At what point in the game did you finally get frustrated...

At what point in the game did you finally get frustrated? So frustrated that you exhaled harshly and slammed your fist on your leg and said "FUCK"?

Mine was pontiff. Those fucking wombo combos and my inability to time parry's was absolute bullshit

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Champion Gundyr
Nameless King

NK is fine now that I have beaten him many times but Gundyr is such a spamming faggot that I never know if I am going to beat him right away. Usually die once or twice.

I didn't.
It was a light and enjoyable linear experience, kinda like those call of dudies but not as shit I guess

just summon a phantom to fight him for you

But maybe because I mained a straight sword which I understand is easy mode in this game.

Dancer did it for me, only part of the game I had any serious trouble with. Couldn't figure out her movements at all and she barely telegraphed them, died 40+ times at least

I may be the stupidest nigga alive but I died most to Wilnor

It was my first souls game and I didnt upgrade my sword or damage stats at all so I lost the DPS race hard. I also didnt pay attention to weapon buffs in my inventory

I didnt, it was fun and pontiff was the best fight. Parrying bosses is for pussies who cant go man to man.

When I realized that it was so linear it simply wasn't enjoyable to play through it again to make a new character.

Dancer but I got good on my 5th try, there's no OnS in this

I never got frustrated with the bosses, but I got really pissed off once fighting the outrider knight after undead settlement. I didn't play for a day or two and the next time I beat him on my first try.

None of the bosses, it was the stale pvp meta with everyone either equipped with a ugs or uga and a caestus in their off hand fishing for parries
I hear it's changed but I have no motivation to play it, maybe I'll manage to get interested when the dlc comes out

Don't worry, the new meta is 2kat or washing pole running R1. Although some great weapons got buffed.

>At what point in the game did you finally get frustrated? So frustrated that you exhaled harshly and slammed your fist on your leg and said "FUCK"?
When the Asylum Demon appeared again. I just quit on the spot and went back to 2.

I never got stuck on anything but I didn't find the game to be all that good. It wasn't bad or anything, they just reused too much shit from the first game and it felt like I was just going through shit I'd already done before.

>At what point in the game did you finally get frustrated? So frustrated that you exhaled harshly and slammed your fist on your leg and said "FUCK"?


Brothers fight on SL1. Don't know if it's because I did this in a marathon one sitting playthrough, but couldn't for the life of me find a proper audio cue for dodging blind after a teleport attack.

Made me incredibly frustrated

its a great game, i just hate how it almost never lets up on the fast aggressive enemies, especially when it makes the slower weapons mostly useless

Outrider knights are the hardest enemies in the game.

They have infinite stamina and attack speed so high that you cannot stagger them unless the AI fucks up

>barely telegraphs
audio cues user not visual cues

Pontiff and Nmeless King basically. But I ended up finishing the game so it's alright.

the twin princes was fucking ass rape

I fucking loved that fight on SL1

Dancer was the only one that legit got me stuck. Honestly though I genuinely think DS3 has the hardest bosses in the series (yes, including BB and DLC), while DS2 has the hardest areas (though most of that's artificial bullshit).

When in 50% of the playthroughs I make through DaS3, the Crystal Sage always combos me to death.

>attacking nearest sage who's blue to remove it
>eat a soul spear from behind
>get stunned and pushed forward into another soul spear from the side
>get stunned and pushed on the other side into a purple crystal ball of doom

Fucking christ, it's the only fight in the entire game that can make me salty.

Those giant dogs in Irithyll.

Holy shit, those dogs are the absolutely worse case of Bloodborne this game ever has.
They are no in no way fun to fight, especially with a slow weapon, they hardly give you a chance to heal because of their overly aggressive nature, and their hitboxes are just fucking broken.
If I wanted to fight something like those, I'll just play fucking Bloodborne. At least in that game you move as fast as the enemies attacking you.

I seriously wonder what possessed From to make game ridden with these hyper aggressive enemies, like said.

With the over-focus on attack, I don't find there's any really difficult fight in DS3 really.

I lucked out and managed to solo Pontiff on my first try. Only boss other than Vordt that I solo'd on my first try.
I still haven't been able to kill the pontiff's beasts though. Not for lack of trying either.

