As appealing to an imaginary SJW fanbase seems to be more popular than microtransactions at the moment. Give me your thoughts on how any upcoming sequel to RDR can be Swedified. Some possibilities:
>female protagonist (black) overcoming macho Western patriarchy and showing she's as good a gunslinger as any man >play as an escaped black slave taking his revenge on white society. Lots of opportunities to remind their white male audience how damaging slavery was and how far back it set blacks >play as a black secretly gay cowboy. Western macho patriarchy led to your first secret love (white) being lynched in the street. Your love crossed racial and gender boundaries, now you are out for revenge
>how damaging slavery was and how far back it set blacks
The only thing it damaged was white countries since they let those dumbass baboons become actual citizens while giving them rights. And now they're destroying the countries from within.
Juan Morales
Rockstar is a lot of things. SJW isn't one of them.
Jackson Hernandez
They censored the breasts of girls in strip clubs for online by putting the bikinis back on them.
Nathaniel Edwards
If it was really SJW they would have just gotten rid of the strip clubs.
Adrian Hall
>>T. Poltard
go shoot up a school already
Joseph Perez
The fact that they have strip clubs in their game screams SJW at you?
Liam Moore
Blazing Saddles The Game would probably be better than whatever they do make.
Joseph Jackson
>p-p-p-Sup Forums! >Sup Forums! Sup Forums!!!! GO BACK TO Sup Forums! >REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Adorable
Wyatt Wright
someone triggered about the truth hm?
Grayson Williams
>wanting to focus on and talk about the thing you "hate"
Angel Fisher
>Geting this mad cause someone posted his main board woah calm there turbo autismo
Christian Richardson
Putting nudity for a sexual purpose will bump the rating to AO, which means Rockstar can't sell it at major retailers, which means they will lose a big chunk of sales. It's all business, you dumbcunt.
Angel Gomez
Playing as an Annie Oakley ripoff might be cool.
Samuel Young
No, they would have made the strippers trannies and made them lecture you about female empowerment until you agree to read their sex worker blog.
Connor Myers
well this went well
Adam Flores
Do you even play rockstar games? do you even play games?
Ethan Baker
What an absolutely awful thread.
Caleb Peterson
You've seen some good threads on here?
Justin Roberts
that rdr indian woman cover was fucking fan made. Fuck off it's not from R star
Christian Jackson
That kind of pessimism is the sort of attitude that leads to retarded little kids like OP having free reign around here.
Eli Smith
Its about a legitimate issue in the industry right now, and this thread is very likely supposed to be for humors sake.Why are you so butthurt?
Owen Moore
This. >cheap shots and cheap shots to backup aforementioned cheap shots
Some good ones have happened,m usually late, some of them way OT
Julian Murphy
>Actually getting mad about crossboard-posters. Lel.
Elijah Gomez
The sherrif from red dead redemption is back, and finally realizes that big government isn't so bad after all.
Isaiah Adams
You get what you deserve.
Jonathan Wilson
Ultimate goal of the game is to bring back the buffalo
Bentley Ward
Herbert moon was right
Kayden Hill
Luis Bailey
>removed the confederate flag from GTA V because of muh fee fees
Blake Davis
So can you play as a gun slinging nun in this game or not?
Angel Gomez
Waaaaaait so you agree with him, but hes evil for pointing it out?I mean i don't agree completely, but your clearly butthurt.Don't get butthurt on Sup Forums.
Lincoln White
>triggered >begins shitposting wildly its Sup Forums alright you have to go back
William Nguyen
>How far it set blacks
But blacks before white colonisation were living in mudhuts. Afterwards they were domesticated and house broken. How is that "setting them back"
LITERALLY my fetish. Please Rockstar, make it happen!
