How will TLOU 2 top perfection?

How will TLOU 2 top perfection?

By actually including gameplay this time

Um... First we need to figure out what game is considered perfection. Then we need to make sure TLoU2 is nothing like the first game. More difficulty, more gameplay, more stuff to do, and dynamic, well thought out characters would be a good start.

It sounds like you didn't play it on grounded for the true experience.

judging by Left Behind (and UC4) it will likely be riddled with shoehorned-in lgbt agenda shit

I have no faith in the sequel, and it might've been a small miracle that the base game was mostly free from all that contemporary taint

They could have a box with nothing but a turd and they could still top the first TLOU

Woa think I got cut there

Was that the hardest difficulty? I played whatever was the hardest difficulty on the PS4 version. One of the biggest problems with the sneaking segments is how short they are. You might have to learn from a mistake or two at worst. Also, I can't recall if the Flamethrower was overpowered in the hardest mode or not. At the end of the day, the hardest difficulty pretty much turned the game into a normal difficulty. I would say normal difficulty was easier than easy difficulty in any shooter, but I never play easy difficulty so I honestly wouldn't know.

If the Main story is better or just as good as the first then whatever

Put more effort into the MP, like maybe add some more game modes and let me customize my own character

No, grounded was a free dlc difficulty.

Throw out the obvious cutscene > walk down corridor > combat arena > cutscene formula that ND is so obsessed with and focus on actual gameplay.

Of course that's not going to happen cause diversity and politics are more important now.

Saying that tlou is not a videogame is not edgy, it's truth.
The only reason it became so popular is because "muh feels" and normalfags eat that shit up.
Seriously, all these "dead child" tropes are the most generic shit ever.

Ahh. Still though, my biggest problem with difficulty was the length of areas. They weren't long enough to punish you with mistake after mistake. No matter how tough you make the enemies, you can't fix that one problem.

by fighting the norse gods

>Voice actors try to act and have personalities.
>Standard 3rd person corridor shooting segments with light stealth to break up the action.
>Considered "Gaming's Citizen Kane"
Well shit, maybe games shouldn't exactly try to be decent movies first and okay games second. There's an Adam Sessler review that is so fucking pretentious that I fucking hate him. He only talks about the characters. Yeah, there's okay acting and a decent story. Why does a video game only need an okay story and standard action to be as good as one of the best damn movies ever? Why is the bar so low for games? Haven't they played Legend of Kain?

Naughty Dog can go die in a fucking fire

>TLOU is bad

My favourite meme, albeit a bit simple. I'd say it's contrarian level 1 meme.

>muh contrarian

By making the gameplay a bit more exciting for people who want a challenge? I could see how a more casual gamer would be content with what TLOU offered, but I just got bored to be honest.

more teenage girls crying with violins in the background
literally kubrick's citizen kane 2

Can you name a single LGBT thing in Uncharted 4? Because I can't.

What happened to quality gameplay? Ive played Tlou and while everyone was praising the shit out of it, I thought it was okay as a game, has a nice story, nice soundtrack, ok gameplay, meh level design. But not goty worthy, not even close

How did you see the screen under that fedora?

The Last of Us is praised for being an amazing story, which is true, and very solid gameplay, which is a bit repetitive. But the story and pacing were the main things. And believe me, TLoU2 has an advantage in this. They just have to make some amazing gameplay adjustments to the existing one. They'll probably make a good story again. They've proven to be capable of that. Then just make the gameplay more varied and that's it. It's gonna be great.

>The Last of Us is praised for being an amazing story, which is true

How can you type when you're so busy shoveling shit into your mouth?

Well, you are the one missing something where as others get to experience something well made. I'm sorry for you if you have to come here to shout about how much better you are. The story is amazingly well told. That's it. The characters are rich as fuck. That's that. If you write last of us's story on paper, of course it sound like any other. I've played the game 5 times now. It's better every time. Only the combat has lost all the glory it had. But the story is superb. You are the one who's losing something with your attitude and you'll probably die alone and sad.


>I have such little breadth of knowledge and experience i truly feel sorry for someone who isn't easily amused with babby's first post apocalyptic game
What makes any of the characters in TLoU particularly well written or "rich"?
Its fine to admit you haven't consumed a lot of media, but don't tout your lack of taste and learning as something to be proud of.

Bait is bait, but not really about not experiencing a lot of media. I've worked in the video game & film industries for many years and have probably been a part of in-depth storytelling more than you, but I can't really know that for sure and that's beside the point.

Last of us uses the form of video game and the pacing that can only be done in a video game to its advantage. The characters have enough backstory and personality for you to first understand them and then like them. Joel and Ellie are both tragic and interesting and all the side characters have defining character traits and motives and the relationships of the characters are well made and understandable.