>5 games in
>still doesn't know how to draw out enemies with a bow to fight them 1 on 1

Nameless King. The only difficult part of the game for me. Man it took me a while to knock him over.
The Old Demon guy gave me a bit of trouble as well.

What is SL1?

I get fucking fuming when some meta fag lands a fucked parry and is using the hornet ring. Why is this acceptable

I haven't played 3 but that fucking tower that makes up the one DLC for 2, i think it's iron king, but the normal-ass enemies are so fucking quick and have the oddest-timed attacks they kept fucking tripping me up and i'd get cornered and fucked

2 had a lot more "fuck this" in it than 1 did, and the changes to SOTFS made it frustrating all over again

Soul level one. basically you start the game as a deprived and never level up.

Soul level 1. You play as deprived and don't level up

The only boss I actually had trouble with was Vordt, the first boss.
I was still trying to use my starting spear and just had a bad time.

Dancer I actually had no trouble with, I fought her immediately after Giant Dood and beat her my first try.

>inb4 a bunch of tryhards claim they never got stuck on a boss/area ever

>tfw I'm the only person that found dragonslayer armour hard

>Lets make a creature that makes floating turrets above your melee range and the turrets don't disappear and will keep blasting your back until you kill the fag who makes them
>now lets fill a whole fucking chamber with these shits
I don't know anyone who didn't just run through this shit.

I really struggled with Abyss Watchers, which is weird since most people seem to find it pretty easy.

Is this for the DS1 lipservice? I didn't think Asylum Demon was that difficult.

There's difference between being stuck and being frustrated.

I can get stuck on a boss for 2 hours without an once of frustration. I can beat a boss on the third try and find it terribly frustrating.

Pretty sure you could shoot the orbs. But they were annoying shits, yeah

One of the 3 bosses (alongside ancient wyvern and Yhorm) that I actually beat 1st try. And I obviously fucking suck.

Jesus, that sounds hard. I played untill the twin princes, got beating so hard I restarted playing Bloodborne. I have to be quite a bit overleveled before I take on bosses, excluding Vordt. I am level 78 now and skill get my ass beating against the twins. I suck at the game, but love the atmosphere, combat (not the difficulty) and character designs.

I feel like it's very easy for the Abyss Watchers to catch you in your rolls because of their range and the steps they take every time they attack.

The fucking dancer fight.

Hard as fuck to see the attack patterns. Aftet the 20th death I just said fuck it and havent touched the game since.

It's not that bad compared to making a character a bit of higher level, but with restricted weapon upgrades. I'd rather do a SL1 run with a +10 weapon than a SL15 run with a +3 - +4 weapon.

Sounds a lot harder than it is.

Once you've mastered the systems in place in the game and know the map, it's actually relatively easy in DS3 I would say - again, that over-focus on attack and bosses (with levels you basically have to do only once before you unlock direct shortcut o the boss) makes it alot easier than in other games.

Part of the reason why DS3 is my least liked so far.

I got really bored once I finished the Irithyl Dungeon.
Nothing in the game really tops it.

Doesn't help the DS3 Catacombs is a piece of shit, instead of what Catacombs tends to be.

I have a +8 dark sword for my knight. I'll get back to the game eventually. Gonna finish Bloodborne again first with my reiterpallasch playthrough. The game is way easier now that I learned to parry. I assume the same applies to Dark Souls.

The closest moment to "frustration" was on Nameless King. I went through the whole game with a goddamn 1H sword + shield, which is really not my preferred playstyle, I enjoy 2H greatswords and suck at parrying, but long weapons felt so cheesy in BB that I decided to refrain from using them this time around. After 1.5 hours of trying to survive 2nd phase I realized that beating him like this would be problematic, so I leveled up and equiped my GS which was stashed as "for emergencies only" and the fucker went down in the next try without putting up that much of a fight.

Those where pretty great. Its one of the few new enemies that works well, alongside the iframe roll skeletons.

>Boss that permanently block
>With infinite stamina
Not hard, just.... not great. It just turns into a gigantic baiting game, because trading can't be done

Get a greatweapon and try to do full power hit to the head.
That should stun them, riposte and if your riposte doesn't kill them then leave them and fight the other one. They don't get back up unless you hit them.

Fun fact, they are what the outrider knights slowly become after being given the pontiff eye rings. When you riposte them they pray for forgiveness.