Helicopters not on rails

>helicopters not on rails
>no stupid weapon unlocks
>different abilities for commanders on each team

>inb4 muh tripwire

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>>helicopters not on rails

Thats good, was one of my concerns

>no stupid weapon unlocks
Probably is, i only just unlocked the mp44 in ro2.

This game is going to be one clusterfuck at launch

Are people that bothered about the graphics?

Shame its not UE4 but im not complaining

Please tell me there are no flamethrowers or bullet immunity spells for the game to revolve around this time

>you can place a VC tunnel as a VC commander

I wonder if its going to be preset positions or anywhere you want. that would be fucking rad

There are flamethrowers

Need I say more?

It's shit then.

>helicopters not on rails
This counts as a feature in the year 2016

is it?

>tfw Vietnam games will start becoming a thing now

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=487t88pz-2Y

sorry mr marketer but after RO2 and KF2 I'm not buying anything tripwire related at launch ever.


Anybody got link to yesterday's stream?

I asked the same the other day, but it's just a spawn point, not an actual tunnel. There are tunnels in the levels though.

>it aint me starts playing

Think, now there are tons of automatic weapons, flamethrowers are doomed



So, they are going to fire the RS Vietnam team after they finish the game, fuck the launch, destroy the preset balance, add terrible maps and jew as much as they can while crying CoD kids are to blame when the playerbase drops like a brick?

Cant wait

>Everyone now has an automatic weapon

its gonna be trash

from what i heard, they are treating antimatter very well, unlike the RO2 team.

HAHA, YES! I fucking LOVE this joke!

>all these automatic weapons
>the m14 isn't an automatic


Any specs released?

they are redoing how automatic rifles work, so it won't be ez mode like in RO2

Some highlights from the PAX Panel.
>North Vietnam gets a SAM site that lasts like 1 minute and shoots down anything above 75m.
>Weapons have variants, so the AK has 3 different types of AK rifles.
>Squad Leaders can be any class now. So if you wanted to you could be a SQL with a M60.
>NVA has some cool Commander abilities, like having all dead players spawn on the TL, or recon that can't be shot down (eyes of the jungle iirc)
>Hueys can be linked with squads to become mobile spawns.
>ANZAC and ARVN confirmed for coming after the initial release.
>There is a Simple and Advanced flight model for Helicopters.
>The Tail Rotor can kill you if you run into it.

Found the dirty nip

>trusting shitwire

that logo is pretty good.

>the tail rotor can kill you if you run into it
>swooping down and carving a hole in a VC push, alongside the standard shooty business

Yes please.

but im still hype

Can't wait to play as a Bull Negro and dump a belt of lead into some gooks

On the other hand, playing as a rice farmer and sending American pigs to Coca-Cola heaven with a rusty AK is enticing as well.


I really hope it's as PTSD-inducing as some moments in Ro2 and Rising Storm were

keep going

>Unreal 3

good goy



Can't wait for them to make a bunch of promises about vehicles and things being added in future free updates when it comes out barebones and broken only to never add them, shit out a paid expansion stolen from the modding community that was promised as free, then to totally drop support a few months later.

IT's sad that the only thing keeping me from getting this is the retarded mouth breathers that's bound to play.

God online is such a double edged sword, i fucking hate how it is

>no stupid weapon unlocks

You literally get a bigger magazine on the m16's for levelling up

Graphics are good enough desu

Flamethrower guys run pretty slow now

>All these special weapons and vehicles
If this is anything like Rising Storm or even RO 41-45 it's gonna be really frustrating quake gameplay with point blank rpgs and moving down a bunker by flying around it in a fucking heli.
>Panzerfaust only custom maps for RO 41-45
Good times.

>unlike the RO2 team

What? Tripwire were the """RO2 Team""" and antimatter made Rising Storm

>stolen from the mod community

They hired the people working on the mod to make it a paid expansion

They basically said yesterday they had no plan for other vehicles like tanks since they had very little use overall.

Boats would be cool though

Hell yeah more Vietnam era music.

>Graphics are good enough desu

>Flamethrower guys run pretty slow now
do tanks explode if shot?

tripwire hahahaha, this game doesnt even have female playable characters which is historically inaccurate for the us forces in vietnam.