Grayson Mitchell
>White man owns you, and the beautiful strong black woman you love >Slave owner rapes her in front of you, and you a hilarious jewfriend takes you to canada where you will raise the white devil as your own, while your girlfriend plots revenge
Levi Hernandez
>>play as an escaped black slave taking his revenge on white society. Lots of opportunities to remind their white male audience how damaging slavery was and how far back it set blacks
So a django unchained game doesnt sound good to you huh
Henry Walker
Except nudity only gets you an m rating. Shown sexual intercourse is what lands an AO.
Bentley Cooper
>implying It's just faggoty whining really, some of us have been on the board for longer than a week and are sick of hearing about how the numale cuck tranny feminist ess jay dubya Quinnspiracy is out to ruin everything.
Lucas Mitchell
Its a legitimate real change in our culture, and its effecting video games.Some people have fun with it.I'm genuinely surprised theres not a daily update thread about it.
Jordan Carter
when will we know if remastered pc version is an actual thing?
Nolan Myers
it won't ever be
Gabriel Powell
Fpbp once again
Brayden Rogers
wtf a nun with a shitgun in a zombie game, i want to chop my penis off now ?
Julian Richardson
Jayden Gonzalez
The Sup Forumstard is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a racist, stupid, white, sexist, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him Sup Forums and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
William Hernandez
I just want a Chinese railroad worker who does badass Kung fu and kicks ass. He could teach the main character melee attacks.
Juan Turner
wait are you folks really that easy to trigger than some games have black characters in lead roles and you flip out?
Kevin Cox
You can now press x to mate with any 3D model in the game
Dominic Ramirez
No it's not because their little "influence", if any, means nothing.
>Numerous threads whining about blacks in bf1 >only the beta, full game has character customization like in Battlefront
>Numerous threads whining about tracer's pose being removed >replaced by a new one that is more flashy than her last
>Numerous threads about mika's ass slap being removed >modded right back in the next day
It's just pointless whining and calling people cucks and nu-males because their feelings got hurt over something trivial
Lincoln Jenkins
>modded back in >modded So the SJW's won
Oliver Nguyen
>console players >caring about edited content
lol ok
Nolan Jenkins
Jacob Green
>Female protagonist (black) overcoming macho Western patriarchy and showing she's as good a gunslinger as any man
Women were disregarded as trash and were told to do housework and shit, wouldn't be that bad to include a story like this.
>>play as an escaped black slave taking his revenge on white society. Lots of opportunities to remind their white male audience how damaging slavery was and how far back it set blacks
Yeah, it was incredibly damaging, and we deserve to be reminded if we're genuinely being racist but not in the context of a videogame. A good idea honestly, I like the whole "Slave takes revenge on masters and racists" thing.
>>play as a black secretly gay cowboy. Western macho patriarchy led to your first secret love (white) being lynched in the street. Your love crossed racial and gender boundaries, now you are out for revenge
Gay guys getting lynched was an actual thing so once again, decent plot. Remove thing about patriarchy, enforce the revolt against mixed race couples and gay people, then you've got a decent story. It needs to be handled correctly and the PC needs to use his lost partner as the plot point, not the fact that he's gay necessarily.
Caleb Barnes
Take a good look everyone, that is the level of delusion our board SJWs are on. So confident in their ability to call out Sup Forumsfags, which in reality is nothing more but a virtual witch hunt against any opinion that might invade their mental safe space... It's pathetic really.
You call it Sup Forums, trying to contain what you fear and hate into a small group, when in fact, its actually /reality/. Welcome to the real world.
William Bennett
>It's just pointless whining [...] because their feelings got hurt over something trivia So your comments in this thread then?
Dominic Peterson
That PR really skyrocketed the game is the top of the charts
Aiden Wood
Women are trash and their only contributions to society since gaining the vote have been to steadily make things worse
Parker Garcia
>defending a shit thread
Adam Butler
But men are entirely useless as well? Women can literally reproduce without sperm now, men have no use. Reminder that you wouldn't be born without a woman in your life. How would your mother feel reading that, knowing you said it?
