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nah, your consoles were always rare novelties you'd only see every so often because so few people bought them.... and we have nintendo for that now


Sega died because they killed themselves off. If they still made consoles today they'd still be plagued with shitty retarded decisions.

No because I have a Master System and a Mega drive.
Gaming is pretty much crap today, but I still have a lot to play from older gens.

It should have been Sony. Prove me wrong.

Sega at least had the best visual aesthetics for their consoles

As a proud owner of a Saturn... yes ;_;

My saturn collection alone is worth thousands. Cry some more bitch. My DC library is getting up there too. Lots of good imports

I kind of agree but the DC was a solid console with LOTS of games, at a time when Sony was struggling to get games released.

Segas debts from the Saturn is what sunk them and prevented the DC from flourishing more. But also, everyone was believing Sony lies and actually thought the ps2 would be the ultimate console.

And Sony threatened all the major developers that they would get blackballed for making games for sega. Gee, I wonder why Sega left the console industry...

No, your only good system was the Genesis.

Daily reminder almost every non-capcom Dreamcast aged like milk.

>My saturn collection alone is worth thousands.
That would imply anybody would actually buy. Oh wait, you can always find somebody as autistic as you to do that.

Hopefully their pc ports do well



that user is right

>My saturn collection alone is worth thousands
Too bad the Saturn couldn't sell thousands.

>bretty good

yeah, I sure do.

virtua tennis says hello

Not a day goes by when I don't miss you SEGA

I feel like playing Shenmue, what's a good dreamcast emulator and what other games are worth playing

Use Demul. Also play Shenmue II, it's better imo.

Where do you live? America?

But the Genesis sold really well in America.

You didn't played any of them. You should start shenmue 2 using your save from the first game.

>tfw you will never get to play hyperdimension neptunia on a sega neptune
just dreamcast my shit up nintendo.

also sega arn't dead they just don't make consoles anymore. and selling off sonic so nintendon't could make sonic and mario olympics was a bitch move.

Spotted the casual

It sold well in most territories, that's why I'm confused by his post. In fact it was only a couple of million behind the SNES worldwide I think.

Maybe he's only old enough to remember the dreamcast?

>Too bad the Saturn couldn't sell thousands.

yea i sold 2 near mint copies of panzer dragoon saga last summer for $600 each. I still have one factory sealed copy, and very good condition one too.

yea, people do spend money for nice things. too bad u r a loser faggot that shit posts in threads on Sup Forums

Not at all, but I'm happy that your games are multiplatform.