So who got an invite?
So who got an invite?
>tripfag without a job playing unfinished games
not me :(
>without a job
Define job.
Nor Monster Monpiece, which they claim they sent out 2 weeks prior.
>unfinished games
You can shit all you want on the tripfag, but get your facts straight.
I've never heard of trillion, what's its gameplay?
Power up your harem of girls and then sacrifice them to a powerful God to power up your next sacrifice all while trying to do as much damage to kill said God.
Made with some ex-NIS members, so it has a very Disgaea feel in the characters. It's also one of those games you'll want to reply.
and have to replay 11 times minimum for the Platinum
Wait, what? Why? That's a bit much even for my trophy whoring ways
I applied to both and got a key for neither. Its a shame. So far the only game I've ever gotten to beta test is Phantom Brave PC. Not sure if NISA is more loose with keys than IFI or if I just got lucky.
you have to get all the endings on the same save file.
9 endings (1 for each playable character at 100% affection rating) + true ending + Challenge mode (which is the regular game except you can pick your order, there is no plot, and each candidate only has one chance of fighting the god unlike the usual 3 chances)
>apply to all the Idea Factory betas
>didn't get a single invite
why live
for ports of games already out
For finished games. It's just testing ports to steam.
So the game is unfinished, hence it's in beta.
Ffs Sup Forums gets dumber by the day.
The port is unfinished. The game is done.
>So the game is unfinished,
for being ported to the PC? Likely
but overall it's not unfinished
You're retarded.
Wondering now how long it will take for Monster Monpiece to release on Steam at this point.
Applied for all 3 mentioned games, thanks to 3DSdude talking about them in past threads, didn't get in any either.
Pretty based of IF to have fans test the ports, instead of just doing a hack job and having to wait for fixes