Best gaming channels? I'll start

Best gaming channels? I'll start.

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I like his animation and voice nyuuuh

Try so hard to be edgy and funny yet completely fail at both. Sad

I like his channel because he's like like only channel that doesnt give a fuck about SJW's or being a pissbaby pandering politically correct fuckhead

Remember when he used to make animation and didn't become a fat lazy fuck


oh sorry for a sec i thought you were talking about egoraptor

is this just the animators curse? is this what they'll all end up doing eventually?

that or draw furry porn

he was never good. He's the same as pewdiepie. just random cussing and silly voices to please 9 yr. olds

Yeah dude that's what I love about Family Guy too


I mean Ross did a video on how being an animator just doesn't do it anymore compared to how much revenue you can get from LPs


it's not about the fucking money they just all forgot what they loved

I don't know, I feel like they still enjoy animation they just got caught up in let's plays that they just don't have time for it and they are to lazy to make time

people used to make flash animations for FREE on newgrounds
to only way to gain money from it was winning one of those competitions

god, youtube (google) really fucked up the internet didn't it?

More Luigi's Mansion fucking when

They also were fucking children when they were doing that
When you are an adult you do not have as much free time

Living in the real world is expensive and animating just doesn't cut it, so they had to get with the times and play games and be lazy, they still make good content but just not as good as it was


This! Who gives a shit if he isn't funny, what matters is he's offensive >:)

epic dude XD

Leo. And. Satan.
Leo. And. Satan.

Fuck off millennial trash with your e celeb bullshit

This guy.

Good guy, absolute trash at vidya

Bro Team.

She plays casual story based games.
She's not a tryhard unfunny hack telling bad jokes, and GETTING REALLY LOUD TO TRY COME OFF AS FUNNIER THAN THEY REALLY ARE.
She's not a dumb whore trading on her vagina or looks for attention. I'm pretty sure she's never posted an image of herself, or makes a big deal about being a girl.
She's not some SJW preaching some progressive rhetoric. She really doesn't make and strong social statements about anything. She's easy going.

What makes her entertaining, is that she gets swept up in the stories, and reacts to events with true emotion. She breaks down an analyzes the plot as she goes. She's smart and levelheaded. She tries to see things from the character's perspective. She's like the perfect companion you want to play games with. And she actually doesn't suck at playing games. She has the skill to play more difficult games. She just chooses to play story based casual stuff.

If you just want to relax and watch something, or have some noise in the background, then she's great.

DashieGames but hes been weird in 2016


ChuggaConroy is pretty cool.

She never expresses any opinion whatsoever because she knows how to play the game. She gets money by being a cute girl, and that brings in the beta bucks. But the moment you start putting opinions out there those same losers who are in love with you over the internet get mad. They want a waifu, not opinions. Backbone isn't cute. Lonely virgins just want a docile dolly who doesn't trigger them by daring to say anything they don't like.

I mean look at you, you're listing
>She really doesn't make and strong social statements about anything
as a positive. Would you say that about a guy? You beta fucks are pathetic. Stick to your 2D waifus. They won't hurt your fee fees.

No one knows what she looks like. She could be a fat cow. And she sounds kinda boyish for the most part. She said she works as like a data analyzer or something. A job you would expect a 5/10 fatty to work. And then she plays video games for all of her free time, judging by her content rate.

She honestly doesn't advertise that she's a girl. She just happens to be one. And yes, not turning a game's story into an opportunity to soapbox about your political beliefs is a plus for anyone. She offers just enough personality to respond to the events on screen in a genuine manner, and try to suss out the plot, while also trying to take on the perspective of the character she's playing. So she perfectly compliments the gameplay.

Same with Dodger. I watched a lot of co-optional podcasts and not once did she disagree with anyone or express anything close to an actual opinion
Being a cute girl is truly easy mode.
It's probably annoying if you actually are intelligent and have opinions you'd like to share.

TB is praised for being outspoken, but if Dodger did the same she'd be considered a hysterical bitch who should stick to showing off her feet.

It's crazy to think that I've listened to hours pf a podcast where she's a host and I still don't know what she thinks about anything.
I'd pay good money to hear, just once, "I completely disagree, TB"


Oneys pretty funny but I had to skip out on uncharted 4 because every episode was just "EY ARIN LOOK HOW SHIT THIS GAME IS HAHA" and it got old quick
plus egoraptor is a faggot

>play video games for the internet for a living
>"ugh i just don't have the time to do anything anymore sorry guys ;("

Nah chris is a faggot now

i like dopelives

I like Action Points

As usual, greentext logic is retarded.
Are you honestly saying making a cartoon takes up the same amount of time as making a lets play?
I also think good animators should stick to animating but come on, get a grip, obviously you can make a lot more Lets Plays in less time than an animation.

Sovietwomble is top tier if you can get past the fact he uploads only once a month.

>Good Morning! And I'm not talking about the 2007 Kanye West song of the same name from the album Graduation!
>*proceeds to sing part of the song with changed lyrics*
>this isn't a won run yet
>Tomoooo I'll let you in buddy
>*misses important item*

Why is he so based

ActionPts and his completely unironic video about muh nerd heritage is the most cringeworthy thing I've ever suffered through.

It's like someone turned NORMIES GET OUT REEEEE into a high school presentation.

normie detectedp

>Dat New Vegas playthrough
>The ongoing GTA 5 playthrough

He is a comedy machine, especially his ultra white fuccboi take on Franklin

I need more of that Sonic Adventure 2 playthrough with SuperMega

What are good ANALYSIS channels? Or, at least review channels where the videos are 20 minutes or longer? I subscribed to quite a number of people and they collectively STILL don't update enough to satiate my needs.

The Completionist I guess

It all makes sense.

Literally the best. The whole crew is great. KENYA WILL RISE

Nah. Love his animations but everything else is fucking garbage. I still think it's hilarious and him and the rest of the SleepyCast crew talk shit about Let's Players he is with his own. What makes him exempt?


Go to bed egg.

Haven't followed his Isaac stuff for a while but I've been watching GTA V and loving it, any past series that I should watch? I always saw him as an Isaac only channel pretty much

My channel is the best.

I listened to sleepycast and I don't recall Chris saying shit about it. I know Zach did for sure.

Basically any of his recent twitch sunday streams.

He has them in playlists as twitch VODS. New Vegas in particular is fucking fantastic. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Also, anything to do with WWE on his channel is solid gold.

lt's on one of their episodes, l forgot which since they have so many and l listened to all of them they eventually they all start to mesh together. They all jump on the Let's Player hate wagon.

1. Having an opinion doesn't necessarily make one intelligent. A lot of dumb people are opinionated, and a lot of intelligent people aren't. In fact, there is this idea that people who are dumber often act with greater conviction, because they don't doubt their decisions. While smarter people have greater trouble acting, because they're always second guessing their decisions. A person who plays the middle ground, is likely more open to other ideas.

2. How can life as a cute girl be easy mode, when you admit yourself that being a girl with a strong opinion, is more difficult than being a man with a strong opinion? That's actually a massive disadvantage for women.

3. Having a strong opinion isn't the only way to entertain. Just look at people like Ryan Seacrest. He's like the male Dodger. Just a good looking manlet with an agreeable voice. Not real opinions to offer, yet people enjoy his style of presentation. Likely because it isn't challenging. Some people just want easy and agreeable entertainment.

As far as lets playing goes, I think it's better if a person compliments the content, rather than trying to make themselves the content.

I think I accidentally hit him with a hockey puck once.


Man. His stuff is comfy as fuck.