Watching other people play video games

Can someone explaint this to me? even after all these years I still dont get the appeal. When a new game comes out I will try and read non spoiler reviews. Not spoil myself by watching full playthroughs unless I knew I wasnt going to buy the game. After playing the game I can sorta see the appeal here. seeing someone elses reaction is kinda fun but beyond that I just dont get it. Have a feeling I may have already answered my own question here.

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Why does anyone watch anybody do anything?


It's the generation of little brothers who weren't allowed to play because big bro never gave up the controller.

They grew up resigned to watch someone else play so this abortion came to be.

I'm too miserable and self-loathing to do anything that would be productive or helpful.

So this is the perfect brain-dead nothingness I desire.

stfu moron, learn to think

I like having background noise when I do something.

Mot of the games that get played that I listen to, are full of commentary that I like.

Some are entertaining to listen to and it's a different way of zoning out. Some can't afford new games or want to watch before buying

Not really a thing i can explain. Really if i ever look up a specific game on youtube, it's usually a game i don't own but played a lot in my childhood. Sometimes i'll just wanna see how a new game is. But really there are times where the group of people i'm watching make the game look 10x more fun than it really is, and gives my brain that lonely feeling of me having "friends" or at least knowother people (that aren't too cringy) are into the game as much as i am.

Yeah, it's a pathetic and sad response, but it's more or less my response.

I totally see your point tho

I watch people play sports because I can't play sports.
I watch people cook because I suck ass at cooking.
I watch people host talk shows because i'm socially inept.

Unless you have no hands, there's no excuse to not be able to play a fucking videogame.

There's no excuse for you to be socially inept, you deficient human being

It's the person you're listening to not the game.
The game is almost completely unrelated to how enjoyable it is, ideally it should be wholly unrelated.

There are cases where they talk about other topic while they just happen to be playing a game. when they're 30+ minutes long I just keep them on as podcasts or background noise

wtf i hate this blog now

>People like grapes

Those are all pretty lame excuses, senpai. How the fuck can you not play sports? Are you crippled?

And even if you are how the fuck can you not cook? 90% of cooking is literally fucking caveman 'know how to heat this up' shit.

There's no excuse for you not to play sports.
There's no excuse for you not to learn how to cook.

Some people like it

You don't


I don't get it. The only video game guys I follow are Easy Allies, and I can't stand to watch them play video games unless it's Bosman playing Tetris. That's pretty comfy. Other than that I don't get it.

Playing games does absolutely nothing on its own.

Playing sports gives you exercise. Cooking food gives you something to eat. Talking to people gives you a social network. Why exactly do you feel 'better' about watching these things you could TOTALLY be doing to improve yourself and your life, but feel bad about watching someone play a game?

I became a poorfag who watched my friend played vidyas on the new consoles at the time.

Now I've been catching up on old games while still being poor. Since we're miles apart for most of the year and Letsplays aren't very enjoyingful to watch nowadays.

I cant use my legs

I like gymnastics, I doubt a 30yo overweight neckbeard could make a perfect iron cross. I prefer to see buffed manlets doing it.

Depends on the streamer. In PDP's case it's because he appeals to literal children.

Surrogate friends.

I watch gameplay, not people talking out loud and no webcam shit.

Also, I do it because I don't have the system the game is on.

The reasons I watch youtubers play games:
1. Checking out the game to see if it looks like something I'm interested in
2. Seeing their reactions or choices/strategies in games I've already played

It's all about the personality and less about the games they play.

A generation of young people depraved of social interaction outside social media, and adults who only followed what society told them to do or those who never broadened their fields of interest.

Both possesses a very basic definition of "humor" and some only do so for the sake of a imaginary social acceptance.

Those is the social acceptance group considers themselves a pack and their medium property. That is why they get so uppity and the slightest insult or criticism.


I like seeing someone extremely skilled at a game completely make that game his bitch

I'll give you an example. I listened to a playthrough of Front Mission 5 by the guy that did the english translation. I did this while doing other things and basically treated it like a podcast, or would run it in a second window while emulating old games.

He had a lot of insight into the story as well as the process of translating something, it was really fascinating to me. He also corrected his translations on the fly which was really interesting.

I like to watch Robbaz because he has the best gameplay.

I agree with op.
I find streamers the lowest form of entertainment.

If your video isnt like 5 to 10 min max long and well edited showing highlights of you playing a game and youre generally funny(witty commentary over gameplay) i wont watch.

Watching full streams upon HOURS of games and playthroughs and speedruns is NOT entertaining to me. And i find it hard to fathom how people can WASTE their time like that and say theyre enjoying themselves.

