Any chance I'll get to play this on my PC?

Any chance I'll get to play this on my PC?

Other urls found in this thread:

Same chance you'll get scalebound on the ps4

Maybe not. Is locked like Demon Souls.
But who knows, maybe in the future From will do the same as Dead Rising and re-release it in all plataforms.

why are pcfats so obsessed with bloodborne? Are you that shallow to own 1 fucking console?

Yeah like 20 years later when you quit gaming o die

This. Sonycucks will never ever get scalebound and bloodborne will be on emulation some 10 years later.

>PCucks literally hate Sony because of this one game
The asshurt will never go away. You can't even talk about this game without false flaggers rolling in by the droves.

>paying $300 just to play one game they want

Of course, you can right now.

You just need to buy a DRM upgrade for your PC first.

I'd say a bit sooner if sony moves all their stuff to that ps now shit which should be before 10 years

Course no one will be for that sonycuck garbage service

>You just need to buy a DRM upgrade

I already have Steam

ok more bloodborne for me then

when it's just one game, you can, you know.. borrow the console, or rent it -- it's not like you'll still need it once you're done and won't need it for a particularly extended period

unless it's a game you're planning to play all the time for months to come, in which case I guess it'd be worth it.. even if it's just one game, if you're always playing it...

so whens the new ps4 coming out? I play some of it and a friends and now im thinking about picking one up.


I wish you could, its super fun and all but i wasn't prepared for how ugly it was

>But who knows, maybe in the future From will do the same as Dead Rising and re-release it in all plataforms.
Sony actually own the IP, not From.

Well then, he's fucked.

Reminder Bloodborne leaked on SteamDB just like Earth Defense Force 4.1 and that came to PC

The official PS4 Neo reveal is supposed to be in 2 days, should get all the info you need then rather than rely on random speculation and twitter posts.


right after you get demon's souls

It's alright man, I've literally got hundreds of exclusives to choose from.

with ps now, literally

I don't get it. Why are people so obsessed with this game?

It's just Victorian Lovecraft Souls.

>its a "Sonyggers making a falseflag thread in the name of console war"

We stopped caring about bloodborne almost a year ago yet you make these threads to prolong your fucking memes

but that doesnt matter now thanks to both exclusives announced a PC version and PSnow :^)

I just finished DS3 and wanted to play another souls game

Bloodborne isn't one of them

thanks for the heads up man

Right after RDR.

What in the fuck are you even talking about?


the aliasing in this game is nausea inducing

>thinks PSnow has PS4 games


to make things worse, when it comes to Souls PS Now doesn't even have Demon's Souls unless you want to play the japanese version

>not having a loving mother who bought you a PS4 for Christmas despite not knowing anything about video games

Probably the only time I've ever encountered a "clueless parent buys vidya" where it worked out well.

Translation: NEVER EVER :^}

80% of the exclusives are PS3 games, the very games you defended to death

its only a matter of time, we already got 2 PS4 """"Exclusives"""" announced a PC version

>sonyggers have to make falseflag threads because nobody is giving them attention
Fucking embarrassing

>PCucks finally get a game
> * also available on PS4
>they are actually bragging about it


that's right, PC has exclusivity for the best version of games

You mean at 0p and 0fps?

>its only a matter of time

Waiting the game is best PC exclusive. You can literally die in meantime.


No like games at high settings, 1080p-4K and 60fps

yes, trashy shit games that were never ported to PC are best enjoyed at 0p and 0fps -- it'd be a pretty terrible experience otherwise

if they do get ported, they'll become good games though

So why many of them runs at inferior framerate and resolution compared to consoles. Also

you mean indie pixel garbage like undertale and depression quest? man we sonyggers sure are missing out huh?

>Sonycucks get cucked out of a game
>Don't even get the A-team scalebound
>They are actually bragging about getting cucked

>PS4 Games literally is so low that they had to list PS3 Games

Not to mention you can play their shitty games on tablet, phone or laptop. Yet somehow they defend gaming PC with it.

>Sonycucks can't even play rdr on their ps4

They need to mention 2 platforms to even try to make an argument and are forced to pay for renting the older ps3 games that don't even run better

What a bunch of cucks

>Having game is getting cucked somehow
>PCucks are so shit that have to defend themselves with PS4 game

Holy shit



Stream it

>PS4 Games literally is so low

PCucks confirmed for mentally challenged.

We can play them on out PlayStation console, meanwhile PCucks can't even fucking launch it on their Piss Seas because Rockstar treats them like cucks.

