Someone just gave one of these to me as a gift

Someone just gave one of these to me as a gift.
What game should I get?
>HARD MODE~ I have a Mac

Other urls found in this thread:


Got it already
>tired of the crafting meme

If no one replies ill just get star few valley

Super Meat Boy

Siralim or Siralim 2

crypt of the necrodancer

U know what to do OP

thief 2


>Dungeons of Dredmor
>Caves of Qud

There's a fuckton you can get.

>Tired of the crafting meme
Yeah, no, fuck you, you're retarded.
Go buy Borderlands 2 GoTY edition for $10.

Sonic All stars Racing transformed.

a torrent client

The Flame in The Flood, Oxenfree, Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight, Kentucky Route Zero, Axiom Verge, Freedom Planet, Monaco, Crypt of the Necrodancer, or Sunless Sea depending on your preferences.

> tired of crafting, about to get Stardew valley
> about to waste 20$ on what is a 5 zminute warez download
> doesn't know about all those hidden gems that cost s tenner tops

Ace of Seafood

Multiplayer and soundtrack when?

Beilive it or not its actually getting a Wii U release with an update. Don't know what the update adds but it sure feels like some kind of post-game multiplayer was intended when I played it. There's about 10 hours of gameplay in the "story mode" where you build up strength and take over different bases (with a very logical final stage/boss). After you have all the bases, tough groups of enemies start trying to invade and take back your territory as a post-game thing. And yeah a few of the OST tracks are great, especially in boss fights.

Soundtrack for those curious:

Thanks user. I'll still buy the soundtrack wehn it comes to steam like I did with Neo Aquarium because DEKU is amazing.

portal 2



My favorite is when you dive into the abyss at the end of the game and the Giant Squid theme starts playing, You see his lasers before his body and you have probably already lost a squad mate if you didn't load up with big boys.

dead space, bioshock, cs go, fallout new vegas or 3, starcraft 2, la mulana, talos principle, grimrock 1or 2, hyper light drifter, portal

based on my taste ofc, yours may differ