Sup Forums Psychologist here. Listen

Sup Forums Psychologist here. Listen.

Hearthstone is an extremely unbalanced and random and pretty bad CTG.

It's very successful (money wise for Blizzard) cause it's addressing compulsive gambling mechanics.

Other games deliberately address sunk cost/time fallacy aka ' I invested too much of x to now do y'. False sense of progession, plus cheating matchmaking system who value Player who spend money over F2P player aiming at subconscious conditioning ( even worse than normal drugs like alocohol aka today was tough day I am getting drunk tonight)

etc etc etc

TLDR majority of western gaming industry is deliberately addressing using human flaws to make a fuckton of money and leaving a fuckton of video game zombies behind.


Nigger I did an honours course in psych.

Hearthstone is fun as fuck. Just because something is heavily reliant on RNG does not stop it from being enjoyable. I've probably sunk like 3 or 4 hundred bucks into the game over the past few years and I have no intention of stopping soon. Stay mad.

Not reading all that garbage. Next

If you're comfortable sinking that much money into digital cards in a game that could be totally offline in a week, there's an issue.
"But it'll never go offline" is something I've heard lots before, and it's always wrong. Everything dies, and after that you may as well have thrown that money off a bridge.

>Sup Forums
opinion discarded

Who the fuck plays Hearthstone anyway?


>I've probably sunk like 3 or 4 hundred bucks into the game over the past few years

>Sup Forums

Stopped reading there

This entire thread is unprecedented bait

What's the difference between throwing money into a game you can enjoy for countless hours and throwing money at other forms of entertainment.


Some guys spend hundreds playing fantasy football or paying for pay per view games and tickets while othera purchase digital media

That is just a small example. Of course too much of anything is bad. But there's no point in just scapegoating a game like Hearthstone , when humans show that behavior towards a lot of things

Code ?

>Sup Forums Psychologist

that's a cute rice gobbler

what do i have to do to get one to play kof with me

appreciate the bump tho

>I've probably sunk like 3 or 4 hundred bucks into the game over the past few years and I have no intention of stopping soon.

Nice that you have fun time user, but Steve next door fucks hot chicks cause he spend 300$ in a Gym. /HSG/ and /r9k/ posting goes hand in hand.

>Sup Forums psychologist
Does this mean you're tasked with trying to work out the diseased and deranged psyche of the average nutcase Sup Forumstard?

And if it goes offline, you retroactively never had fun playing it. I mean christ, Hearthstone is a terrible game, but you're an idiot.

>If you're comfortable sinking that much money into digital cards in a game that could be totally offline in a week, there's an issue.
>"But it'll never go offline" is something I've heard lots before, and it's always wrong. Everything dies, and after that you may as well have thrown that money off a bridge.
Might as well never put down on a house since it could collapse, be struck by lightning and burn down, explode, or be hit by a tornado someday.

>Sup Forums Psychologist

>TLDR majority of western gaming industry is deliberately addressing using human flaws to make a fuckton of money and leaving a fuckton of video game zombies behind.

Jesus, you say that like the east didn't do this since forever.

See: Korean MMOs and stupid hard japan games

>Sup Forums psychologist
So you mean you don't know anything about psychology aside from some propaganda pieces you've read and hilarious black and white laymen assumptions?

We knew all that already.
Now who's the girl?

Don't give a fuck what you typed just post more images like that op.

So by your logic, paying a ticket to go to the theaters watch a movie is stupid, because after 2 hours the movie will be done.

>unregulated capitalism that is unchecked leads to bad things for those not directly benefitting from profits
Who knew.

This. I desire more.

Welcome to ten years ago Sup Forums (or is that "Sup Forums"?)

>I've probably sunk like 3 or 4 hundred bucks into the game over the past few years and I have no intention of stopping soon. Stay mad
Well, I don't need to be a psychologists to know you're mentally deranged

But it is stupid.

>retarded analogy

Well at least it didn't involve food

>black and white laymen assumptions
No, only white


I guess my job here is done then

>Sup Forums Psychologist
As if you need such credentials to figure out why the world is fucked up. Shame too many people don't care about games being Skinner boxes

Reverse image search only turns a cropped head picture and nothing else.

>I've probably sunk like 3 or 4 hundred bucks into the game over the past few years and I have no intention of stopping soon.

>spending over $400 on any one single videogame

Wew lad.

Maybe OP is right.

