God Eater


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>“We’re developing God Eater: Resurrection as a commemorative title for the series’ fifth anniversary; and not only that, but we’re also thinking of something that will further surprise fans as we go forward,” says Yoshimura. “I can’t say much about it, but I hope that we can surprise fans sometime during the fifth anniversary.”
>“We’re definitely thinking about what’s next,” adds producer Yosuke Tomizawa. “So I hope you all enjoy the game and anime, and look forward to what’s next.”

I don't like Gina's new VA, she doesn't sound creepy enough to suit the character. Kanon's VA is great though. She reminds me of Nora from RWBY.

Why did Soma's God Arc went full Michael Jackson?

How come he can't?

I'm going to keep using basic blade anyways but how does this god arc looks?
>So I hope you all enjoy the game and anime, and look forward to what’s next.
I dont give a fuck about the anime give me more mangas.

>yfw new super mega ultra boiling blood rage power up with even cheesier music in GE3

Will we finally get MILF Alisa in GE 3?

>MILFizing the main girl

This is how you kill a series.

>Elizabeth isn't creepy enough for to play Gina
I thought she was fine

>aragami jumps over a wall and goes across map to feed
>have to run after it
Stupid question, do they regain health while eating?

>Hiro will power up Yuu
>Yuu will have some short of ultra secret power and along with Hiro both can make a Super blood rage.
I can see it.
But the devs girl is Ciel not Alisa, they will focus more on Hiro and Ciel and they will try to wrap up the Yuu and Alisa thing quickly like they did with Sakuya and Lindow.
Alisa did her job user, but the new generation is taking it.

You can stop them before they jump.
Flashbang them

This shit game keeps putting ads on my youtube tv app, but the ad is literally broken and plays in slow mo. Shows you how much weebs are good for. They can't even advertise their own ripoffs of games!

Bad game, huge disappointment, glad I pirated.
Being the king of MH ripoffs still makes you a MH ripoff. And even then I would prefer Soul Sacrifice which isn't much better.

I like GE and MH, must suck not being able to enjoy things.

And MH is the king of PSO ripoffs.

Say, anyone have a link to God Eater Undercover raw?

>Yuu will have some short of ultra secret power and along with Hiro both can make a Super blood rage.
Yeah yeah. You could have them do combination attacks with other characters as well. Maybe even a four man formation attack which unlocks when you fight the final story boss or something, that would be the coolest.

eat er?
i don't even know er

Just made a lobby in GE2, w1f, minimum story progression 80 (Im 92 right now) if anyone wants. Just want to do a few optional quests for mats.

What about in chinese?

Playing on PSN by the way.

Kinda nice even if the red on the blade isn't exactly the right one.

>mfw finally get blood rage

It's kinda weird that Haru continues to enthusiastically share his fetishes even with the femc. it's clearly one of those guys sessions but obviously the femc also has to do his episodes so they just... made him ask her to be his model instead?

Even though it's one of the very few things that actually acknowledges the player's gender, it's also one of those things that show the devs didn't really care about making the mc's gender change scenes and dialogue. I hope they actually improve on that in the next title.

>That double reference
Now I wish undercover was translated.

Well, I was looking for the original japanese raw. Still, thanks for the link.

I'm still playing Resurrection. Feels like I'm missing out, since people only talk about Rage Burst in these threads.

please, please just give me a non-shit MonHun clone on PS4 or PC already

It can't be that hard guys. There are 4 or 5 clone franchises off the top of my head, all of them equally mediocre and unsatisfying


We talked about Resurrection in June man, when you finish the Burst stuff, come on over to the blood side. You can always finish Resurrection content later.

I know where this goes, I watched Evangelion.

Cyborg God Eaters, here we go!


>can't buy games separately
>no dual audio

Ugly graphics.

Leah is the tallest female in God Eater series.

Must be her only quality then.

How do you fill the blood rage meter faster? I feel like I'm gonna kill stuff before it get's to 100%

What's best weapon and blood art for solo play?

currently in difficulty 3 with long blade but i'm growing bored with it

I'm telling you, this girls are more agressive now that Yuu is taken. They dont want the same mistake happen twice.

>I know where this goes, I watched Evangelion.
I watched Evangelion too, I know how the game ends too

Isn't that a last year's news?

On difficulty 14 in GER

So that was the third set of credits from 13. Is this the last difficulty?

His name is THE MAN

Why did no one tell me that buster blades are so much fun? I've been using charge spears up until this point and it feels so good to land a meaty charged hit.

I'm in Rank 9, so I guess I'm close finishing it then. Might finish Resurrection content too, before starting Rage Burst

charge spears are absolute trash

She is totally evil right?

Go fuck yourself. Charge spears are fantastic.

Ask her sister

Ok, so which one is the best of the two available in Steam?

Explain why

Man, Kigurumi's last two episodes are not worth the effort to get. Nothing happens, it honestly should have ended after the trap you guys pull.

Still kinda annoyed we'll never find out what it's deal is or why it's link support changes to whatever the mc has equipped.

Because it devoured Shio's body when she was Nova

What the hell are you talking about? both always come together, is a bundle.

