Play Life is Strange

>play Life is Strange
>start crushing on hipster girls with artsy hobbies

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you have to go back

Back to where?

Then half of episode 4 and entire episode 5 ruin the entire fucking game. Whenever people try to explain time powers, they fuck it up 99% of the time.

The fucking ending was horrible. In the end none of the choices besides the last one mattered. They shoulda pulled a steins gate and have making the right choices all the time lead to a disney ending where everyone lives happily ever after.

It's the time travel curse. Also sucks how Episode 5 completely removes any replayability since none of it essentially matters.

Didn't play it but, did they pull a mass effect/deus ex at the end? Was considering playing it till I heard about the choose your ending thing.

>The fucking ending was horrible
Around the time Max was cucked by Victoria, I had pretty much given up all hope on the game.

None liked Chloe right?

There are two endings, and both of them "remove" all the previous choices you made in their own way. The choices affect your journey, but not the end.

>play Life is Strange
>start crushing hipster girls with artsy hobbies

Yeah, but is even worse. Since you had three "choices" in ME, but only two here. Also no epilogue whatsoever.

I like the SFM porn where she gets fucked by fat black guys.

Just tell me you saved best girl then

Hated that little dyke bait. Irresponsible, manchild and guilt tripping you the whole game for not kissing her or taking the blame for her marijuana cig. Bitch, grow the fuck up.

>Game is finally good enough to play

C O U L D N T ;(

Max was what? What kinda shipping did you make m8?

>mfw we got almost no screentime for her
>we got fuckton of Chloe cancer

I thought I had because of the way the dialogue was going, but I still messed it up somehow. I cleansed Arcadia Bay for her though.

>He didn't cover for his friend.

Even her mom was happy if you did

Max wasn't artsy or a hipster she was straight up autistic

Autists generally cannot do art, though.

>start playing Life is Strange
>get a refund

why does her hair look like playdoh

All she does is take photographs

>Wanted Chloe dead from the second I got into the car with her.
>Been frustrated over the fact that I was forced to save her after letting her die in her bed.
>Close to giving up and stop playing
>Soldier on and reach the end.
>Mfw I see the end choices.

As someone who works with autism students, this is not really true.

At the same time, max does not show any signs of autism spectrum behavior either.

>All Picasso did was paint


>he didnt already do that
i havent even played that game
because i know what will happen if i do

are you fucking kidding me?
literally all of history's greatest artists were fucking weirdos

Man you should.
I marathoned it with my gf this weekend. And even though the ending was a bit shitty I loved the experience.

>comparing high level painting to high school photography

Oh my god dude.

>Sup Forums hates life is strange now
What did I miss? I mean I hated it in the beginning and wanted to discuss the shitty ending, but it was just a big circlejerk here and in /vg/.



Kate posting now!


I'm currently trying to make a fan game about her.
I'm thinking on give her powers to see the future instead of rewind the time like life is strange.

Kate had some nice legs.


Chloe 3rd.

Chloe is stupid as fuck and the friendship relation with Max feels very forced.
>Max autist girl
>Chloe LMAO girl

>Warren that low
I thought he was pretty good guy, helped Max with the bully twice.


What are you 12?


Understandable. Max is a qt. Just remember that artsy girls IRL tend to be a bit more on the crazy side compared to non-artsy chicks.

Why couldn't they just make another one? This game is one of my biggest guilty pleasures and they decided to make some shitty vampire game.


Do you actually think there isn't an art to photography? Sure, anyone can take a picture, but someone who knows what they're doing in terms of proper frame composition, lighting, DOF and whatnot will take a better photo than some random Chad with an iPhone 100% of the time.


>Vampire game with male MC
>Vampire game with choices
Yes. After LiS went to pure trash at the end, this was the best choice, hopefully they won´t have some shitty gay choices forced upon you.

I usually like seeing boht men and women get fucked by a bunch of black guys but these characters aren't even good enough for that.

I thought that book was a death note for a second




I dated a girl who was almost exactly like her for a bit of 11th grade. Attitude, blue hair and beanie, clothing, weed, fucking everything.
She was fucking psycho.
She went lesbo in university for a bit, then started dating a black guy. Last I ever heard of her.

>nothing of value lost

You have to be at least 18 years old to post on Sup Forums.

You have to go back to reddit.

>Sup Forums likes a game filled with Reddit memes

What happened to you Sup Forums? I barely recognize you anymore.

sounds like a perfect girl to me


I barely recognize myself for the last few years.

And I like it.

F R A N K, she was a whore.

What fucking Reddit memes?

I want to marry this beautiful creature

If a game has "cute girls" then its an automatic 10 in some peoples' books. Doesn't matter if the actual content is shit.
See: this, Idolm@ster, FE Awakening

Everyone was attention starved for Max, kind of the point of having a Mary Sue.

Pls respond...

>feeling attraction towards the dumbest lead in gaming

The illusion of choice, like in real life, is just that, an illusion. No matter how much we try and change our path, we end up at the same desitination. I think that's the point of the game and it's ending.

>you will never GO APE with Warren

>Play Life is Strange
You already fucked up boi

Nobody cares about where memes come from or whatever the fuck you are talking about you twat.

this, finally someone who isnt a complete brainless retard

>complains about Reddit memes
>posts Poopy the Reddit Toad


The only examples of time travel haven't felt completely retarded to me were Primer and the novel Timeline.

People don't know what they're getting into when they pick time travel as a fucking subject.

>Here, just wear my dead friend's clothes that I still have in my closet
>Okay, now kiss me

Why was this not treated as the colossal red flag that it is? Jesus, if that's not crazy signalling, I don't know what is.

Are you retarded, the game is telling you that you got a choice, that is why you have to pick between two endings. I swear you 2deep4u faggots are more cringe than the average reddit user.

>tfw Kate will never pee delicious apple juice as morning drink for you

SG VN and VLR are alright. Enough layman science to get the suspense of disbelief working. LiS was just
Just no.

Please not!

why even live...

I'm curious about what do you think it's so enjoyable about the game.
I played chapter 1 I hated it, only thing in the game I can appreciate is artstyle, but that's about it.

Then again, it all comes down to the Hot to Crazy Matrix.

Holy shit that looks awful.

its all about the comfyness and feeling attached to the characters / caring what happens to them etc - if you cant appreciate that then this simply isnt the game for you

Because rewinding time has to be the coolest and most useful superpower to fuck around with. Also despite the drama going on it's very relaxing to play.

Have guys really gotten so fucking bad they consider men hot? God your generation is just the fucking worst.

That's my problem with the game, it's got this BS of being stuck with 2 equally shitty options.
Bitch, I'm fucking DIO, I want to be able to say "Fuck this, this is my ZA WARUDO."

Friendly reminder Kate is a slut who willingly went to the Vortex Club party.

She deserves no sympathy.


This was always my problem with the game. The power is amazing and is in the hands of a depressed student girl that does nothing with it...

If you had more contact with the recent generation of 18 year old girls you'd understand.
I'm definitely more attracted to the female body but girls are just so fucking batshit that I would definitely date a guy if he looked feminine enough.

>Sup Forums likes this a SJW game
Again Sup Forums your shit taste never ceases to amaze me.

Sup Forums doesn't like the game, Sup Forums like some girls in the game.