>Sup Forums
blah blah blah, something about the jews, blah blah blah muh white genocide, blah blah blah, I'm not a beta I just think that if I save a girl from evil darkies she'll want my microdick

Grow up.

I swear you guys are just a cult of white supremacists that genuinely believe there's a conspiracy against you when all that's going on is that minorities and women are asking for equal rights.

>muh western replacement
Dude the dating market is just free to do what it wants without listening to a bunch of old white dudes and muh purity. There's literally nothing wrong with white girls going for minorities and to say otherwise is just being a bigoted dickhead that wants to control women because you're too much of a beta to get laid if you didn't have your privilege.

>oh no muh pure european wonderland
There was terrorism in europe before the refugees got there, you're just being brainwashed by conservative media to think that muslims are bringing crime into your country. If islam was a terrorist religion, the whole world would be under terrorist attacks 24/7.

I'm glad people like you are going to die out in a few generations. Maybe humanity will finally move forward when we actually are all equal and the west stops shilling for white supremacy. I swear we need to kill all the old white men holding humanity hostage for the benefit of straight white males.

I have a hard time believing someone whose job involves listening to people and being respectful and open to a lot of shit, could possibly go to Sup Forums. I have to assume you're a garbage tier psychologist that uses their degree for evil, like that one who would falsify things in death penalty cases, saying the guy should be put to death, not really caring if he was innocent or not.

Just play any of the superior Hearthstone alternatives and stop giving Blizzard money.

Sup Forums and the alt right in general are just the reverse version of SJWs. And now we're hitting a time when SJW shit is largely dying down and not very vocal outside of Sup Forums twitter caps, and alt right types are becoming way WAY more vocal and trying to change things.

So we've come full circle now.

Magic is hearthstone on steroids in terms of P2W..

Seriously, Hearthstone is probably the most consumer friendly card game out there.

>>Honours course

Do you think that's an achievement? Psych is a joke major.

>card game uses gambling psychology


OP said some stupid shit later ITT but he's right on one thing: companies do know how to design their games to manipulate the customers.

And i do find this idea disturbing.

Yes. Because why not wait and download it for free? The theatre "experience" is total garbage.

Remember Spy vs. Spy?

It's now Shill vs. Shill.

No one on here is more than 13. They're not going to know what Spy vs. Spy is.

I don't know what to think about Sup Forums's issues with jew conspiracies, but SJWs, feminists and other minorities pushing their agenda are indeed a blight and you're retarded if you think their "fight" for "equal rights" is legitimate.

That's why I'm asking.

Hearthstone is the cheapest most consumer friendly TCG on the market, you simply refuse to see it as it is, a card game, and instead judge it as a video game.

You could buy enough packs to craft every single hearthstone card for less than it'd cost you to make a tier 1 deck in any format of magic. The only card game that rivals hearthstone in price might be pokemon, and no one plays that unbalanced mess.

Hearthstone is shit, but it's business model was developed for card games over 20 years ago

Anyone know what the Japanese on her body says?

I was trying to break it to you gently, there is no source my brother.

>if you don't agree with my retarded point of view, you're stupid

All groups should have equal rights and all groups don't.


But then where did OP get the image?

Teenage basketball-american: The pointless cringe-post.

Kill yourself nigger, alright? And take the nigger president with you.

>Sup Forums and the alt right in general are just the reverse version of SJWs.
Wonder how long until that pic is posted.

>not recognizing Ai Uehara

Why is there a bandaid on her vagina?

The thing is that pic says "just as bad"

Sup Forums and the alt right are way way way worse than SJWs.

He used the Sup Forums random picture generator.

Holy shit op fucking post the fucking source you mongrel

Something along the lines of:

(1st line)
clear color panties

(2nd line with the arrow)
cum inside freely

(3rd one besides that one)
Cant read the other one but it should say something like dick meat or so

(4th one on the left leg)
Please come back

Looks like Ai Uehara, not sure though.

>giving financial advice

You couldn't even be trusted with your own tuition money

kekked heartily

She keeps bleeding down there.

Why are people in mental health fields so ignorant to the way the world works?

I know right? I can't believe there's people like this out there in this day and age, 1940 was 76 years ago.

Like shit nigger, maybe white girls go for minorities because they aren't as beta as white guys who've been coddled by their privilege their whole life.

Maybe jews get into government, media and finances because they're smart and their culture raises them to be smart. They do this even with over a millenia of religious persecution. Shit's admirable.