David Perry
What? I'm saying Americans deserve their blacks because USA is a shit country to begin with. Dunno what you read there lol
Josiah Sullivan
>how damaging slavery was Slavery was only damaging when it was abolished. Let loose a bunch of apes you've breed for generations and hope they act human.
>Gay guys getting lynched was an actual thing What a wonderful time that must have been.
Noah Allen
Gay cowboy sounds cool
Lincoln Phillips
Women aren't as good at using weapons of any kind as men, and are objectively better at doing housework than men.They are literally built to be better at taking care of babies while men are out 'bringing home the bacon'.This is fact.
Everyone is completely aware of racism, and i don't expect 13 year old kids playing the new open world shoot em up to be racists that need to feel guilty for being born white.Whats your deal?
Dominic Wilson
>\pol\ the person
What exactly ahve black people done? The current state of Blacks was caused by segregation, they're all poorly educated because they were forced to be from the beginning of their independence. It's the individual over the race. I assume you're white, I don't say all whites are exactly like you because nobody is entirely the same. You've got nobody to blame but yourselves. What's the actual issue with gay people, they treat their children better and their marriages are much more successful than those of straight people.
Joseph Bailey
>What's the actual issue with gay people, they treat their children >their children How fucking delusional must you be?
Robert Gomez
Biologically this is indeed true, but forcing an entire half of the population to stick to one broad profession is pretty dumb. I bet if I compared an Olympic shooter to a white man living in a suburban neighbourhood she'd obviously be the better shooter, it's all based on individual skill, however men are biologically more inclined to physical "labour" while women are designed for more menial tasks. It's been that way since the cavemen, but some women still hunted and some men still picked berries back then.
I'm sure there's many kids out there that are aware of racism, many are taught by their parents. Or at least I and most people I know were. My point is more for the older people who are the target audience.
Cameron Hughes
Adopted kids that get disowned by straight people, also gay men and women are able to have kids through surrogacy and through creation of sperm cells through bone marrow.
Jeremiah Reyes
The point is doing something like that in this day and age would no doubtedly be part of an SJW agenda, and its bad, and can easily be made fun of.Now whats wrong with that?
Lucas Powell
This thread is shit
Everyone in this thread is shit
Nicholas Thomas
>hehe swede cuck sjw woman haha im not triggered im just laughing at this society senpai haha Is this white male Tumblr?
Isaiah Anderson
>The current state of Blacks was caused by segregation They have had decades now to integrate and they now have as much right as any citizen. There is no excuse for their rampant degeneracy and willful ignorance. There are members of their race that have done better and achieved something in life, yet the majority of the monkeys scorn them. They felt betrayed by them because the had the gall to think and better their lives.
>I assume you're white I'm the farthest thing from a Caucasian. They themselves are disgusting for allowing the social issues to be the way they are now. Best Korea would teach you all a lesson soon.
Luis Carter
Good point. It would be hard to make characters like this and have the game company not pander, and if they did certain people would say "NO BLACKWASHING IN MY GAMES, FUCK NIGGERS. FUCKING FAGGOTS". I still think all these ideas if done correctly could work, especially the slavery one, but you do make a fair point.
Adam Flores
You're spooked as fuck nigga; I suggest getting that checked.
Robert Lee
No because this board doesn't actually affect the industry whereas tumblr's idiocies are somehow shoehorned into all AAA games nowadays
Ethan Flores
>2016 >still not being a SJW
Brayden Johnson
They are still oppressed pretty heavily. Considering all the shit going down with the abuse done by police and how it's predominantly black people being murdered, and the fact that racial attacks and the KKK still exist. It's far far better than it ever was, but integrating is hard when a large percent of the American people are still heavily racist toward anybody that isn't white. I'm not sure what you mean by "rampant degeneracy", but it does seem like a big generalisation to call the whole race degenerates. Many white people who enjoy anime and watch MLP are degenerates to me but I don't call all white people degenerates. I know that many do act in a horrible manner, but it's not just Blacks doing that. Here in Australia the white people act worse than any other. They don't attend school, they abuse drugs, they stab people for drug money, but not everybody who's white here is a bad person.
