For those who complain about nintendo takedowns
For those who complain about nintendo takedowns
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Do you think Chinkified American copycat cunts know the difference between stealing and parodies? You are wasting your time m8.
Nintendo is in the right to remove the games on a legal level.
They are idiotic to be pushing their weight around so heavily though on a PR level.
2016 has been an absolute disaster for the company, both financially, critically, and in terms of public opinion of them.
There haven't been very many games they've put out. There haven't been very many good games they've put out, and many of the games that are good, come out censored.
AM2R is finished- it's essentially what everyone fucking wanted in a Metroid game, then it gets shut down, and Federation Force is released. It's not well received in reviews, it's not doing well in sales. It's a failure on every front, and a showcase in how incompetent Nintendo looks. Some Argentinian and a few assistants managed to please people better than a multi-billion dollar company.
People don't enjoy the game. People aren't buying the game. Shutting down something other people liked more, makes you look petty.
And that's not something Nintendo should be aiming to look like right now.
People why cry about this shit when they are just playing by the rules are the pettiest one of this whole mess.
You people are THAT GUY who says "You aren't allowed to edge guard!" when playing smash. You guys are the "Smash Club" or whatever the fuck it was called.
There's a thing called picking your battles.
Nintendo is not on top of the world. They lost with the Wii U. They lost hard.
People feel wronged by them on a multitude of levels, and you can argue all you want about how they're losers for thinking so, but that shit translates to sales, and sales aren't up.
Federation Force was a bomb. It didn't review well. It didn't sell well, and that's just one of many dominoes that has made 2016 a shitshow for them as a company. Paper Mario is up next.
>2016 has been an absolute disaster for the company, both financially,
Nintendo's stock price is at a 5 year high, but stay mad dude.
>and in terms of public opinion of them
Also not true because they got an assload of great hype from Zelda BOTW and dumb people who think they made Pokemon Go.
It rose due to Pokemon Go, and them promptly went into a free fall after investors realized it wasn't making them billions of dollars, and in fact, wasn't even made by Nintendo at all.
The numbers are speaking for themselves.
One game does not make a company, and Pokemon Go has already fallen out of the limelight.
"I have know idea what I'm talking about" - The Post
Marvelous post. Care to make another with an actual argument?
The nonsense you are sprouting is in no way relevant to any of my points.
The only thing you are doing is attempting to bad mouth Nintendo for whatever reason you might have. Which is fair, Nintendo has done a bunch of shitty things.
But just like you said, "There's a thing called picking your battles."
I'm all for shitting on shitty companies, count me in 100%, but shitting on them for the wrong reasons is just mindless Sup Forums faggotry which will not make the industry better in any way. Shit on them for the proper reasons and you may just see them improve one day, instead of shitting on them out of principle.
>It rose due to Pokemon Go, and them promptly went into a free fall after investors realized it wasn't making them billions of dollars, and in fact, wasn't even made by Nintendo at all.
They're stock price is much higher than it was this time last year and it's at it's highest it's been in the past 5 years
>Pokemon Go has already fallen out of the limelight.
It's still the highest grossing android game on the play store.
Not that I think the move they pulled with AMR2 is a good one, but I don't think it will be the difference between selling a shitton of hardware/software and not.
I have already said that Nintendo is in the legal right to make these moves. If they weren't, there would be a bigger uproar.
But the fact is, it's not helping their public perception. Being this aggressive, when they've got little else to show for it as a counterbalance just makes them look like they're a cornered animal.
>They are idiotic to be pushing their weight around so heavily though on a PR level.
On a PR level, most people don't care.
>But the fact is, it's not helping their public perception
You're like the guy who thinks that the average person gives two shits about Nintendo "censoring" their games.
The only people who care is Sup Forums and nichegamer. Most people couldn't give a shit less about Nintendo flexing their power.
And that's completely irrelevant tho the whole discussion, I don't see why you felt the need to bring it up.
But since we seem to agree on the actual point, here's the last +(You) of this thread from me, there's enough shitposting on this board as is.
ITT: it's ok when nintendo does it
>n-not an argument!