Yes, but it means they have a GE project going on.

Just finished the mainstory (difficulty 7) and still cant build proper bullets. How the fuck do I get deko bullets and other important stuff?

That bitch, no one says that to my boy Soma and gets away with it.

and they will announce it on this year's TGS...?

>Alisa knocked out
>Character touches her
>Crazy shit happens
>Looks at hand
>I'm so fucked up

>King of PSO Rip offs

MH is so clunky it couldn't even claim to be that even if it wanted to. The weapon degredation,the stamina,the lack of lore all make it not even a shadow of PSO.

Is this FF8?


Very likely. They wished to announce it last year but I presume was held back to not interrupt Western sales. GE2 was announced at TGS 2011 and GE2RB at TGS 2014

Shift are very busy creating several new waifus for GE 3


Well, everyone already faps to Alisa, so it's not weird at all.

They do great damage, even more when you activate spear mode and keep the combo going. The backflip is good for emergency dodges, and can get you right back into the fight just as quickly. Their blood arts are good too, you don't like moving so much during an attack? First square BA let's you stay in place and attack. Hate gliding past your target? Charge strike keeps you grounded and does loads of damage. They even have modifiees for the dive so it's a straight down strike from the air. There is absolutely nothing wrong with spears.

I might try to request that later in a drawfag thread.

Gina will teach Ciel the same way she teached Alisa about love.

>mfw just got a huge upgrade for my assault gun through mat crafting and can now cheese GER missions even faster

but what and how?

Is there some kind of chart to ez mode?

Any good assault gun bullet recipes?

Yes. D14 is just endgame missions with the B Team and recruiting greyed out characters.

Anything noteworthy like the previous arcs? Well I'm still gonna do it all since it's the last one and I enjoy the characters

How hard is the difficulty ramped up from 13? 13 wasn't that bad at all

Oh fuck

i just spam cheap bullets like crazy
all i miss would be an autofire mode

A couple free missions require you solo them. You can only fully upgrade your gear by getting Generic Ore Compound as a reward from Difficulty 14 missions, too.

What are the best personal abilities for Alisa?

what is best weapon and blood art for most of the game

Yea I spent 20 minutes doing the one with the 2 Sekhmet's and Dyaus Pita and got jack

Managed to get 1 on the 4 Fierce Kongou at 20% which was lucky. Now my hand fucking hurts and I'm wondering if the story missions are full of solo stuff too other than the kill the cocoons.

Can I have someone help me with these solo missions?

I think about tits all the time. Is this game good for me?

Get a cheap hooker and stop being a pathetic virgin instead.

charge spear/blast gun combo

the spear is just an op-gathering stick, haven't found a better one including scythes, short blade and long blade. storm zone b puts them all to shame

then once you reach about 6 or 7 op reserve level just empty all your hilariously overpowered blast bullets into the right hitzone and staggerlock your way to victory. or if you have one of those bullets that can oneshot everything, use those

Is assault gun viable at all? Really like the feeling of them but it seems everyone is using blast gun or sniper.

You won't top time attack records with anything but those OP bullets from Blast Guns but use what you want. GE isn't such a difficult series that you need to min-max.

Assault is great if you like playing a third person shooter while your OP gauge holds. Just mashing that fire button until it dies or you run out of OP.

Isn't it just the best?

Nah, since best girl is flat as a board.

Any bullets you could recommend? All I use is vanilla triple shot bullets and its starting to show that you can use those pretty early in the game. Usually I do 50dmg per hit, which still sums up considering how fast I shoot, but well. Might be nice to get at least a slight boost in damage.

>kill Golden Gboro
>Acquire Silver

it's ok, its specialty lies in not needing melee to get op because it has bullet modules that refill your op so you can shoot a lot but the dps isn't as spectacular as the blast gun

the anti-grav chip on the blast gun is really what makes the gun, it boosts the power of the already powerful blast bullets by 240% as long as they travel upwards enough so all you need to do to get the max effect is to have your bullets spin around in the air in stupid circles before flying off to hit the target

Best girl doesn't have tits so you're out of luck

Not them but GODDAMN

Small tits get me... Ugh.

Assault gun makes me feel like the Duke.

If I had to guess, I'd say the next game would be a spin-off that builds the world up more.
Not so much a hunting game like it is now, but another genre. Maybe a strategy management game or something like disgaea

Nope, sorry. I'm not very dedicated with the bullet editor so I just use the vanilla bullets and maybe a variant based off of them.

But my point is, don't worry about dealing max DEEPS or some shit like that. Just learn to hit the weakpoints reliably and you'll do just fine with any weapon.

Unless it's a goddamn Borg and you're using a piercing weapon. Still haven't found a good spot on those assholes.

I exclusively use the hammer and I found that their hind legs / stinger are ultra weak to crush.
Don't know about pierce though.

you're always welcome to the fold as a Ginabro

I thought she was a tranny this entire time
It made her more interesting

Can someone tell me the bullets I can make that are OP in difficulty 5 that use sniper or blast gun?

Can I even make OP bullets yet?

Shes not interesting at all in Resurrection. She gets better in Rage Burst?