Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you fucking kidding me?

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Awwww whos a cute widdwe chubby cheeky


He'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

Don't make the same mistake I did

How about explaining what your problem is with it instead of just being a memelord?

>Genwunner babies detected

it looks stupid


Literally the best Pokemon design ever, you genwunners just don't understand...

you guys notice that they put pokemon snap into the game as well?

>a deal's a deal

You honestly think that looks good? I love the original Raticate. This is just insulting.


hahaaha. He is actually kind of cute.

>still caring about nu-pokemon designs

Why would all Ratticates be fat?

How can an entire species have obesity cheeks? Are they born fat? Surely you can find a non-fat one?

You really have a way with words. Here's my counter argument for why I think all the Alola forms have been great so far:

You a stinky poo poo head is stupid!!

Because urban areas are their main habitat, their diet is higher in calories than ordinary Raticate. As a result, they have become hefty.

Alolan Raticate prefers to eat only fresh fruits and high-class ingredients. There are rumors that a certain top-notch restaurant takes advantage of Alolan Raticate’s taste buds by bringing it along when choosing ingredients to buy, and having it taste test new dishes.

Alolan Raticate continually stockpile huge amounts of food in their nests. They mostly prefer to send out Alolan Rattata to gather food while they themselves stay home in their nests and just eat.

Alolan Raticate is the Totem Pokémon of the trial that takes place in Verdant Cavern on Melemele Island in Pokémon Moon. It summons Rattata to help it confront those who take on the trial.

You're gonna have to call the cops, OP. I don't give a fuck.

>a fat rat who has impeccable taste in food

Why are you faggots so upset over this. This is the most relatable Pokemon we've had.

only fun part of pokemon snap is hitting pokemon with apples.

Sup Forums nerds are skinny, not fat.

redditors are the fat ones

Would you be upset if I told you they are born this way

only the strong evolve. And the strong order the weak to bring them their fucking food

I wanna squish its cheeks

>that Ratatouille reference

prepare to face defeat from my 2 pokemon!

Its a Mob boss...

>realism in pokemon designs


>How can an entire species have obesity cheeks?
Their supposed to be those really big ass cheeks squirrels have.

ah fuck his cheeks are like giant tits too

we all know the best designs were used up first so they could have a successful game. they didn't know it would be such a phenomenon, they stuck their best guys in generation 1.
it made sense, for there to be a mimic pokemon like voltorb. pokeballs were based on it, not the other way around.

liek this?

That's hardly the worst pokemon design they've revealed so far

don't you have a shitty phone game to be playing?

>implying Sup Forums doesn't force feed their """"good taste in video games"""" down everyone's throat in every thread
>implying Sup Forums shitposters aren't rats

Seriously, why only two.
Why is Game Freak so afraid of giving a challenge OUTSIDE endgame/postgame areas?
Don't they have 700+ Pokémons now?
Why not USE THEM

>implying I'm not putting this fat fuck on my team

someone post the picture of the gun pokemon pls

To be fair, I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be a lab experiment of them trying to combine a bunch of Pokemon and created this abomination instead.

Thing is it's not quite horrible looking enough to make this apparent at first glance.

Not liking Raticate isn't the same as not liking all of them.


left or right?


Which one has bigger penis

>Why does this blatant lab experiment chimera abomination look so bad?


They're pouches for storing food dummy.


Cape hair blonde goddess any day

who needs an umbrella when you have hair like that


Right. This isn't even a choice. Wicke is thicc

It's a chimera you retarded piece of shit


>Artificially created failures need to look like garbage

>dark rat evolution

Sounds ok for me.

>you will never have awesome pokemon hairstyles

kill me

When has Raticate ever not looked stupid?

>Used the best designs in gen 1

>Three purple blobs

>Why would all pigs be fat? How can an entire species have high fat content?

But in the games, Mew gave birth to Mewtwo


Depicted: not a failure, just something that went too right (and has mostly genetic material from a single living being)

the one with tig ol biddies

Mewtwo wasn't really a failure though.
Absolute nut job yeah, but not a failure.

They wanted to create the most powerful Pokemon and they succeeded and the fact that they succeeded so well is what fucked everyone over.


I want mommy to cuddle qnd brwast feed me under the moon

Nigga, there's entire species of pokemon that all wear the same item of clothing but fat cheeks is what triggers you?

Mewtwo was a success dipshit
Stop posting

Oh no, now he's a fat rat instead of just a rat.
I don't even play Pokemon but you endless Pokemon complainers are autistic as fuck.

Is there ANY other series in existence that suffers so much intense scrutiny from its """"fans""""? Final Fantasy maybe?

They evolved that way.

Mewtwo isn't an amalgamation based on multiple Pokemon you dumbass genwunner.

Considering how you circlejirk around gen 1 designs, you sure as hell don't know any shred of lore behind any of them.

It reminds me of a fat Hawaiian man



Nature isn't beautiful nature isn't ugly
It's just the way things are

huh...really makes you think

The cheeks aren't fat, they just store food in them you mongoloid

>we want the MLP audience

Not a big fan of the heart face, but does look promising for evolves. Like that face too since its pretty damn different from all other pokemon


Dude's either packing it in really well or doesn't have a dick.


I can deal with the design.

But that 4x Fighting weakness ensures I will never use it in any remotely serious battle.

This is already the best pokemon generation and the games haven't even come out yet.

oh fuck


>ugly fat guys and some with moobs
>ugly fat girls
>ugly fat girls with flap jack titties
>ugly fat girls with chest tattoos

The perfect image to rid yourself of a boner.

>Pseudo legendary is another dragon

I want another weird ass piece of shit like whatever Metagross is supposed to be.



>Is there ANY other series in existence that suffers so much intense scrutiny from its """"fans""""?
Star Wars

Those legs just go on for days


damn, i bet my dick could fit in there and then it could hold all my cum in its cheeks like acorns...

see space aesthetic/10

You monster


>gives back the bird seed after being caught