Waiting in line at Walmart when you suddenly hear

Waiting in line at Walmart when you suddenly hear
What the fuck do you do?

pass go and collect $200

shart my pants

lay down

get behind reinhardt

Duck behind the tank (the fat guy in front of me)

shart in the aforementioned mart

throw a banana at the dumb nigger


works like a charm

But McCree's ult is an instant kill when fully charged. Zen can't out-heal it.

*presses E*
Now what westaboo?

I suppose just wait for your reflect to go away like any sensible mcree...

>mcree players

Wonder who the fuck is the pathetic NEET, Sup Forumsirgin that is spewing video game quotes in walmart.

shit all over the plaec

>ita fucking September and people still think that reflect works on anyone with half a functioning brain
Its only use is an escape mechanic since it makes you invincible just long enough to get out of the heat of battle.

Iris isn't a heal, it's invulnerability

get back in the line

shart in mart

put him to sleep

It's not. It's an AOE 300 hp/s heal.

Just for Zen though

The other people at the line are fucked

Just for Zen, right? For everyone around him it heals super fast, but you can still kill them with certain insta-gib ults

You kinda gave me the idea op, if you hear someone yelling that say you're from Sup Forums so I can spare you

Yell that he he sexually harassed me

Start panicking as I'm not a low income minority and therefore have no reason to be in a Wal-Mart.

>Implying he cares about what happens to those other fags in line
He's invulnerable, all that matters

Walk around the corner