Why do kickstarter games always get delayed?

why do kickstarter games always get delayed?

its MN9 all over again

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because when you have already been payed up front, there's no incentive to work hard to release a game on time, or even to release a good game at all.
Same reason that when a webcomic artist sets up a patreon, he suddenly updates 10 times slower.

>its MN9 all over again
Why do bitter mn9 backers keep trying to force this?

This. MN9 was a shitty, shitty game on top of being perennially delayed. Contrast that with Shantae, which will be as solid as the previous games but with improved visuals and cool new mechanics.

It's okay when Nintendo does it

Because video games always get delayed.

>tfw shantae will never whip you into shape as your personal trainer

>current year + 6000
>still believing in kickstarter games

Look at undertale, no one heard it was being made that shit was a success.

Has a game ever been advanced?

Anyways trying to schedule a specific release day a year in advance and not expecting problems to arise is impossible. Deal with it

>Still no gameplay for Friday the 13th
>Supposed to release this fall
I expected them to talk about it at PAX but all they did was talk about Tom Savini.

MN9 has had multiple delays. Shantae HGH never had a set release until a few months ago (they even said during the Kickstarter that the Aug 2014 date was just a placeholder). This is the only delay they've done and it's for about 6 weeks.



Go back to your consolewar threads, faggot.

>tfw working on making shantae tulpa
Soon having a shantae gf will become a reality for me. Try not to be too jealous, fags.

>she will never wear a cute sports bra, shorts and carry a waterbottle and whistle around her neck and encourage you to keep going even if she has to whip your ass to do it

>she promises to do some belly dancing to motivate you more, it just rushes your precious blood elsewhere making you collapse

>you wake up with your head on her lap, her smiling that your ok. she says "we'll try harder tomorrow" as she pats and rubs your head

Kickstarter requires a release date even if there's no predictable one. So devs just guesstimate one but people should never believe that it's the final release date.

Thanks for parroting what I just said.

>jealous of induced mental illness

Because say what you want about publishers, they run tight ships. Your game is ready when we tell you it's ready. With Kickstarter and self published games, you don't have that. They'll delay, delay, delay until they're as satisfied as they can possibly be or until they've maxed out their credit and need to release it so they can eat that day.

blame consoles

>content complete
>not the other playable characters
Why must you lie

Giving a solid date at the beginning of development on a game, especially when we're talking about a kickstarter where the scope of development can change dramatically depending on the amount of money received, it's simply impossible.

Kickstarter games don't get the benefit of being able to give a date only when the thing is almost finished like a regular game.

They mention that later in the update. The base game is content complete.

WayForward, Inti Creates, and Yacht Club Games are all Nintendo basically. Just meme games :/


>its MN9 all over again
Nah. The Shantae fanbase actually likes games so they don't turn into whining spergs the moment a delay happens. Plus, Shantae is looking to turn out good, or at least turn out as expected. WayForward can clearly develop a Shantae game, and isn't going to make the same mistakes that that Inafune's company did.

It's sad to see it delayed, but Shantae fans are pretty used to Soon™ at this point. Plus, the games always turn out good, so the delay isn't a bad thing.

Who cares? It's a waifu game, yet Shantae isn't even cute.

the :/ gave you away

The real question is why the fuck are you upset over the fact that developers think the product needs more refining so they're taking more time to make it better.
If it got to a Duke Nukem Forever amount, I could understand, but there's nothing wrong with this.

It's true though, they make alright games that are 7.9/10 at most and everyone says that they're the next coming of Jesus Christ.

"Everyone" is comparing them to Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed, and in that case they might be right. They aren't perfect (in fact, I really wish there was more exploration involved) but they are fairly decent, and far better than the boredom that a lot of AAA games try to hide under a flash of cinematics and online multiplayer.

Cool, still not Nintendo though.

Well, I have yet to play a Shantae game however what makes you think Shovel Knight isn't at worst 8.5?

Get a Game Boy emulator and give Shantae on Game Boy Color a try.

One of the reasons is they aren't forced to release a game when it isn't ready like some big companies do

though to be fair a lot of kickstarter devs are new to big projects of their own and underestimate the amount of time and work it will take to produce a game they're happy with

Shovel Knight is too short and too easy. It's pretty easy to tell what's coming if you've memorized other games level designs.

Nintendo doesn't mean the company, it means a game that's loved even though it's just an above average game.

>Nintendo doesn't mean the company, it means a game that's loved even though it's just an above average game.

Well, I have to give you points for creativity I suppose, but that's about it.

>why do kickstarter games always get delayed?
Unexpected problems
>its MN9 all over again
Alright buddy, let's not say things we might regret


Delete this

>too easy
I originally got that from the base game, hard mode alleviated that for me though.

And yeah, it's quite short sadly. They have those campaigns for the bosses coming out soon, you should give those a look. I respect your opinion anyway, user

>6 weeks
I hope I wont die til then

Expansions aren't considered "content complete" with most games. The difference is you already know about the expansions this time.


Everything from 0:04-0:19

I get odd looks from everyone but I still chuckle everytime.

Have fun with that. I'm sure trying to give yourself schizophrenia will work out wonderfully.

I don't know how everyone is making tulpas, i thought people with autism couldn't get schizophrenia.

What shitty timing, I was going to play this until BF1 comes out, now I'll just wait for a sale.

What in the ever living fuck? No, it's better I don't know.

Do you have the one of that user that tried to make a Pinkie Pie tulpa but fucked it up and it was constantly screaming?