Thanks for bowing out of the discussion before you embarassed yourself further.
It's OK when literally any company exercising their their right to shut down copyright infringes.
And let's see how long that lasts. Pokemon Go came and left the public perception in a microcosm of the entire Wii bubble.
I love this mindset. It's been the mantra all year for Nintendo supporters. "People don't care" when the company screws up. Meanwhile sales are down and their revenue is back to 2006 levels and below.
Considering you're offering nothing to the discussion, I think the only one embarrassing themselves is you.
>It's a failure on every front, and a showcase in how incompetent Nintendo looks
>People don't enjoy the game
t. People who have never played Federation Force
Excuse me, are you implying I support Nintendo and their recent actions?
It's sitting at a 65 on Metacritic. It didn't review well.
It's not selling well.
Your personal opinion, while you may gladly have it, does not line up with most others, and that matters when it comes to sales and the company.
>And let's see how long that lasts.
Well it's still lasting right now and it been lasting for a few weeks and it will prboably last till they release their financial earnings
>Pokemon Go came and left the public perception in a microcosm of the entire Wii bubble
You keep saying this
>. "People don't care"
People don't give a shit about Nintendo DMCAing fangames
>Meanwhile sales are down and their revenue is back to 2006 levels and below.
Because the Wii U failed and they currently have no big games?
>metacritic matters
>sales = quality
Ah, I'm talking to NeoGAF.
It's still in the public perception, even Sony recognizes the need to get in on this shit.
Most people aren't crying fair use, they're pissed at Nintendo for taking the game down because they're not making good Metroid games and think there was a good way to monetize it.
What matters then? Your personal opinion?
Like I said, you can have it.
At what point can a game have an objecive measurement of quality then retard? Or is all just 'muh opinion'.
They are currently selling Metroid 2 on the eshop, why the fuck would they want a free, better version of the game?
>What matters then
Just say you haven't played it and we'll let your uneducated biases go.
>People don't give a shit about Nintendo DMCAing fangames
Yet this thread is here. Threads like this are in several places.
Why do you get to dictate what people care about? Because it makes it easier to seem like you're right?
You need to play a game before having an opinion on it.
I have actually, it was exactly what a 65 metacritic score entails, a mediocre shooter and not a good single player Metroid game.
>Yet this thread is here. Threads like this are in several places.
Yes, the handful of autistic people who don't fully understand how copyright law works that makes these threads are clearly the indicator of the public.
When was the last time you heard someone mentioning that a company's fangame policies dictates if they will buy their hardware or not?
Never. Valve's mod community track record didn't even help them move steam boxes.
I have played it. They offered a free demo to everyone.
I've seen videos of it and over an hour of footage.
If this isn't enough to form a personal opinion, then I don't know what is, other than paying 40 dollars up front for the game, which I'm sure you would prefer.
Regardless that's not not even the point of the conversation.
It reviewed badly from critics, and sold badly.
>I have actually
never trick me into clicking on one of his videos again, thanks
>I have played it.
senpai, I don't buy it.
Like the other dude, I played the demo and saw videos of it. And as the other dude said, that's not the point of the conversation. My individual opinion of it and yours don't matter. It didn't sell well and most people thought it was mediocre. You can like it, that doens't mean the vast majority does.
But you can just continue responding with one of the lowest form of argument, that's fine.
The very video OP posted has almost 100k views, and is talking about the issue at hand. What measurement, other than anecdotal, do you get to argue people don't care about this?
I mean obviously you care, because you're talking to me right now.
I love how literally eveything Nintendo does is THE one act of shooting itself in the foot that will totally lead to its downfall forever.
And the internet has been singing this exact fucking song for a decade.
Outside of a few Sup Forumsirgins, I don't believe I've ever heard someone say they'll boycott Nintendo because they took something down. I'm sure there's someone that exists, but they're definitely in a very tiny minority.
>it's another bitch about something that has ten active threads episode
I can't really say I care about shitty fangames or shitty official titles but goddamn you guys really love to argue over the same thing in great quantities.