>Put explosive on a flimsy shack
>Detonate it
>Flimsy shack still stands

those sexy as fuck pants holy shit

I don't think so, at least I've not seen it happen

>inb4 muh tripwire
>implying that's not a legitimate concern given their history

literally no blood anywhere, how is this gore?

red pill me on tripwire

I wonder if this will get cut like it did from RS1.

I wonder if they won't ever add any new vehicles, or have redundant voice lines that clearly illustrate cut content.

I wonder if TWI will abandon the game like it did for RS.


They had sum policy on behaviour

Legit using kf2 animations, lel

It's anywhere you want but it just works like a spawn point not a tunnel going through the map if you get me


Yes let's just forget everything they did in the past haha it'll be fine this time!


They shat the bed on KF2 and basically abandoned RO2/RS.

Oh so tripwires 5 years of massive fuck ups are AOK because they have a video of a helicopter in a last gen game engine?

Fucking shills man

is the second guy wielding a flamethrower or a backpack?

do you have that 2005 video, i seem to have lost it

Can somebody explain what is wrong with Tripwire.

Bioshock was made on Unreal 2.5, yet still looked good for the time. The same engine as Killing Floor

Are you unable to read?

I got u senpai

thanks my coon









I'm worried that this large game mode of theirs to facilitate helicopters will feel shitty like battlefield and not Red Orchestra.

I bet helicopters won't actually be in at launch, they'll promise to add them in an update, and then never do so or acknowledge it ever again. Just like they did with vehicles in RO2.


guess you never played bioshock on release my man. it ran at 20fps then crashed if you were lucky


I did on my mates dodgy gaming laptop. I played it all night and completed the game in one sitting because I couldn't sleep. Didn't crash once and had a 40-60 frame rate


fun fact: Director Oliver Stone (Wall Street, Platoon and writer of Conan the Barbarian) dropped out of Yale to go and fight in Vietnam because he felt his classmates were pieces of shit for advocating for the war, yet using their influence to avoid the draft

Fuck that redraven dude.

what the fuck is this?
whats the context
tv show???????

Rising Storm 2 is starting to sound like Squad but more infantry based

We don't all have toasters you know

show called big brother

they get a bunch of cunts and make them live with eachother for a month?

That guy there browses Sup Forums i believe, top memer

>5 years of massive fuck ups
Tripwire might fuck up often but in the end they still put out good games.

RO2 was fixed and became very good, RS was great and now KF2 has been fixed and is great.

RO2 only has a player base because it was given away for free for a week after a "please play our game" patch.

KF2 looks set to get the same treatment only this time they brand it as the "official release"

Not trying to shill for Tripwire, Hopefully Antimatter will get shit done right and Tripwire, if they aren't stupid, wont impede the release of this game with stupid bullshit

A good chunk of these webms look ok but the reuse of animations and stuff is definitely noticeable. They have been reusing stuff it seems early of to get the base game set, I saw someone post a pic of some Vietcong player models yesterday that had horrendous face textures, although I'm not sure they are the same as the current models. Also apparently in the trailer they used Japanese voices from RS because they don't have Vietnamese recordings yet.



>helicopters not on rails
Of course they won't be on rails, they won't even be in the game. This is Tripwire we're talking about.

What's with all the shill threads for this game lately? It's not even out until next year.

>they won't even be in the game

Wew, I guess that PC Gamer article and trailer were fake.


Is that map a remake of Saipan?

RO2 has a player base because it's is a lot of fun to play. Tripwire realised they fucked up and made it into a good game.

Killing Floor 2 was dead for a while and again Tripwire saw this and changed the game back into something the community can enjoy.

They were bumpy and extremely unpleasant rides and often Tripwire were faggots but in the end both games got there.

>muh shills
Kill yourself

Here you go user. Jump to the Tripwire panel towards the end to watch them fuck around in hekicopters.


Killing Floor 2 didn't "get there", it's still dead as fuck early access trash. Stop making shit up.


I bought KF2
Never again fuckers

I think you might legitimately be retarded user. Killing Floor 2 is by no means dead. It being in early access does not change this.

It was dead when Tripwire made a bunch of absolutely retarded changes to the game but then they reverted them and added new changes in line with what the community wanted like removing teleporting Zed's and it is now very fun to play with a lot of people playing it.

I mean it's made by antimatter who didn't fuck up rising storm unlike tripwires RO2.