Have you never seen all the tulpa stories?

>trying to sex the tulpa
somebody ignored the Tupa User Manual

>literally going mentaly ill on purpose

You're a fucking retard
Someone please post the MLP story from /x/ or some shit.

>Buisness man says it will be released early than it will so people wont be discouraged by the wait
>Devs working on it have a better estimation of the date and probably don't even consider the game delayed

This is at least true for my kickstarter. The delivery estimate whats way off and everyone knew it. It would have been a waste of time to argue about stuff like that anyways. That kind of shit only really matters if you have a publisher, but then you're actually getting paid normally and in those kind of situations KS is usually just used for the publicity than the actual money.

I have very little idea what the fuck a "tulpa" is but it sounds retarded.

Jeez, and I thought the tulpa Wikipedia article mentioning MLP was just a joke.

Kickstarters aren't really intended for video game publishing. They are intended for physical publishing, where you have a product ready to go but don't have the funds to find a physical publisher. It's why book/board games tend to complete and ship on time without any real problems, but video games go way over the set date - the video games require years to develop properly, while a book just requires a book publisher to clear up their schedule.

Isn't Tulpa that bad guy from Ronin Warriors?

More, please.

>implying 7.9/10 is bad

The AAA meme is real, good god. I recall that years ago, 6/10 was like "hey, this is an okay game, rent it" and now that's like a death sentence.

it's just to bait shantaefags. it's kind of funny desu.

>its MN9 all over again
daily reminder that MN9 got funded before any gameplay. Vidya always gets delayed,in most case they just don't give a date until it's done.

>There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that actually backed MN9
>You weren't one of them


>she will never verbally abuse you, calling you names even when her friends are around
>she will never get you stiff by calling you fat and wimpy to your face, then immediately jumping on top of you and fucking you
>she will never feed you sweets to sabotage your routine so she can keep calling you these things

I... I'm sorry user. I just wanted more Megaman.

Lessons learned.

The ultimate Tulpa
No other Tulpa can beat it


not even a jackie chan tulpa?

Almost. I almost did it. I wanted a new Mega Man so bad, but I took to reason, knowing what Kickstarter is like.

Only if he's in a Tulpa Ladder factory

Kickstarter projects that exceed their original goal usually have additional content as stretch goals, which of course take additional time to create.

Also, Kickstarter developers are often inexperienced and so may not be the best at estimating development time, especially when it comes to bugfixing and polishing.

The fuck is a tupla?

if you can't fuck a tulpa why bother having one?

More like "why does every single fucking game made in the last 5 years get delayed"

it's not just KS games

Hell, it got funded before any in-game shots at all. It made itself look good with the concept art and then cucked all the people who pitched in.

Something about purposefully driving yourself crazy so you can have an imaginary friend.

I wish the new Hitman got delayed, it might not be such a fucking mess.

Fancy word for imaginary friend.

I'm glad I don't like Megaman enough to care for a new MM game. Seriously, there's millions of them out there, what could you get from one made by Inafune that you didn't already get from the many fangames outside some stupid notoriety of a new franchise trying to imitate it? Absolutely nothing.

I keep getting "CALLE" in my captchas. You people done goofed and that would have at least made me somewhat interested. At least MN9 flopped so hard nobody cares about it anymore except those still in denial.


There was game play though, retard.

>posts an infinitely better waifu as a reaction image
>still wants to work on Shantae
You sick in the mind user

I haven't really met anyone who actually thought MN9 was gonna be good. Most of them kinda knew Inafune was a shady fucker.
I kinda feel bad for the fags who honestly wanted it to be good, though. I mean, it's still their own fault for not paying attention to all the red flags, but I can at least sympathyze with them about being upset over it.

So I really want to learn more about the science of Tulpas (not interested in making one myself). Is /x/ a... safe place to check out? Or are they just tinfoil hats?

>its MN9 all over again

Except WayForward are competent developers who take pride in their work and always deliver a solid, if not stellar product. A 6 week delay is reasonable- production delays can happen and it's better to be upfront and honest about it than to release a shitty glitchy game.

MN9's delays were unforgivable because they were numerous and the end-result was still a terrible game.

It was rushed. I want an actual proper match shown.

user, Tulpas are just imaginary friends.
It's another Tumblr-like bullshit for pretending to have a mental disorder

>but I can at least sympathyze with them about being upset over it.
That makes one of us. Consider it a rude awakening for those who were too ignorant to face the facts.

I usually don't save the greentext, but i have a stupid pony tulpa video.


>needing so much time to develop a crappy side scroller

so it IS fake? I mean I'm sure a man can drive himself insane, but it's fake? I'm a guy who usually never takes psychology seriously since it's such a subjective science, so I guess this wouldn't be so surprising.

You partition off a portion of your brain's resources to creating a "separate" consciousness and then talk your main consciousness into seeing it.
Basically induced schizophrenia.

Basically everything I've seen regarding it is clearly some made up shit put together specifically to make for a funny thread, so probably, yeah.


Sup Forums was so gullible and naive.

It felt so good not being a gullible Megafaggot. I don't understand what drives them to want more repetitive samegame bullshit just with different robot masters and slightly different jump puzzles, like they didn't get enough of that.

I didn't buy into MN9, but I did do Broken Age.
And before you ask, no, I didn't do Psychonauts 2, though I will still watch it and HOPE that it somehow ends up being good.


I bet Fox's Animation Hearthstone will be better than MN9.

Except shantae games has all been good so I'm not worried this game will be bad.