What do you think about the "gg ez" being censored?

What do you think about the "gg ez" being censored?

I find it hilarious.

Blizzard catering to crybaby millennials who can't handle banter.

They also blocked ezpz


You can still type it out you know, you can still type out the full thing no problem.

It's kind of ironic people that use it fall back on BUT MUH BANTZ but they themselves can't handle what is clearly meant to be a joke.

I find it hilarious.

Youre an idiot if you think anyone was getting upset about people saying gg ez

>typing "gg ez"
No, you are the millennials.

i don't play shit games
so it doesn't matter

I don't know. I dropped the game before they made the change because season 1 competitive was horrible

>le millennials
>this user was most likely born after 1980

It hilarious how much butt hurt it creates. Especially considering how easy it is to bypass. Its ironic how I've seen more people bitching about the censor, than I ever heard complain about GGEZ.

Had the same reflexion, but that's still censorship and some kind of obscure pandering


Pretty much this. The problem of gg ez isn't people crying over it. It's the people crying over the removal of it. FuckING right wing memers man.

the superior "wew" and "gg no re" are not wordfiltered, so nothing of value was lost

>germany beats brazil 7:1
>germany yells ggez (or similiar unsporty shit=
>gets banned
>its totally ok in esport

It's dumb. It's not even an insult, it's merely passive aggressive talk. Not sure how those people walk in the street everyday if those 4 letter make them shit their pants in anger.

>look at official forums or leddit months before the censor came out
>whole threads dedicated to "if you say gg ez your the problem"

There's actually been significantly less bitching about the censor than people getting triggered by 4 letters.

Fucking everyone was getting upset, one google search will bring up a million forum posts of butthurt people

This might be the most reddit thing I've ever read

you are thinking generation Z.
Millenial invented that sort of talk.

They clearly were if people asked for it.

>good game easy
it's ok
>gg ez
it's not


>"gg easy" still works

view one reddit thread on the matter and you will take that statement back.
why are you in this thread?

No it isn't. If they wanted to censor you they'd shadowban you or some shit so nobody could see what you typed.

Man, if any of you faggots were around when nigger was censored on Sup Forums, holy fuck.

Who cares? It's not like it fucking matters. People still know what's being said and you can still say the same fucking thing if you type it out differently. If anything, maybe it'll encourage people to actually be creative with their banter/insults instead of typing the most basic shit after every game. Worst case, at least there's something mildly more interesting to read than the same fucking phrase spammed in every MP game ever.

Blizzard is owned by a big corporations
Big corporations do not like when the common man has freedom
They do not like when people have darker names or play reaper but they created Diablo 2 during the late 1990s a time of rebellion of freedom and people discovering their own souls by rejecting what has been dictated to them and talking about the deepest of emotional abuse and how to fix it and make it better.
Every time they made those posts I bet your ass that they made all those names before the thread just to make sure to have dominance over what names are allowed
They do not like it when a common man finds a game better then it's modern counterpart and let's millions of people play on the old for free.
Of course they will want to censor you and control you.

>f they wanted to censor you they'd shadowban you or some shit
some other games already do that.

If it was completely muted I would be slightly bit upset that certain phrases would be subject to not being allowed to be said (at least not like heroes where you can't talk to enemy team at all) but since they have it say a bunch of randomly select phrases i think it's funny

The target audience was feeling a little unsafe.

>People won't tolerate my use of low level bait anymore

Where the fuck does "tilted" come from? Does it just mean angry? I never heard it outside of pinball until this year. I feel like it started with streamers or esports because my CSGO loving faggot friend started saying it too



>They do not like when people have darker names or play reaper but they created Diablo 2 during the late 1990s a time of rebellion of freedom and people discovering their own souls by rejecting what has been dictated to them and talking about the deepest of emotional abuse and how to fix it and make it better.
Lay off the weed m8

Blizzard constantly trying to control its community instead of letting it govern themselves while only stepping in when absolutely necessary like steam does is going to kill the game. They should take more notes from steam.

what about gg 2ez?

>Who cares? It's not like it fucking matters.
spot the gen Z faggot power tripping about the validation of shit childish complaint.

That girl on the left looks scared.

fighting games originally

but it's funny

I only heard of the term when I used to play Magic the Gathering. Basically when someone is put into a situation where they no longer have control and essentially struggle to regain control while losing composure; ie "tilting"

It's another fighting game term mobababs appropriated alongside salty.

It basically means getting triggered to the point that your anger calls the shots rather than logic.

It's hilarious.

I dont get how anoyone would care about other people writing ez

What the fuck are you going on about?

What kills me is these adorable children think 'gg' means 'get good' and not 'good game.'

I explained this to some squeakers in TF2; instead of being little shits, they were unintentionally being good sports.

The rest of the server jumped on this and we laughed at them until they ragequit.

Yes it is, you dirty roody poo

I mean, i'm not upset, i'm disappointed. This just made me realize how much people are fragile.

>typical corporate post

Old devs in blizzard would agree

We all know poe is a better game than d3

Tilt has been a thing since sports. Its when youre so out of your normal mindset you cant play correctly and only perform worse and worse. A downward spiral so to speak.

>not being able to see your team's stats is a good thing
FUCK THAT. Its fucking horrible not knowing who is the weakest link on the team and who is the strongest link on the enemy and switching to accommodate. Plus its helpful in knowing how much you are improving at a class since medals cant be trusted worth shit.

