How do you feel about Mega Man?

How do you feel about Mega Man?

Also, is he really dead?

Why does everyone hate Mighty No 9? I just saw it at best buy for $20 and snagged it because why the fuck not. Really enjoying it, although it isn't really what I had hoped for either.

Even so, the physical PS4 game comes with downloads of the PS4, 3 and Vita versions so I can just sell it and I still keep the digital PS4 version along with the others. Seems an odd thing for them to do.


Oh come now, he isn't completely dead.

not yet

They were decent platformers. But I couldn't give less of a fuck about the story, so I dropped the series when it started to put more focus on it. In particular I find later X games and all Z games downright unplayable.

The Megaman Legends series is one of my favorite things in the world. That's how I feel about it.

How do people feel about the Megaman Zero series? The ones on GBA. I recall them actually being really fun. Just picked up the collection on DS and I'm hype to play through them all again.

Really good, extremely challenging. They're probably one of the few Mega Man series which don't have any real disappointments in them, although if you are just looking for individual games that wouldn't matter as much. Good luck with those S-ranks and finding all those Cyber Elves.

Are you literally new around here? A really good reason why everyone dislikes it is because of the delays and broken promises and hype dwindled as years passed waiting for a spiritual successor.

Then it came out and people criticized it for being bland .

They only standout if you have score boners IMO. I've only played through 3, and I'll admit that I enjoyed 1 when I was younger but I've had to slog through the games after it because I don't have that drive and the level design is like 80% straight lines with enemy fodder at measured intervals. If you like to S-Rank things then more power to you but I've at least tried every subcategory of MM aside from Star Force and it's probably my least favorite of the lot.

I'm fine with the series but he wasn't treated as badly as people made it out to be when MML3 got canned.

The IP had lots of games even if you don't count the ports. A lot more than many Capcom IPs got.

But as time went on, they just kept selling less and less. That's something you don't want when game dev costs keep getting higher and higher

Inafune walking before MML3 got far enough into development wasn't a smart move.

If it was completely dead then we'd get nothing about it at all. The cartoon is coming out and even with the design and other things surrounding it I'm waiting to actually see an episode or 3 before I write it off.

I hate how everyone goes full erin for megaman x when x2 is the superior game
>on x 1 mega a pussy
>on x 2 mega is alpha as fuck
>rescues zero
>Double megabuster motherfucker!
>manliest mavericks...except sponge bonge
>dat magna centipede stage
>dat gamer gator stage
>dat Overdrive Ostrich Battle
Fuck you egoshit waffles

Yeah I agree. After playing them a few more times over the years, I find myself liking X2 more and more than X1.

Although X1 is still the king of X soundtracks.


I liked x2 more...
But best track of classic x is blizzard buffalo hands down

what the fuck is that?

>X6 above x8 n x4
user, you didnt do your homework

new cartoon

I think the Zero series is the hardest of all Megaman games, but that's just me... They really went batshit insane with the level design.

Its ok, zero 1 and 2 are the hardest, zero 3 is really balanced. Zero 4 is just a story game, gameplay a shit

My fav Mega Man is the one from Legends they should have continued that series because it was great. I'm even looking forward to Red Ash.

>How do you feel about Mega Man?
I wanna fuck that shota robot!
>Is he really dead

Same tee bee eighch faaaam

Yeah and Zero killed him and Dr Wily then destroyed the whole world

>*one google search later*
Oh my fucking god... NO...


You know you say "double buster" but its way fucking weaker than than the pink energy dragon shot thing that can multihit. Its the same way with the hadoken and the shoryuken, lot easier to land a projectile while at full health vs an uppercut

I was a mega man fanatic.

Like unhealthy. Put my arm in my puffy Charlotte hornets jacket and ran around the playground jumping with my faggot arms in the air like Mega Man.

Doodled mega man in my notebooks in middle school and never did any actual work.

Met Keiji inafune once at a gamestop in NYC.
Collected mega man merch on ebay in the mid to late 2000s.

I run into people from 15 years ago and they're like "Oh you were that kid who liked Mega Man?"

Back then Mega man games would drop at like 2 or 3 a year. I thought it would never end.

But as I sit here months away from 30yrs old, I realize that Mega Mans time is over. Just like my youth. Mega man will be forgotten soon. I will die. I will be forgotten. All these memories will be lost.

Oh quit being such a bitch, bitch.

Funny you say that, considering Zero has better gameplay than X

The battle network and star force feel so out of place in that picture for me, for some reason I envision them as different franchises altogether.

>How do you feel about Mega Man?

Really good series with many controversial filler games in each of the sagas. Awesome protags for my teenage and current manchildren me:

>Zero and X for the badass factor
>Geo Stelar for the literally me factor

>You know you say "double buster" but its way fucking weaker than than the pink energy dragon shot thing
Hell no it isn't.
Maybe against mooks, but storm tornado exists.
Against bosses the second charge shot in x2 is the only weapon that can hit bosses in their invulnerable state and the shot itself does like five points of damage to bosses and that's in addition to the normal charged shot.
You don't even need boss weapons to counter other bosses since the double charge shot shits on every boss so hard.

How they took that idea and made it into the shittiest buster upgrade in the whole series in x3 baffles me.

You know what the problem was? Not that it ended. Sure, there will always be fans who want their series to continue on forever, especially since Mega Man was Capcom's mascot for the longest time.

The problem was how it ended. A new game where fans could make their own level (Mega Man Universe), cut for no visible reason. A hyped game the fans were clamoring about (Legends 3) ended shortly after it began, and the fans were blamed. Another series that featured Mega Man (Marvel VS Capcom) cut him because he supposedly didn't fit in, despite fitting in the previous installments. Another fighting game finally features Mega Man (Street Fighter X Tekken) and he's a joke character that jabs a finger at the Legends characters.

On their own, these isolated instances would have sucked, but people wouldn't have cared. But it was all of it, one after the other, that rubbed everyone the wrong way. And there were other things that I'm forgetting.

Yeah, I'm a whiny Mega Man fan, blah blah blah, but you treat a series and its fans like shit, then wonder why they're upset with you? Really?

I may be remembering wrong, I could be thinking of x3's like you said, but I'm pretty sure it didn't do 5 points.

and yeah against goons was one of the things I was factoring in. I loved firing it off then dashing after it watching its trail of destruction.


Megaman is dead. I loved him just as much as you did.

But, don't give up. Do not give up.


I would have been OK if they went out in a great way, but they had to do the cocktease.


Do not laugh!!!


Do not laugh!
Do NOT laugh!!!

I can go all day, buddy.

This city made us...

The series gave me a lot of good games, lots of good music, and my waifu.

But I'd rather it remain dead then be completely fucked up like the Metroid series.

Reminder the reason Capcom doesn't make Mega Man games anymore is because they sell like shit

Same reason Archie canned the comic.