you fucking laughed at us last generation now the table has turned sonyggers.

wheres your blue ray support?

wheres your 4k support?

it's good to be on the winning side this generation.

Funny thing is, sonyggers will defend the loss of blue ray support

Other urls found in this thread:

Where's your games faggot?

Is blue ray gone?



Fucking beat me to it

Go be irrelevant somewhere else

1 regular game is worth 10 weeb games

You still have to buy a Sony 4K TV to play your games, manchild

>out next month
>Xbone scorpio
>out december next year

This. You smug fat fucks have relentlessly been taunting and mocking us for years. Finally we'll take our rightful crown as the kings of gaming

God damn xbots, can't help but laugh at them.

No it just don't have sipport for 4K blue-ray, but it has support for 4K games.


OP here,

you still think im joking? here's the specs for the PS4 Pro.

You laughed at us for too long and now it's biting you back sonyggers


>xcucks needed a completely new generation to catch up
>still don't have any games

Xbros got the last laugh. Bow before us

People are still going to hear the words "xbox one" and think
>isn't that the always online console that requires kinect?
It's too late for you now, the fates of all 3 consoles was decided with their prelaunch marketing

Feels good to win fellow xbro

>Microsoft specializes in flops
What else is new?

Stop with the console war bullshit. No one cares.