>What kills me is these adorable children think 'gg' means 'get good' and not 'good game.'
I'm pretty sure nobody besides a select handful of retarded children actually think this. Right?

No, they don't want stockholders and advertisers to pull funding because they faint at the slightest mention of anything remotely 'problematic' being associated with whatever they're selling.

its funny because come on mom just one more game before you tuck me in oops mistell

Nigga if you think either of these games are about "the deepest of emotional abuse" or whatever the fuck you need to lay down and examinate your life.

I seriously wish I could see how these tunblrinas reacted when Zarya was revealed to be the most intolerant character on the roster.

It's dumb, on both sides
both saying it and being upset by it
I'm neutral.

>why are you in this thread?
because you can't handle banter
sissi boy

yeah, you're so special, faggot

I think I've finally realized I'm too old for this place. I've been here since 2006 but now I'm 27 with a career.

Now I come here and see (most likely) younger people cry that others don't lay down and accept their stupid bullshit. And when they ban it you cry even harder. The sad thing is, up until recently, I would have been crying censorship too.

Oh well, you guys will grow up one day.

I thought these fags didn't play video grames

gg ez

Does anyone else say gg ez after a loss just to be a memester fuck?

older than you, and your sanctimonious attitude is something that I hope you grow out of one day

I don't think it's a censor. I think it's them filtering one specific phrase only jackasses use to say "hey you're a jackass".

Those people can still be jackasses otherwise, including by just typing "ez gg" or anything like that.

I doubt they know. They don't actually play the game, they're only judging by the visual design of the characters.

>I've been here since 2006 but now I'm 27 with a career

Wow you sure sound like a wise and enlightened fellow


piss weak babies cry when someone say something ""mean""
said people cry because they can't say somethign ""mean""
it's just perfect

I just switched to "ez game ez life". If Blizzard censors more, we'll just get more creative.

>Its fucking horrible not knowing who is the weakest link on the team

You can still figure that out by playing the game and paying some fucking attention. You don't need stats to figure out who's dying like an animal and who isn't healing.

Stats are only good for cranking the " I HAVE GOLD IN X I CARRIED THIS TEAM" autism up to 12

There is nothing problematic about anything but What blizzard is doing to themselves.
They are alienating all of their fans by doing decisions like this
There is nothing wrong with anyone having any name. What is so free about advertisers and marketing. If you cared about the game you would focus on fans first and not the people who do not give a fuck about games.

Fucking disgusting

If they changed the filter to "I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me." it would have been better than the silly shit they added.

This but at the same time spamming that shit is fun.

If you can take a dick you can take a joke OP.

I'm 30 with a career and have been here longer than you have.

Given that, I feel I can say with some authority, that you are a faggot.

Didnt you read

Diablo 2 was created during that era I never said that the games were about that. D2 might have some undertones of that if you go back to it. But what I'm saying is that era is still prevalent today in a subtle way.

It's great. I can insult those subhuman scrubs as much as I want with the plausible deniability of using the word filter for shits and giggles.

>started spamming gg ez all the time because it's even more funny now
>in under 10 seconds half the server is spamming it
>no longer playing the game
gg ez

I see, thanks. It still feels like a meme word but I hate it less now that I know it has a unique meaning

That is what it filters to though. That's one of several of them.

>"Censorship is the suppression of free speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions."

Well it's technically censorship.

Hilarious. I now say gg ez after literally every game, even if I lose.

I would but you're speaking in tongues.


I think both sides are retarded but I don't like devs willingly censoring things because thin skins were offended (and how it now takes like 1/6 of my screen when someone spams it unlike the 4 letters before) so I now spam it or "game was hard" every game.
It's actually pretty useful too, I had some people complaining that they couldn't see what was coming from the bottom left of their screen and died thanks to it because of the wall of text generated by a simple ggez.

I do not like periods man

>MADE me punch a hole in the wall
No your own stupidity and lack of control over your impulses made you punch a hole in the wall.

>Shut up.

>crybaby millennials who can't handle banter.

The same could be said of those getting buttblasted because Blizzard is mocking them for their zero-effort, no-skill trash talk.

Fucking stupid. People are just saying it more often now to trigger the filter and now we have to put up with Blizzard's """""humor""""".

>someone wants to troll
>gets trolled instead
WTF censorship

I don't care desu senpai

Why doesn't Blizzard just create a vote-kick system instead of this retarded baby censorship. Just make it so that if 9/12 people want someone to fuck off, they can kick them from the game.

>never type gg ez
>only gg if game was good
>nothing if it was bad
>suddenly spam gg ez after every match to see the messages
>sometimes use it before match has started
>some people are amused
>some translate the messages back into gg ez and get salty anyway

This didn't solve anything

I have no problem with it. It would be really irresponsible of blizzard to let that kind of talk go unpunished in a game so clearly designed for seven year olds.

Corporations make posts on the internet
Their opinion is going to be always better then people actually talking about the game.
Wtf marketing team of blizzard

No its not, you can still say "gg easy" etc etc and blizzard knows that. If they wanted to censor it, they'd just banned more people for BM.
Its clearly a joke and that the same people now cry about it as "censorship" is hilarious.

Im not sure if that was bait, or if you are serious and cant see how ironic it is to write a comment about other people 'growing up' to state how mature you are compared to the rest of the people here, instead of taking the mature choice which would be just leaving without a second thought.