ITT: the worst games that you actually finished till the credits

ITT: the worst games that you actually finished till the credits.

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gayest game there is




I don't know if troll thread or a bunch faggots that have barely played any games.

I hated this game but my cousin insisted i should buy it and got no new games to play so i was forced to play this game until i finished it.

>troll thread

Welcome to Sup Forums, friend.

hello newfags enjoy your stay also trolling is not it all about shitposting now


I don't remember, when I dislike a game a lot, I usually drop it.

I'll go with this as well. Unity a shit

this is the only fun hitman game

Its even worse if you play it after Bioshock 1 and 2

Honest question, which assassin creeds games are worth playing and which ones are just shit?

they all suck shit

Play Assassin's Creed II, it is the best AC game to this day.

You may skip the rest, it only goes downhill from there.

I think 2, Brotherhood and Black Flag are the more entertaining ones.
This whole series is so formulative, once you played one you played them all. Even just now, I think there's a new one coming out but it's gonna basically be the same it's like the literally who of gaming now.

2, Brotherhood and Black Flag or Rouge are fun, avoid 3 at all costs

Platinum trophy and all. Didn't know what drove me to beat it.

2, brotherhood, Revelations, and Black Flag are all pretty good.

The rest varies from "meh" to shit.


This and forever this.

>Infinite is the worst game you've ever finished

Honestly both people on Sup Forums and journalists were in the wrong by claiming it is beyond redemption and 12/10 cures cancer, respectively.

Infinite did dumb down things from previous games, however Bioshock as a series was nothing but an extremely dumbed down System Shock 2, even the story of SS2 was in Bioshock 1. Now Infinite was alright.

AssCreed 1 is about 8/10 for the first 1/5 of the game where everything is new and fresh, then it becomes 5/10 for the rest of the game.
AssCreed 2 is considered to be the best of the franchise, it has some nice level designs, ok story and very good music. There are some bad parts but overall it's a solid 8.5/10.
AssCreed 2 has two sequels, they are all decent.
AssCreed 3 is shit.
AssCreed 4 is ok despite the pirate theme.
Unity is shit.
Syndicate is ok.

Assassin's Creed is actually my answer as well. God, I hate the whole series. Every time I try to give it a chance, I'm reminded of why it's shit.

Same. The setting was shit, all one story buildings with wide streets and wilderness, in a game with parkour.

You're right. I was so hyped for AssCreed III and the result was one of the biggest disappointments in vidya for me. I believed they could surpass II with III, but it ws the opposite, nothing in that game was remotely good, no not even that shitty boat combat that everyone circle jerked about. Fuck Ubisoft, AssCreed had potential to become much better than what it ended up becoming. Only if they ever tried to improve stealth, allowing you to play in different ways and turly improving climbing instead of making it more retarded with every release.

Without Patrice Desilets, AssCreed died to me.

I actually have never finished a game I hate.
The closest one I did was probably FF X.
I got to the point where Tidus keeps crying and I lost my shit and stopped playing.
Holy fuck, I know FF was always cringy from playing VII VIII and IX, but adding voice to it made it to a whole new level.
Auron couldn't save FF X for me.

The only one I'd actually recommend anyone to play is Rogue.

Spec Ops: The Line
Only because it was over in 3 hours though.

Beyond Eyes. And I really wanted to like this one but it's just a pretty walking simulator.

If I had to pick one I would say AC2 since theres an actual twist at the end that IMO is worth playing to see.

The other good ones have already been listed (Ezio trilogy and Black Flag)

Fucking baiting faggot. UDG is one of the best games I've played in a long time, especially considering I wasn't expecting much from it.

Fuck danganronpa as a series for life though. The new anime ruined it.


You've got some good game privilege if that's the worst you've ever finished.

god this was so shit, so many bugs, terrible story and good god those sudden blinding white loading screens



Avoid the series except for Black Flag. Black Flag is flawed but Everything else is utter crap.

> Infinite
> worse than Bioshock 1
lol. Bioshock is a fucking mess. Infinite was a way better experience with a superior cast, story, and presentation overall that's before we get into improvements to the gameplay.

this game had one of the best settings ever conjured up. Such a great concept which had so much potential do do interesting things. On top of that the tone was perfect. Sterile creepy lab environments combined with conspiracies and secret socities and a dark look on history where it was almost as if you saw things you weren't supposed to see and was scared of what you uncovered in the past. And good god that atmospheric soundtrack from Jesper Kyd.
...then they went cartoony and minimized the present day storyline in 2 and onwards and picked very safe western settings when they literally could have gone to China, the new world aztecs and mayans or India or ancient egypt, yet they stuck to europe and the same protagonsit for three games and then released the shitty crap that was 3. Still mad.

AC1 is fine except for shitty challenges before assassinations and the audio being terrible. Cities are great and the sterility of the modern sections builds back into what they want to do with Abstergo.