And there's people who legit think the white race being mixed with others is a bad thing. Mixed race children are smarter, more athletic, and healthier than inbred hillbilly whites. My brown gf and I are going to have caramel babies that will outwit, outlast, and outrun your dumbass kids' stupid asses because they'll finally have equal opportunity and your white kids will be left in the dust.

You're just as bad as SJW's and radfems. Just play your videogames and watch your movies and take them in on their individual merit instead of connecting it to some big conspiracy.

>Obama has been the best president of all time
>Mad because minorities have rights now
I'm white anyways, you're just another Sup Forums cultist.

">if you don't agree with my retarded point of view, you're stupid"

Yeah i said that because i do not intend to back up my assessment with a well rounded argumentation, as it is too long and tiring.

>All groups should have equal rights and all groups don't.

That depends on what groups we're talking about here. Non citizen shouldn't have the rights citizens have for example.

If we're talking about black citizen people or women, etc etc, they all have the same rights as white people and have nothing to complain about. Their fight is a joke. (At least that's how it is where i live, in France.)

You pushing your agenda is absolutely fine though amirite

At the time it was made, that pic was 100% spot-on.

Problem is there's been an increase in the number of Sup Forums-Sup Forums crossboarding retards that sperg out on both boards, and you end up with pic related.

>obama has been the best president of all time

Not even worth the bait picture.

>Hearthstone is the cheapest most consumer friendly TCG on the market

Bwahaha. Okay retard a simple question then. What's more worth? My golden Jinzo or your golden Ysera?

>all minorities have equal rights
They reall don't. We're kind of in a national discussion on how to properly discriminate against a specific religion inside of the country.

Not to mention voting laws made specifically to block minorities from voting.

A history of Sup Forums and vidya throughout the years

1995 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1996 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1997 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1998 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1999 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2000 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2001 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2002 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2003 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2004 - old memes & Sup Forums & videogames
2005 - Sup Forums & videogames & old memes
2006 - newer, original memes & fewer videogames & fewer Sup Forums
2007 - Rickroll, smash dojo, billions of new "epic memes". The beginning of the end. Sup Forums starts to get hated because of the influx of new people, and ostensibly less videogames
2008 - Same as 2007, with some good OC but the board is already starting to smell
2009 - apex of "Sup Forums HATES EVERYTHING XD". 40% of the boards hate Sup Forums
2010 - HARMONY arrives, for a small moment, Sup Forums gets bearable. But because of the Puddi Incident, Sup Forums is overrun with Sup Forumstards
2011 - Sup Forums truly turns into Sup Forums2.0, especially after El Vidyo
2012 - The shitposting about everything and the release of Katawa Shoujo gives birth to /vg/. Quality of the board drops dramatically.
2013 - Shitposting is rampant, all boards agree that Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums. Videogames & Sup Forums content are shunned, only seen for a few rare moments.
2014 - The impossible happens: The board gets worse with the whole GamerGate shitshow. It's literally impossible to have good threads.
2015 - Sup Forums shares a huge userbase with Sup Forums, and leaks all over Sup Forums and the internet. Any and all games that get any kind of popularity/goodwill is instantly despised by the boardmind. There's no more shitposting, just posting.
2016 - ??????????????

Prove me wrong:
You can't.


It's sad how easy a human can be manipulated if you know how to reach their "feelings"

the ups and downs are the reason why you get addicted
>ha, I won I am so good!
>hm... I lost, but I know I can win....
>hm....... lost again, why????
>what???? I lost a third time?????
>hm... I lost but just because I was unlucky... but I can win

It was never spot on. It's the literal definition of a strawman falacy

>You don't agree with me so you must be my enemy
It was never anything but a bait image that signaled you had the reasoning skills of a 5 year old.

Both are worth nothing physically because one isn't physical and the other hasn't been used in competitive Yugioh in a decade

>At the time it was made, that pic was 100% spot-on.
lol nah

What agenda do i push? I have my opinions, but i don't intend to use them to gain political power or anything.

Do you know how to read? I just said i wasn't buying into the "jewish conspiracy" you dumb fuck.

At the end of it, the entirety of white supremacy is based on entitlement "My race is inherently superior to yours because of reasons. There for, I am entitled to benefits you are not."

Most white supremacists are white trash for a reason. People who default to their race or "history of muh people" as the defining thing in their life tend to have nothing they themselves can be proud about that they actually contributed to.