Draw a girl

>draw a girl
>say it's a boy

why is this allowed?



Seems like a lot of anons across a lot of boards just recently got into Danganronpa.

>post a VN thread
>outside of /vg/
Why is this allowed?

Because it's the best

what vidya female () character would you?

>draw a boy
>say it's a boy

>female (male)
baka Sup Forums

> Do you want to start a family?

>tfw neg

Homosexual pandering.

Because its cute.

Seriously, this meme is officially overused. Stop using it.

>Draw a girl (male)
>Say it's a boy (female)

Because cute

I'll poz you right up you little piggy

Listen. I looked on iqdb, google, saucenao... and it didn't find it. S-sauce?

I want nothing more than to be pozzed by a Sup Forums user

enjoy HIV

>Draw a cute girl
>Pair her with another cute girl

Was he the Chihiro of the first killing game?


find a flaw

You tell me your state first you little piggy cum slut.

>cute boys never have more than an A cup

This needs to stop


not real

he is not sitting in my face

Why is there blood dripping under the skirt?

end your life

>Draw Yu Narukami
>Say it's a totally new character


Not while you're still alive to recieve my seed, cutie.

>draw a boy
>call it a girl
Why is this allowed?

cute boys dont have tits at all

>Yu is represented as a crazy psychopath who kills people in order to create hope

Writers confirmed for based Adachifags.