Someone says to you "my favorite game of all time is Ocarina of Time."

Someone says to you "my favorite game of all time is Ocarina of Time."

How do you respond?

Assuming they mean Ocarina of Time and not the 3DS port?

I would say "good taste".

I prefer Wind Waker, but Ocarina isn't a bad choice.

"You were unlucky enough to own an N64 instead of a PS, I'm sorry for you"

30 fps is makes it inherently and objectively superior on 3DS regardless of any nitpicks you might have

>Cool man, I'm more of a Mario guy myself.

Never heard of it. You play the new battlefield yet?

"Majora's Mask is better"

"Have you actually played it?"

Really?! Mine too!


I say "go back to /vr/"

It was OK.

The only reasonable action to take is to stop being friends with them.


"Yeah, it's pretty good. I don't know if I could name a favorite game."

"We had this same thread the other day and the OP was procedurally btfo. Also it's my favorite game too."

Cool, mine too.

Same here, if you haven't tried Majora's Mask you should, its just as good

"At least you didn't say Majora's Mask"

>inherently and objectively superior
>regardless of any nitpicks you might have
What did he mean by this?

>still has hyper mode arm cannon post phaaz

Why do you keep making this thread?
Are you doing some kind of experiment where you collect possible replies before asking out that other fag at school who likes Zelda?

OoT is a great game. I don't think it deserves the praise of GREAT GAME EVER!, though.

most people that say its their fave game are suckered into saying that because they once googled "best games of all time" and saw that it was listed at the top of gamerankings and thought they'd be labeled as having great taste if they praise it.

The 3DS version is outright better the N64, that's what I meant

>Game feel


How many games have you played?

Majora's Mask was better because it only has four dungeons
The dungeons are the worst part of Zelda
Prove me wrong.

I don't think you've played many games

I can't, because that's a subjective opinion, but I will say that I heavily disagree with you.

Cool bro.

I disagree with you, and based on your argument that framerate makes it better by itself, I suspect you are underage.

"That's cool, OoT is acutally my 3rd favorite game"

"It's great"

>"Cool man, my favorite game is Mega Man X"

is it that difficult for you fucktards to tolerate others' opinions good fucking god it isn't like OoT doesn't deserve the accolades anyway who cares if it isn't your favorite

why even bait people like this

>A higher framerate and better graphics are totally offset by a few cherrypicked screenshots

Go ahead anyway. Explain what OoT 3D did wrong

cool. it's one of my favorites, too.

I haven't played it, but I know shit when I see it.

"thats rad as fuck lad, tell me about ocarina, why its so great".

i dont even like it.

>I haven't played it
Exactly. The original is unplayable once you have

"Yeah, I thought it was great too, but my favorite personally is Silent Hill 2"

quality. Its one of the greatest.

I'd run away in fear, just like when anyone talks to me in public.

i lift my shirt a little to reveal my pistol, hoping he gets the message.

>Replying to yourself in an attempt to strawman


I agree with him though. It's just a slight graphical facelift and some quality of life changes.

Plus I like the 3D.

not the same person, enjoyed the n64 growing up, but when I got older wished had ps1. missed so many good games while n64 didn't have much .

Cool. I like TP a little more personally but OoT was my shit as a kid.

LttP and Majora's Mask are both much better than Cockarina of Tiem

Go back to your treehouse in Camp Cockiri or go get fug-hugged by Gaymorons in Deathdick Mountain.

Yeah it's a pretty good game. I can see why it's your favorite.

Gaymorons are in MM as well though. Cold gaymorons.



Turn 360 degrees and walk away

But you'd be facing the same way....

This is the greatest thing ever made.