Is this shit the next Battlefield: Hardline, or will it supplant BF4?

Is this shit the next Battlefield: Hardline, or will it supplant BF4?

The beta makes me want to go back to BF4 as soon as its over.

You forget the fact that the industry and the general public doesnt share Sup Forums's opinion, and thus, its irrelevant.

it made me want to buy BF4.

BF4 is the superior game.

How can you buy the beta, user?

It's even worse than hardline.

There's zero reason to play it over BF4. Or at all for that matter.

It's like BF42 but without all the shit that made it good.

This game is uber casual. So it will take the shine away from bg4

game would've been better with mod tools/if it were designed around/with mod tools in mind.

as it stands it's sort of fun, sort of shit
won't have enough guns or variety to fill it out well enough IMO.

Feels like 1943 and BC1 had a baby with a better damage model. I like it.

Hardline had completely fucked up weapon balance, at least BF1 tried

>won't have enough variety.
also won't have enough tactica/factionl-"realness" to balance said lack of variety out.

Yes, stay in BF4 forever and spare the rest of us having to endure you in BF1.

They really fucked up the aircraft this time around, worse than usual, given how fun WW1 dogfighting and strafing could be

Ive had a lot of fun with the beta but I do have plenty of issues with some of the design choices.

That being said I'll be sticking with BF4 for a good while since Im not about to pony up $130 for the full game

eh, the aircraft aren't that bad.

mostly I just have a tough time with the controls.

try remapping the controls to be more like war thunder for KBM... with roll moved to A and D, and Yaw moved to mouse-x

pitch should be both W and S and mouse-y.

throttle( which is now an axis) should be remapped to Shift and Ctrl.

BF4 is shit now, isn't as popular as before and it's hard to find a good server with dlc maps.

Will be buying this though and since I'm not a poor person, the season pass with it

I mean just the way they fit into the game, like the respawn timers and their role overall.

lol I went back to BF4 after a couple hours of it. It's literally just BF4 with shitty guns and vehicles.

>it's hard to find a good server with dlc maps.
Christ this. The two best maps in the game are DLC and barely ever get played. Why couldn't DICE stick to their Bad Company 2 "don't fragment the playerbase with DLC maps" stance? Fucking HOMOS

>bf1 tried
>all non-bolt actions are worthless and playing infantry is just you getting to be target practice for tanks which are also incredibly poorly balanced themselves with the idiotic new vehicle system meaning there's no reason to ever even see a heavy tank in the game




Seriously, go brush your teeth with some fucking steel wool you retarded faggot.

There's plenty of fucking servers:

Kill yourself, that's all OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. And TBG has like SIX+ servers for CQ alone, and a dedicated infantry only server.

>mfw I'm going to buy the game and cheat
If you think it's a casual game and you're sticking with BF4, you shouldn't even be mad.

One positive for BF1 is there's less one hit kill bullshit that can goose your arsehole out of nowhere. You almost always get a chance to make eye contact with what kills ya.

Oh yeah but don't forget Hardline on release had an almost zero recoil 7.62 NATO hard hitter that could kill you in one server update.

>One positive for BF1 is there's less one hit kill bullshit that can goose your arsehole out of nowhere
Are you fucking retarded? There's more 1HKO in BF1 more than BF4.

>Snipers - I can headshot up to 300m without even being fucking prone
>Tanks - LOL cannister shots
>Plane Bomber drops
>Attack Plane bomb drops
>Infantry TTK is so fast you no time to respond to shots at your back - which you could in BF4
>1HKO from almost 270 degrees with melee - provided this has been the same since BF3 or earlier, too assed to care


....did... did you just assume my identity? The fuck is wrong with you

>Are you fucking retarded?
Please can you tone down your language? There's no need to insult me when we're trying to have a nice calm discussion about the next big blockbuster game, thanks in advance.

No, I'm just flabbergasted there's always once faggot who says there's no severs when there's plenty from 3 PM to 11 PM MST. Learn to server browser.

Also, maybe its "dead" right now due to the beta and also an American holiday throwing off the usual status quo in BF4, along with most Universities in the world having already started.

I hope this post is bait.


Better than Hardline, but very different from other BF games. Its literally the BadCo jump again. Like when they got rid of prone.

BF4 is getting an ingame server browser so I guarantee the PC community will stay.

>an ingame server browser
DICE suck at making these
Remember how bad the BF2 one was?
The BC2 one is also terrible, the whole interface freezes up when you update.

Its probably going to be like the BF1 one so it shouldn't be too bad.