Sorry to assume your race, I should have said "Let's assume you're white".
Justin Thompson
It didn't make a good movie so why would it make a good game?
Anthony Myers
They aren't oppressed.They were fooled into voting liberal, and the KKK may as well not exist.
Elijah Gray
Oh no, the absolute horror of staying at home and doing easy chores. Women would be happier if they stopped thinking this was a bad deal.
Matthew Powell
Again, you're triggered.
Austin Adams
What if they don't want that? Oh right, who am I to disprove you, an expert on women.
Christopher Hall
What's wrong with liberal? I like securing a house for my future and trying to fix an economy ruined by republican candidates. I also like stopping people from bombing Syrian children. I have been told Republicans like the opposite of this.
If you're providing for a family of 4+ and nobody helps you then yes, it is bad. Back when women didn't need jobs to be able to make a living and only 1 person in the household would need to work then it wouldn't be as bad, bot now it's much more difficult. Men don't always go and do manual labour either, most sit in offices or do jobs that don't require any actual "work", People who actually build and install things here do get paid highly but they all act and sound like degenerates so fuck them.
Christian James
Not him What if aliens are blue?Thats not an argument.
Hudson Lee
Rockstar doesn't give a fuck. They're not gonna make more money by pandering to that crowd.
Also if GTA:SA came out today would Sup Forums really lose their shit because of CJ?
Aiden Hill
What if you completely disregarded an entire argument and you're actually just stupid?
Cameron Miller
Liberals treat black people like their incapable of bettering themselves without government hand outs.
Gabriel Turner
They moreso act as if they're required to receive government handouts because of what the government did to their race way back when, which makes them lazy. If I got paid compensation I'd get pretty lazy too. Libs still do a lot of things right.
Sebastian Young
Do you think most men would be truly happier to stay at home while their wives are at work?What if he was actually an expert on women?So hes not allowed to say things like "women would be happier if", but you can say things like "Oh right, who am i to disprove you, an expert on women"
Gavin Cruz
I'd be happy to stay at home and do shit at home while my wife worked if she preferred working and she was stable, same goes fi it were the other away round. He's perfectly able to say "All women do this" but it's wrong. 3 billion women can't all be accurately surveyed on whether or not they want to work or not so it's impossible to be an expert on women or know what women prefer, its what an individual woman wants and he's generalising by saying all woman are weak for wanting to go and work instead of staying at home.
Hunter Miller
People often want things that aren't good for them and don't want things that are.
Cooper Rivera
>play as a poor Mexican woman whose lover was gunned down by banditos >she resolves to hunt them down and seeks out training to become a killer herself
i'd play it.
Henry Sanders
Jesus user, stop making me wet
John Carter
Only someone being intellectually dishonest would take that to be a universal assertion rather than a general one that tacitly admits exceptions because we're not dealing with absolutes.
I've known enough career women struggling with the fact they've only just realised they want children as they start getting hot flushes. I've met enough neurotic women on sick leave because they can't handle the work environment. I've known enough who leave to look after children and flourish for it.
I also know a number of incredibly successful and perfectly happy women, some far better suited to their role than me, but they pale in comparison to the amount who really should just be cleaning the oven and shooting out babies.
They're desperate to prove themselves by failing at their most prominent and fulfilling life goal - mothering.
Brody Allen
>buying kikestar games
Jaxon Rogers
That's the issue though, women are required to mother children by social standards. I know many women who don't want children, who worked harder than all my male pupils and now do much better than any of us. I do some good work but it fails in comparison to them. They were desperate to prove that they didn't require a child to be valid. They are quite heavily SJW however which is a pretty big contribution to their drive for success.
Cooper Butler
Elijah Cruz
Jeremiah Bell
redpill me on being a retard
by which I mean brownpill since it's a suppository and all you faggoty kikes love gay anal