How do we get sega to go back into the console business lads?

How do we get sega to go back into the console business lads?

With sonic mania coming out what if they made it a brand new sega console exclusive?

Wouldn't that be just the tactical decision they would need to become a fighting force against soniggers, microsofties and nintendorks?

Imagune yakuza, shenmue, phantasy star, sonic, jet set, and all the other IP's brought to 1 console again?

In my opinion there has never been a console I liked more than the sega dreamcast. If they were still in mass production and updated with todays graphics/hardware with sega exclusives you bet your ass id preorder it. Until then im a pcuck 4 life.

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Not realistic, Sega lost too much money on consoles. The only thing that would make sense is if they reproduced a bit more of their already made consoles as retro bubble get bigger.


Why would Sega want to lose more money? Ms is going to pc, sony doesnt have any exclhsives worth getting. Sega failed because they made shitty games

Third party games are better on pc than xbox or ps4

Nintendo is literally making their home console portable.
Console gaming is dying.

Honestly user, I love SEGA and Shenmue is my favorite game. However all the games you listed (sonic included) won't move consoles. We can only wish bud

Yakuza and PSO are pretty damn popular in Japan and the west.

You can't seriously tell me people wouldn't buy a sega console for new exclusives. As many people that love these series including bayonetta and yakuza now, jsrf, sonic, phantasy star, I highly doubt It would be under-sold and die. It actually has a high chance of survival if those games became strict exclusives. It would capitalize on a currently failing/monopolized market, boost competition, and overall move companies to make better games. The fab four need to make a comeback. Sega,nintendo,microsoft,sony. That was the golden age of videogames, the competition was so intense and brought us great games.

Re-release a cheap version of the dreamcast preloaded with its "Greatest Hits" like they did with the Genesis. It would also be amazing if they added ethernet/wifi and an online service for games like fantasy star online and other games.

Peter Moore sold his soul to Microsoft, so it's not gonna happen as long as that faggot is in the industry. If anything, Sega would have better chance had they shift their focus into PCs.

They made some really bad business decisions like creating Shenmue the most expensive video game ever made only for it do so mediocrely. Those bad decisions have affected them to this day and the do not have the resources to keep up with the likes of Sony and Microsoft.

Imagine sega announces the Sega Dreamcast 2, and Sonic Adventure 3 is the flagship title. Then you have Bayonetta 3, Yakuza 6, Phantasy Star Online 3, A new Jet Set Radio, and all of the classic dreamcast and genesis games on the SEGA arcade, it has online capabilities for free. You're telling me this shit wouldn't sell?

Crazy taxi, virtua Fighter, monkeyball, shinobi, madworld

Imagine if all of these IP's were resurrected. Holy shit that would give the other companies a run for their money. For the last 10 years its been halo, mario, uncharted copied and pasted 10 thousand fucking times over. The originality is gone, realistically sega could force companies to be more inventive.


>tfw vectorman will never ever see another game because the world loves megaman instead

Kill Sony. Stop buying their systems and stop buying games for their systems. it's that simple.

it wont happened we live in a universe where the wrong kid died


Crazy Taxi and Space Channel 5 were so damn fun. I wish they'd bring those games back at least.

i love sega but it wont happened, a SHIT ton of money goes into making console and they're not gonna risk it all to make one.

I really wish we could convince dudebros and normies to stop buying playstations but they've gotten so high on the monopoly they can literally put shit on a plate and everyone cheers. Sega actually has to work for their fans.

where were you on January 31, 2001?

Sega deserved to die for releasing the Sega CD, 32x, and shitting on their American fanbase with the Saturn.

>designing a controller

What a fucking pretentious waste of money

Realistically there are chinese knockoff controllers that were made for pennies on the dollar that feel better. You could design a controller similar to the dreamcast, make it usb, add a headphone jack, and update vmu with the same controls and not spend over 1000 dollars. Then mass produce it for pennies.

I know... why coudln't have sony or microsoft died...

careful with that edge

Playing sonic adventure, crying when tails was separated from sonic after they got shot out of the tornado. Don't judge me that damn song gave me the feels.

>Bought a Dreamcast
>loving it
>want to get a Saturn
>$130+shipping on ebay for just the console

>no sonic xtreme
Sorry user the saturn is shit, the only good sonic title was sonic jam.

>Posting facts is now edgy

kys underage retard.

wew lad

I know right? They spent all that money and it's still a clunky piece of shit.

You guys don't understand how R&D works.