>Game has a neat story, but lousy gameplay that would actually negatively impact your enjoyment of the plot due to tedium.
>Game costs more that it is worth and you would spent more time going through the act of pirating it that you would playing it
>Only interested in one specific section
>Game is exclusive to a platform you don't own and don't care to own
>the guy talking has a hot voice
>the person talking is funny, and the game is just a vehicle for them to come up with the jokes you're watching for
>You want to get up to speed with the lore of something in as little time as possible

because playing video games is a vice

This is the only acceptable answer.

I'm watching Broteam play a game right now. I have to tell you, I do not care WHAT game he is playing or how well he is playing it. I'm not here for the games.

>A generation of young people depraved of social interaction outside social media
That's retarded and so are you.

>and adults who only followed what society told them to do or those who never broadened their fields of interest.
This is the most deviant generation of people that has ever existed.

>Both possesses a very basic definition of "humor" and some only do so for the sake of a imaginary social acceptance.
>Those is the social acceptance group considers themselves a pack and their medium property. That is why they get so uppity and the slightest insult or criticism.
>coming from Sup Forums: Video Games
Are you familiar with the term projection sir?

>watching cat videos
>not just getting a cat
wow um ok?

>watching people play sport
>watching people doing quizzes
>watching people cook
>watching people literally talking to each other

he may be a bit odd, but his stuff is pretty decent.

Also like Sark, not for the video games, but the jokes and shit

lazy goddam nigger

i do it for games I may be on the fence for. Also seeing, not necessarily watching, LPs of some games let you gauge if it's worth buying.

Good, recent example would be Firewatch, which LPers were completely beating in under 4 hours. Saved me time/money buying another fucking walking simulator.

because im a friendless grave shift hermit and i have nothing else to do but leave peoples video game streams on for background noise

there i said it you satisfied faggot OP?

>watches LPs
>to """gauge"""" a game what can be done by just watching normal gameplay videos and reading reviews
>even thinking of buing a walking simulator let alone watching someone else simulate walking for him

I'm impressed at how much this reeks of cancer.

>Are you familiar with the term projection sir?

All of that came from passive observation, of casual interaction and previous social experiences.

Ever got an entire fanbase hounding you cause you had the gall to tell them you don't like what they like?

You seem to be needlessly overly defensive. Are you sure you aren't the one projecting? Rejection of information? It hit to close to home?

Or do you simply reject ideas that you are incapable of forming yourself? Bitterness due to the lack of mental capabilities?

>reeks of cancer
Your entire reply? Yeah, can't believe you managed to care that much.

>generally funny, witty commentary

Oh yes, I'm sure Dunkey is so witty

>a common tripfag response

Sometimes I just don't feel like buying/pirating/DLing a game and would rather just watch a no commentary longplay or TAS.

Either that or I'd watch an LP of a Japanese player

I'm extremely picky when it comes to Let's Plays, but a very small minority of them are pretty great. Some of my favorite LPs include Pokecapn's Sonic 2006 LP and Two Best Friend's Ride to Hell LP. Generally, I find that broken piece of shit games are the funniest to watch Let's Plays of.

>reading paid reviews

Yeah, cuz that's a perfectly good way to get ripped off.

>He actually thinks money changes hands for review scores

It's far less obvious than that.

I used to be like this too but it's entertaining watching people react/play your favorite games.
I watch let's players because of their high extroverted personality.

>I used to be like this too but it's entertaining watching people react/play your favorite games.

I feel this way myself, just because it's neat seeing other people's perspectives on the game as they're playing it, and sometimes finding secrets or glitches I didn't know about.

I imagine most people who watch other people play games are poorfags or children

Friendly reminder that you will live to see the united states get a let's player president.

It's a millenials thing.

i always watch no commentary lets plays after ive played part of a game. i just find it interesting to see how other people played through it and if i maybe missed something fun.

>whaddup USA? It's ya boi, your president! today were gonna take a look at this newest crisis, so lets get started

>can't buy the game
>don't own the system it was made for
There you go.

In addition to this I like to watch someone better at the game than me or plays the game in ways I may not have thought of and possible apply to my gameplay style (such as Moon Moon, he's a generally laud back goofy guy who's a pretty decent Overwatch player).

>presidential speech is all caps with horns and overreacting

>BROKE ASS CRISIS - Presidential actions Part 4 by YaBoiPresident

It's like listening to talk radio.

I don't need fulfilling content. I just want ten minutes to thirty minutes of time wasted here and there with mildly interesting banter while I'n at work.

