything without hook
>somehow this character isn't considered UP
honestly reducing his ult from 8 secs to 6 was bullshit, using the guy is already hard as it is
If you suck with her she isn't.
Turbo scrub: the post
Sasuga Sup Forums
I want her to be good so badly. A team oriented sniper is a cool idea.
at gold tier she probably is
His nerf was barely a nerf though.
Dragonblade is still considerably too strong due to it being aoe and he can still use swift strike and deflect along with it.
Maybe if they reduced dragonblade damage from 120 to maybe 100 or 85 because 120 is completely overkill because of swift strike.
>balancing a game to cater to the top 5% instead of the other 95%
Fuck esports
>her biotic vial makes zenyattas ult worthless
>sleep can cancel channeled ults
>longest range heal and decent damage without weapon swapping
Nobody knows how to fucking play her, I imagine half the people on this board don't even own Overwatch
kill yourself