> are so shit that have to defend themselves with PS4 game

I didn't realize you were getting scalebound sonycuck

Oh wait ;)


Any pc user can easily buy a 360 which is a ms console which is pc related and runs it better than you piss shit 3

Just like you sonycucks buy a ps3 and a ps4 to run both of them which is 2 platforms in case you can't count sonycuck

No need to get so mad

>bring Nier
>literally PS4 game to defend Piss Sea
>bring another game
>it's on another console

What a PCucks, holy shit


>Sonycucks will NEVER EVER get scalebound

More tears from getting cucked sonycuck

>having to use ps3 games for ps4
Not a good sign at all.

>B-but I can buy console!

PC is so shit that PCucks have to defend themselves with console because lack of games.

Having Piss Sea is being cucked for eternity I guess.

I just want to use cheat engine on it so I can skip out grinding

>B-But I can buy a ps3 in addition to a ps4

Sonycucks are so stupid they can't even defend themselves against lack of bc and have no games and have to defend themselves with a last gen shitmachine

Forever being cucked and forever paying paid online

>Bragging about console ports
>Meanwhile PCucks still can't get Bloodborne which is only available on Sony console

Wow, Piss Sea confirmed for shit again.

What's the point of console threads anymore? Like everything that could have been said has already been said and paraphrased to high hell. There's nothing original anymore, just a bunch of tards throwing modified shit at each other

>Sonycuck this mad he will never ever get the A-team plat game

Wow sonycuck your platform is shit

now now, there's always something new to add to the mix

like we can pretend PS Now has PS4 games and actually works great

and about how PS4K will kill PC gaming

just delete the patch, load up the game and dupe literally every upgrade material, all tiers of chalice dungeon shit, bloodvials, bullets and then update fampai
i got my plat this way

Yes, we defend ourselves with PlayStation, with Sony systems. Meanwhile PCucks literally have to bring CONSOLES to defend Piss Sea.

Enjoy your indie shit, buying my consoles because you starve for games, petitions and paid online.

>Sonycucks pretend the ps4 was going to kill it
>Sonycucks pretend the neo can kill it

There's no end to sonycuck delusions

Most of those games got high scores and The Last Guardian isn't even out yet. This image is ass.

Off yourself.

>someone was butthurt enough to make this

Having a computer is a bad thing? Literally what? Did you spend all your moms money on an iPad or something you broke fuck?

>he will never ever get the A-team plat game

But I have, unlike PCucks :^)

>Also scores


Maybe some day.

PC uses windows you dumb sonycuck. Picking up a 360 is good in my book when you don't have to support the cucks that are sony.

Enjoy your no games and keep buying garbage in mass only to have the 15 fps and shitty looking versions. Starving for paid online? What a dumb sonycuck you are.

>xbox is the only one thats alive
proof that gaming is dead

>Sonycucks pretend they are getting the a-steam scalebound platinum game

That's some deep desperation sonycuck. Cry some more.

Why are you so mad that someone don't want your shitty system with no games? Calm down lol.
Butthurt is one thing but it looks like remade in paint by some underage autist without any skill. Those are PCucks memes, they even stole many fat wojak images.

I thought it looked fine to be honest. Didn't look much worse than DS3. Main problem was frame drops into the 20s

Obviously you lack the ability to see beyond the triple A market. Indie games and strategy games aren't "pixel shit" and I'd argue that Undertale is a great indie game. By the way, how's Kerbal running?

You're not really helping your case

But PC is getting Demon's Souls

>all these buttblasted pcucks and xbots

I am laughing so fucking hard right now. Thanks Sup Forums

>Picking up a 360 is good in my book

It is, because Piss Sea is so shitty that you have to buy console to even get some game.

Enjoy your no games and keep buying garbage in mass only to have the 5 fps and shitty looking versions. Enjoy your pixelated indie shit, early access scam you eat up like retard and paid online you dumb PCuck.


>I-I'm not mad at all

Sonycucks everyone

Either way I enjoyed shitposting in your falseflag thread

You're free to bump it all night long you angry cuck ;)

>PCucks still can't get Bloodborne
>they cling to Xbone game

No wonder even devs call you idiots and cucks.

Yes I am. I'm pointing out how this retard just dismissed the hundreds of exclusives on PC for being indie


I hope Bloodborne does come to PC some day just for the shitposting potential.

PCucks have to piggyback Xbox 360 now to even defend themselves and stay relevant in this thread.

I have X360 and can't stop laughing at them.

they will just be like

there's no end, i mean for christ sake they mocked xbox for having paid online then fucking defended the same system when it came to PS4

and the hilarious part? they still defend it even after the price hike

By the time it "could" happen for whatever reason (Sony going multiplat, losing rights, or whatever weird reason), no one will care about it anymore and Sup Forums might just be gone anyway.

More realistically, PS4 games may get added to PS Now eventually. Even though it'll be nearly unplayable like every non-turnbased games on PSNow, it'll still be shitposting central.