Some people have their tv on when they do stuff, I usually have some stream on when I code or do food.

This is a mistake everybody seems to make. Watching LPs for the video games is like going to a strip club for the music. The video games themselves are completely irrelevant. It's the actual LPers that people watch. They could put on a 24 marathon of qwop and people would fucking watch it. They watch for the comedy and the human elements, most of all they watch because of the LPers themselves. The top LPers are basically cults of personality. They're entertainers and market geniuses that know how to sell themselves and their personalities to make people want to see more of them. Video games are just a means to an end.

I don't think people even watch these faggots for the games, they just like the one filming themselves, the game is irrelevant. When I was young kid of like 8 or 9 in 2003-2004 I would watch muted video reviews of games just because I couldn't afford any of the games but I was happy just to watch gameplay. The person using the controller was completely irrelevant, but I think it's the opposite for kids today. The person using the controller IS the appeal, because they already have all the games.

does pewdiepie even play video games anymore? all his videos are filthy frank tier shit

Streaming is fun.

I'm not entertaining, but I like playing with the viewers.

I watch other streams play games I don't want to play or pay for.

Because people think it's fun and enjoyable?

Why the fuck does people keep asking this when the answer is obvious. How is the thought that people enjoy different things so alien to you?

It's the complete opposite for me, I feel completely detached and disconnected when watching streams. Occasionally I ask a game related question but other than that it doesn't feel real because I always think they're acting. They're always so over the top positive and cheerful, I get why, it's just feels weird. But that's just me

Basically this. If Darksyde Phil was boring, I would never watch him.

>Why the fuck does people keep asking this when the answer is obvious.
The answer isn't obvious, it's fucking mental illness to spend hours of your life watching someone make comments about an electronic toy while filming themselves and making funny faces.

If doing unproductive things with your time was mental illness by itself they'd have had you committed

>The video games themselves are completely irrelevant. It's the actual LPers that people watch.

While it is true that entertaining commentary is what I mainly watch Let's Plays for, it bugs the fuck out of me when Let's Players pay no attention to the game they're playing, which usually ends up getting them lost or killed.. I can't watch channels like Game Grumps because of this.

It is weird, but that's what people want to watch; someone that acts like they are coked the fuck out all time.

That's why a lot of smaller streamers are normal. You ever notice that?

This is my response too.

That's not mere unproductivity.

>, it's fucking mental illness to spend hours of your life watching someone make comments about an electronic toy

Isn't that basically Sup Forums itself?

I like stanburdman

Congratulations on repeating what your grandparents said about videogames. Or what previous generations sad about TV.

Are you people really this fucking lacking in self-awareness?

How about watching someone play a game you already finished?

I did that with The Last of Us and liked it.

I like to watch lets plays sometimes
I mostly play crpgs and such, so lets players are usually adults and not annoying weirdos
When I get home, I'm usually tired, and the games I play take conscious effort to play, so I'll watch something while I check the usual sites before starting a game up for the night, then maybe another video before I get ready for bed.
I also like to watch gameplay so that I can decide if its a game I'm interested in buying, or so I can get a better idea how to play the game well by watching people better than me

I watched markiplier play subnautica for 3 hours because being underwater scares me. I needed comfort.

Its like watching a friend play. In your subconcious it feels as if youre with a real person. Sounds autistic but that what I get from it.

Not at the fucking level professionals do you autistic retard

Let's Players are vicarious friends

It's something to fill the void of your crippling loneliness, to hear another voice talking about something you enjoy

Watching games is just as bad as pirating, i watch denuvo shit so i don't have to buy it.

nothing wrong with watching a film a second time

Good example is hearthstone: cost a fortune to play, the experience is frustrating as hell with all this rng, it's way more comfy to check a streamer spent his cash & get owned by rng, even though he knows the game inside out & can't do anything about it.

Oh okay, so unless you play a videogame at the level a professional does, you shouldn't be playing them either? That's an awful shame user.

Did you not think for 5 seconds before posting?

horror games are interesting but i "can't" play them because the controls are always extremely bad and it makes me frustrated instead of immersed

i get a kick out of watching people play them, and comment on their thought process behind their decisions
i don't watch the overexaggerated OH MY GOD I'M SO SCARED type ones though

Not sure.

The only way you can watch that faggot is if you have the video muted.

I'm too lazy/poor to play vidya games so I will enjoy watching someone else play them

>Can someone explaint this to me? even after all these years I still dont get the appeal.

No, you get the appeal. You've had it explained to you fully and concisely time and time again. You just think it's stupid and want to make another dumb thread about it..

>why watch the olympics? just go play them yourself stupid!