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>p-please buy our console

>greatest games


He doesn't know It's been sold out week after week.

>greatest games

That is extremely debatable

>Greatest games

I would rather play forza over bloodborne tbqh fampai

>greatest games


>greatest games

So the Xbone S is the same as the PS4 Slim?

>greatest games

Did they SERIOUSLY just knock $50 off their console not 20 minutes after Sony announced a console for $350?

>4k streaming
and people say the playstation is the movie console?
yeah let me know when they have 4k games.

I plan on picking up an S before the end of the year.

Hopefully there's a decent black friday deal or something like when I got my OG One.

They'll get people to fall for this
They say 4k streaming and blu-ray but they don't mention that Xbone S just supports 4k, it doesn't have the new GPU and hardware that PS4pro has, People will still have to wait over a year for the xbox equivalent

>greatest games

why not?
microsoft can sell at a loss and not give a fuck

>Greatest games*
>*Also on Windows 10

Uh, the PS4 Slim is 299, not 350.

>PS4 slim does all of those things and is smaller with a better library
Nice try MS

I'm doing he same, missed playing horde with my m8s tbhquhfamalam

>greatest games

Troll elsewhere u pathetic fanboy

>HDR games

What does that even mean?

it says 4k streaming and 4k bluray, thats true

it does not say 4k gaming

fucking idiot

>4k streaming

Yeah with the lack of split screen today, it makes more since for me and my roommate to have two big screens in our living room, with two independant consoles. Playing Rainbow Six Siege like that is going to be fucking amazing.

>greatest games

lets get this shit started

If you're a normie who thinks building a gaming PC is too much effort and/or just doesn't want to spend the money on a pre-built rig, then you could do a hell of a lot worse with 300 dollars.

Or maybe they just really hate Windows 10, I don't know.

This is just pathetic to be honest famalam

Lmao. Little late to the party xboner

>Greatest games

>No exclusives in the list

thats probably why they ported it to windows 10 now that i think about it, nobody fucking wants that shit operating system yet it encourages developers to port to it instead of 7 or 8 making people buy an xbone if they want to play them

40% smaller is exclusive :^}

>greatest games

As an impartial idort, that's just not true. It's not a bad console but it's just as fucking bland as the 360. It's got no interesting exclusives.

>Already 31st on Amazon sales rankings
top kek

flop of the year

>reading comprehension
He's implying you get the same games on pc, making the statement invalid

Just about nothing could convince me to buy an XO but damn it if the S don't look sexy af. Especially compared to the ugly new PS designs.

>p-please don't bully my console~
>I'll suck your cock~

Weebs btfo




>greatest games

stop projecting your gayness onto him

Xbox one needs to decide their marketing direction

Do they want to be agressive or do they want to be "US GAMERS AMIRITE? XDD LETS ALL BE FRIENDS!" ?

ps4 does not support 4k bluray

>greatest games

>High Dynamic Range gaming
What did they mean by this?

Not that i'm defending it (because it smells like bullshit because literally who is stufftv?) but when's the last time you fucking bought a movie? Much less on a physical disc?

On top of that they already confirmed 4k streaming was supported, and if games are going to 4k, how on earth are they going to get around not supporting 4k bluray?

>Greatest games

The scorpio is twice as powerful as the PS4 pro so I'd hardly say it's the "equivalent".

>games are going 4k

>>All this talk about 4K.
Do anyone of you actually even own a 4K tv / monitor?

I'd rather play nothing than any of those games fampai

i don't know, i am not really following just distributing what i think i know, but i thought that was the whole point, to be a 4k movie machine with some games

That they finally caught up with half-life 2

>yearly race game that isn't even noticeably better or different than last year's model
>on PC

good choice, friendo