AC2 is great. Cities are amazingly crafted, the feel of the Desmond sections build directly off the feel of AC1's Desmond sections, combat is accessible but not incredibly easy, and Ezio is likable enough.

AC:B is ok. Rome lacks the flow of AC2's cities, and combat is made easy with flashing lights and execution streaks, but the story is well done, building up the Assassins in Rome is well done in both story and gameplay, the Desmond free roam was a nice treat, and the multiplayer is great, but probably dead by now.

AC:Rev is ok. It lacks a lot of direction for the most part, and the Desmond sections are straight up awful, but the city has some of the flow and warmth that AC:B lacked, the hookblade is fun, and while the story of Ezio getting a love interest is hit and miss, the ending leaves anyone who liked him and Altair with a very warm feeling.

AC:3 is terrible. Connor is flat and a hypocrite, the story does nothing with the realization he's pretty much in the wrong the whole time, the Desmond sections are laughable, and the cities are built on a grid, so there's no flow. There's some nice scenes with Haytham, but overall not worth playing, especially with how the story builds into nothing.

AC:4 is great. Story is built with you mostly being outside of the Assassins, but it's done in a way that it benefits from it. Cities have flow again--except for the one that's supposed to emulate the towns of AC3. Sailing and plundering is well done. Overall a great game.

AC:Rogue is fine. Story is a bit rushed, there's too many tutorials for AC4 players, and you can't go 5 minutes without "AYE MAHK MUH OWN LACHK," but everything else is great, especially free roam.

Unity is ok with ok stealth. Play it with friends.
Syndicate is terrible.

That's about it.

How were you able to finish it? I couldn't even make it through the fifth mission. So fucking boring. The open world ruined the series.

t. Sour grapes

Revelations is worse than 3.

Probably Lost: Via Domus. I'm a huge fan of the show, so I still enjoyed it overall, but it is terrible as a video game.

>mfw I have no face when Connor is literally standing in the boston harbour throwing tea overboard in his over the top costume as if this is some educational sunday morning cartoon where characters travel in time to different events

>Without Patrice Desilets, AssCreed died to me.

It's funny to me how much better Dying Light is compared to that. It's nice that the devs learned.

Final Fantasy II

Tie, and both from the same series:
999 and ZTD were absolute dogshit through and through.

VLR was alright, though.

Guess I should add in BLOPS3, but that story swung around to being hilariously bad.

on the bright side, Patrice Desilets made a new team called Panache Digital Studios and they're working on Neanderthal Creed or so

keeping an eye on that shit, Sands of Time is one of my favorite games, and ACII was pretty good

I really liked AC:4's story, many people seem to hate it. That scene in the table near the ending hit me kinda hard.

his new game has a really cool concept once again that reminds me a bit of assassin's creed but it feels like he doesn't have nearly the money to pull off what he wants and that's a shame. Feels like it will end up like some kickstarter project like stomping lands or something.



That was back in 2012 or so. God it was a shit game.
I don't think I actually finished a game I did not like since.

I just wanted to swashbuckle. I didn't ask for these feels.

Big budgets are overrated, Ubisoft can put 8 different studios to work on a single AC game but the result is an irredeemable mess without any focus.

Not sure if he can do something fucking amazing, but I think many developers overrate shit like graphics and even voice acting, I'm completely fine with a more stylized and text only game. Voice acting is expensive as shit and low budget VA ruins a game. Even though for a AssCreed style of game, VA is pretty much requirement since it makes towns feel alive with chatter.

Still, I think experienced devs on a small budget can do some great things. I was playing Betrayer, a game made by former FEAR, NOLF SHOGO devs that were from Monolith productions, and it is a pretty good game.

i enjoyed nier more than drakengard 3 oh wait i didn't get ending d so it doesn't count? anyway access games can't develop for shit what the hell is square enix thinking?

2 and brotherhood honestly

what about Liberation?

hopefully, it's just that he usually operates in the aaa arena. For the type of experiences he's crafting, a big budget often helps a lot. I imagine he wants this to look like something from the new Planet of the apes movies or something like that. Very cinematic and on the ground with high fidelity is how i imagine he pictures his experiences in his mind.

Make a game with nearly zero cutscenes or none of them, all in game talk, that would be both cheaper, because cutscenes require custom animations, and more engaging to the players.



They all kind of suck. Easy and shallow gameplay that's brimming with busy work. They're kind of fun for the pseudo-history and exploring landmarks though, if you're into that sort of thing.

I liked AC3

This. The buyers remorse was so intense that I just had to steel myself to finish the turd. After I was done with it, I uninstalled it and hoped to forget it. I even bought the fucking season pass. I dont even care what they add to the game at this point, Im so fucking done with bethesda games.

This game is so painfully average it hurt to finish it. Were it a really bad game I could just drop it, but it just decent enough that I felt compelled to finish it yet I found zero enjoyment doing so. There's no other game out there where I have felt like it is so removed from my own personal taste while knowing it's not objectively terrible. Playing this game was a constant feeling of "well I could be playing that...but i could also not play it."