Also, TLoU does hit a lot of familiar beats but you are blind if you think it wasn't made with love and expertise and the games ending is amazing.

Still, you are the one who will either change or be a stuck up bitch till you die. I'm sorry but it's the truth and has nothing to do with taste in media or lack of media in ones life. I hope at least someone comes to your funeral. Best of luck in your life.

this is what you call "autism"

>people still confuse Naughty Dog with Kojima Movie Studios

how is it not a videogame? It's a third person shooter with fucking multiplayer

yeah, i cant wait for the multiplayer

"Gaming's Citizen Kane Moment"

Who fucking hires these shit writers for huge magazines


There definitely needs to be more planks and ladders to carry around and crates to push. I think that was the best feature of TLOU. It really needs to come back.

Also we need more cutscenes.

Nice meme

>video game journalism
>credible reviewers
el o el

it's gonna be vastly more open, even though it will still be a linear game overall.
And it will be just as brutal but with better graphics and animation

>Sup Forums opinions

Which is more worthless?

More enemies on screen at once.
Clickers vs humans from the get go, not just in the DLC
Make the MP "Your base" a place you can visit and see how good or bad you'r performance ingame is doing.
DONT GO OPEN WORLD, Open world has been done to death and takes up to much place of fillers.

I really hope they expand on the journey in mp, I love the idea of it.

Let bump for ideas

Hopefully Joel died for saving that disgusting mudshark and the mudshark herself was torn apart by the not-zombies, and you get to play as a real protagonist doing real good.

You basically just said that it's interesting because it's interesting and they put a lot of love into it and shit. Not really sure what that means specifically. I mean, it's fine if you think that but that's not really an argument for why it's well written or groundbreaking.

>people who never played the game actually think they are allowed to have input

love this.

>Sup Forums playing video games

Grounded difficulty removes the HUD and Listen Mode. I suggest trying it again.

I watched it on Youtube. I have just as much a say as you do.

I really hope you're memeing.

Slowfag here, and I'd appreciate a non-meme answer if possible.

What was it that made this so critically recieved? I've seen a few things about it but never thought it seemed that exceptional to myself. What did it do that most other games haven't done?

>wanting a sequel
The game wasn't great to start and it's fame was thanks to feels but as Telltale games have shown you can only do that trick once and after that you have to actually offer substance

The journalist gets paid
A random person who plays the 'game' does not

>What did it do that most other games haven't done?

Pretty much nothing, tbqh. It's just very competently made in most aspects.

You have never played the game, that's okay. But shitposting is a lousy hobby, so find something else to do. Maybe play some games?

TLOU had 5 difficulty settings, which is more than most games have. Also, claiming that TLOU didn't have dynamic well though-out characters is kind of ridiculous.

1 scene makes a whole game LGBT propaganda... It seems like you have some issues.

You probably love the artificial difficulty of the Souls games, right?

It appears you have a mild case of Asperger.

TLOU has maybe 5 puzzles in the whole game?
Also, TLOU has no more cutscenes than the average game.

This post contains good ideas

Really edgy!

>judge games without being able to play them

You also probably think you could:

>judge music without being able to hear it/see it (being blind and deaf)
>judge movies without being able to see them (only hear)

But all Sup Forums does is shit on everything on every board. No one should ever listen to the edge lord opinions on here.

Okay then formulate your own you faglord
PlayStation magazine isn't going to shit on PlayStation exclusives

I wouldn't mind a more gameplay-focused sequel that vastly improves the AI, it's what holds TLoU from being a great game. Also less zombies please, humans were much more fun to fight in the original. At least pair them up with humans too.

>What was it that made this so critically recieved?
Top tier introduction chapter, characters, graphics, story-telling, voice acting, OST, MP and story-pacing.

Okay tier gameplay, level design, stealth, looting mechanism, collectibles.

Meh tier story, loading screens, weapons.

>le souls artificial difficulty meme

wew lad I was taking you semi-seriously up until you said that

Then explain all the other reviews or is that cash bribes too?

Right time and place in gaming media.
You get to play a old battle worn tragic man that lost his only child to a not zombie out break and be given a second chance to save girl that's not much older then the one he lost. Also encourages amoral behavior in a non edge-lord way.
So pretty much the average male between 16 and 40 will gobble it up.

It's also why TTG's Walking Dead was such a hit even though it was mediocre as all their other point and click games by that point.

TLOU is a bad game.

Its called ensuring the reviewer keeps getting free review copies of the game.

Do you think a company will give out free review copies to an honest reviewer who may not like the game?