Kill yourself Reggie, you fucking nigger you're ruining nintendo too. Mobile games really?? IWATA IS ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE

Iwata is the executive producer of the new mobile mario game.

Pay a fucking monkey to dick around, waste money, and party until a deadline comes and then they release a slightly redesigned controller that is exactly the same as the last one with 1 extra feature...

Arcades were Sega's main money resource. That's why they could afford so many failures.
I can't see them back now since those type of games are no longer popular.

Iwata is dead, youre thinking shigeru "lets rape mario into an early grave" miyamoto

>Sonic adventure 1/2
>crazy taxi
>chu chu rocket
Man, that console was so damn good

Sega lost their global appeal after 6th ended. Sonic 06 alone was enough to make many stop being interested in their catalogue. They had a good 7th gen overall. They have been very light this gen because they are focusing on japan since that makes money and sales dried up in english. A sega console is quite literally never ever happening again. Suck it up

where the hell are you looking. got one years ago for 30

I'm guessing it's easier to get into making consoles for hd games if a company also gets into making desktop or laptop computers. The experience of learning to make desktops or laptops can also be helpful for making consoles for hd games.

Sony and Microsoft make stuff more than just consoles and games so that helps with getting money.

Sonic 06 was a mistake...

If only they had finished it and removed the elise shit. That wasn't Yuji Nakas fault at all sega literally pushed sonic team hard to release a title for the release of the 360. Under pressure and deadlines coming to a head they said fuck it and released an unfinished game.

To this day if that game had been polished with the unleashed boost mechanic, with no bugs at all, and loading optimization it would have been the best sonic game ever created.

Yep, that's exactly what we need. Another fucking console to further fragment the market. Sega deserved to die because of their stupidity and arrogance, and if you disagree you're either too young or are so filled with nostalgia that it's making you blind.

Fuck Sega. They've been shit since the Dreamcast. They haven't made a single original thing since. Even Yakuza, the series Sup Forums jacks off over but barely even knows about Shenmue, is a fucking dumbed down Shenmue with point markers on its map. I haven't bought a sega product since virtua tennis 3 on 360.

>crying about others being young
>posts sanic meme for no reason

Kid doesn't even see the irony, how sad.

>4 sega related threads right now
>3 about sonic
>theres no interest

>They haven't made a single original thing since.

rhythm thief says hello

>Until then im a pcuck 4 life.
It's not like Sega's games were even exclusive. All the Sonic games Adventure and prior were on Windows. Along with Sega Rally, Outrun, and others. For some reason I feel like you never owned a fucking Sega console and are falseflagging. Take a picture of your Dreamcast Toro or VMU's with a timestamp since you "loved" it so much.

unoriginal tepid ios-nintendo gimmick shit

sonic triple trouble is on pc?

thats a lot of buzzwords

So you're actually saying we need another console? Sure, Sega will make a decent game here and there but it's better if they just go multi plat.

Dont defend yuji naka, hes a giant faggot who got butthurt at a whim. He literally threatened to quit in the 90s if they didnt buy him a ferrari. He left during sonic 06s development to start his own company which hasnt made a single good game yet.

I agree with you user. Fags always put Yakuza on a pedalstool but don't know what they missed out on.

Homebrew for dreamcast is a thing isnt it? Why doesnt someone reproduce dreamcasts with better parts and get people to homebrew for it, eventually we could work our way up to being as good as the other consoles, and it would be a console for gamers 100%



Get the fuck out of my face, bitch.

I can smell the burning plastic now.

I definitely have to get a bigger stand. The flash made it look dustier than it actually is.

I still have my DC user. I also had a Genesis and played TJ and Earl. I'm not a Sega rookie

Very good then. I respect you. Can't live without Sega Rally and Virtua Tennis every week.

>sega sport DC
supreme taste detected

I just don't see Sega making a hardware come back though. Does SoA even operate anymore?

Holy fucking hell. I'm so glad I kept my Saturn

Shenmue was great. One of my favorite activities was to stalk the NPCs all day and watch them go back to their houses. Unfortunately that kind of open world exploration cost them 16 million dollars to make and that's not happening again.

No way in hell Sega are ever entering hardware again. And that's fine the way it is. They don't have the money to burn and they're a shadow of their former selves. It would be killer to see them regain the NFL license from EA though.

Even if Sega was in a stable financial state where a console was possible, it still would be a pointless effort since they don't have many fans, they don't have mass amounts of hype, and their old "edge" was taken by Sony right when the PS2 killed the Dreamcast.