I really can't believe how the same studio that created Prince of Persia was capable to shit a terrible game like Assassin's Creed 3 years later.

Games that make you feel thread?

That's because it wasn't, the lead developer Patrice Desilets was long gone. He was one of the key people involved in Sands of Time, he pretty much created Assassin's Creed as a new IP, it was supposed to be a next gen Prince of Persia, but since he was studying the hashashins cult from Syria, his project was becoming too violent for the lighthearted PoP. Desilets worked on AC 1, AC2 and he left during the production of Brotherhood

also see

Fucking kill yourself

Well, if the last few threads about Prey taught me anything, it's that Prey's fanbase is on par if not worse than the old guard Halo fanbase, so I can't say I did not expect a reaction like this.

It's too easy. The stealth part is ridiculous, the combat is press Y to be invincible, it's just a game for retards.
Amazing graphics, amazing atmosphere, amazing voice acting, but it failed on everything else that makes a game.

The only ass creed I've played was 3 and it was boring as fuck

you picked the worst one, just play 2 and forget about the rest

>Desilets worked on AC 1, AC2 and he left during the production of Brotherhood
I believe his work in AC1 wasn't related to the gameplay, right? Just the story and the setting.

Borderlands 1
Resonance of Fate
Assassin's Creed 1 and 3
Halo 4
Red Faction Armageddon
Final Fantasy XIII
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Dead Space 3
Diablo 3
Far Cry 3
Crysis 3
Shadow of Mordor
The Order 1886

It's simply a terrible opinion that you have. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the game at all.

DMC is still good. Just not as fleshed out as the later games.

He was the lead developer so I guess some of the blame goes to him.

But then I think he still had credit from Prince of Persia Sands of Time, and with ACII he redeemed himself.

Ubisoft treated him like shit for leaving, they bought his THQ new studio and got his newer project that was called 1666. He recently got the rights to it back in justice. But that's what happens if you help to create one of the biggest moneymakers for Ubisoft I suppose.

here's a video of his 1666 project

It gets too irritating in the late game when you're forced to use a specific type of weapon on a specific colored enemy. If you accidentally hit an enemy with the wrong color then it results in an annoying 1 second stun which completely breaks the flow of combat. Add in some fairly terrible bosses (except for the news anchor that was alright) and you've got a game which becomes a bit of slog to finish

True. I didn't like the way batman moved either. Anytime where you spent longer stretches sprinting on the ground with that upright posture it felt really awkward and like one really should be crouching on a gargoyle or something

Oh you're talking about DmC. Never played that. I thought you where talking about the real DMC1.

Basically looks like AC: Amsterdam.
Maybe he wanted to do about the same thing with the whole alternate history thing but to reel it in a bit and do it over before the story went off the rails like in AC.

This and Madagascar on the DS lmao

Yeah I remember reading somewhere that he thought 1666 Amsterdam was the next step for a AC-style game.

I think he should just drop cutscenes and shit from his Neanderthal Creed game. Make exposition scenes like how the Al Mualim conversations in AC1 were, no need for fancy expensive animations and whatnot, and give the player freedom to walk around a bit and interact.

These days games have so many fucking cutscenes, that shit costs money. New AssCreeds go as far as creating a very high quality model solely for cutscenes, that hist is a waste of money to me.

Those missions in ACII where you walk with Leonardo talking, that shit is both cheap and more engaging than watching cutscenes.

This one right here. Still don't know why I stuck with it till the end, might be because that's when the game really falls apart, it was just cracking apart earlier.

I hope his vision fits that. The way you go from time period to time period though makes it sound like more of a linear game. Hopefully that works and is engaging and doesn't turn into a spore game with very shallow and short open world experiences that are almost immediately taken away from you to transition to a new level. I like the idea but I see no way of how it will be translated into a game.

I honestly cant believe people with opinions like this exist

There were a couple of cool moments like the part from the opening cinematic but it just sucked ass fighting the ayyliens

Uhh, why would you buy it after Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3 were all exactly the same rubbish?

What the fuck did you expect?

I didn't think it was terrible. Just not particularly memorable. Just good enough to be worth a playthrough.

the ending was so fucking unsatisfying. i don't give a fuck about nigger prophet why the fuck cant alcatraz just talk and become a character? enough of this LE SUIT WONT LET ME GO XDDD bullshit from "nigger warrior" prophet

God that game was bad. It was the one that made me swear off ever buying games at full price ever again. And here I am going on 4 years later and I still haven't. I don't think I've bought anything over 40 thanks to all those steam key sites.

I liked all of them except for the most recent one

You and me both.

On topic - pic rel.

singleplayer sucks compared to the first

What were we thinking?

Agreed, this baby's first big disappointment but I didn't even finish it