So why doesn't every other game get 10/10 since they also get free copies?

If they were to make a sequel, I guess the first thing would be to remove the ally AI. The best parts in the game are always moments were you're alone. They get more tense and the AI isn't fucking shitting itself constantly ruinning the immersion the game tries so hard to achieve.

Not a big fan of the game, but it was the right game at the right time. It grabbed enough good ideas from the triple A from his gen and mixed them together nicely. You get the cinematic story, you get the zombies, the post apocaliptic world, the emotional relationship, the shooting, the crafting, the pacing, the nice graphics, etc. It's probably as good as a blockbuster triple A can get.

The story is very praised but in my opinion is just cliche zombie survival with some good characters and a nice ending, nothing too great, but then again, probably as good as it gets for what zombie stories generally are.

Ellie is the most overrated character that I've seen in a while.

Why not look at the OP
And many games do get 9s and 10s even when they don't deserve them
The bottom line is a blogger has a higher chance of bias because they get paid and get freed goodies whereas some random person on an image board does not.

If you argue this I can tell already you're a shill

It's the closest we've ever gotten to a proper RE2 and RE3 sequel. Hell, throw Onimusha in there for good measure. You fuckers are just salty as fuck because people like it.

If RDR hadn't been released for the 360, you'd claim to hate it too. Hell, of TLoU was a PC indie you'd cream your pants over it.

You fuckers are so inconsistent, so prone to exaggerate, that by now any of the typical complaints about the game are seen as the drivel produced by a 16 yo that shouldn't be here, shitting up this place.

But most of those are professional review sites. Your paranoia is showing, user.

> more open areas, and wider ones (after UC4, I'm pretty sure this will happen)
> story coop mode, also like in Uncharted
> moral choices
> ....
Can't think of anything else right now, the first game was a masterpiece

Bet you fuckers are gonna say it's shit like Nier that can claim to have a good story. It doesn't -- it's shit.

>It's probably as good as a blockbuster triple A can get.
I strongly disagree with that. We have had better before and after that had that triple A title to it.

It's Ace in the whole was PS3 was on top of sales for 2 years at that point and it was a decent exclusive with feels all over it.
If it was a multiplat I doubt it would have gotten half the praise it got.

Will we have rideable giraffes this time?

>review sites
Here's your (you)

No my nigga she a strong womyn you must understand this. Cause shes a stronger character than we've ever had.

Im to stupid to understand the joke/point of the pic

Here's your tinfoil hat


It's a fun game but all the reviews were garbage.

Everyone harps how original and heartfelt it was. This game was nothing more than a ripoff of The Road. Zombie apocalypse with a grizzled old person and a young person is hardly original.

>game play
Glorified linear experience based off Uncharted. It plays okay and all but your tactics almost never change throughout the campaign.

It's pretty good

Stock cliche bitter old man and a cliche little girl who can do everything a man can. Shallow characters that are more likeable due within 5 minutes

Anything would be better than the first game.

It referred to a specific agression incident. I think the lack of context makes it funny.

Ah so some person got beat/rape in an elevator and this retard is encouraging you to come to his elevator because it's rape free?

Sounds like something a rapist would do.

thank you . i lost it in last year carnaval
how would i dress up like you without it!

Fuckable loli

You're welcome. We wouldn't want those big, nasty corporations coming after you since you're so important to everyone now would we?

>3dpd loli

>implying MGSV wasn't one of the most gameplay rich games in recent memory

And yet it still gets shit on, even by weebs

TLOU LITERALLY more gameplay and less cutscenes then mgs 1, 2, 3 or 4


I hope your safety is on because you sound really triggered.

Why is TLOU always compared to the MGS games in these topics?

Because the main argument that TLOU is bad is because "its a movie lol" When in reality, MGS games, for the most part, are loved here (and rightly so) while having objectively shorter gameplay segments and longer cutscenes. Pretty simple if you use your critical thinking skills bud

But Phantom Pain has a clear focus on gameplay putting story mostly aside.

Meanwhile Naughty Dog is very flawed when it comes to gameplay, obviously putting focus towards story far more, while gameplay is rather generic and unnispired and very reliant on scripted sequences while the gameplay itself is very limited how a player can experiment within it.

MGS2 Literally has more cutscenes And gameplay

TLOU is like an 8 hour game filled to the top with cutscenes and lack of gameplay
MGS games range from 25-40 hours half of gameplay and arguably half of cutscenes

This is completely false.tlou is 14 hours with maybe one hour of cutscenes

>yfw neo/v/ considers 2deep4u reddit tier mature games like some kind of artistic masterpiece.