>Invade world
>Seed of Giants
>Host has 3 phantoms
>All equipped with stunlocking straight swords
>Estus block has a huge windup and short duration
>Phantoms have their own estus
>Host can summon indefinitely
>The netcode
This game is hard.
>Invade world
>Seed of Giants
>Host has 3 phantoms
>All equipped with stunlocking straight swords
>Estus block has a huge windup and short duration
>Phantoms have their own estus
>Host can summon indefinitely
>The netcode
This game is hard.
>Host can summon indefinitely
I would never bitch about DS3 if it were not for this. This is legitimately bad game design in every way.
it looks like invaders are just crybaby shitters
just try harder to pwn some n00bs
Bloodborne got it right by using Insight for summoning, even if its everywhere.
Oh you
>TFW never summon and leave Finger on
>Still barely get invaded and 9/10 times it's a shitter
I feel bad.
>Forcing PvP on another player who is having a good time with his friends
You deserve everything that happened to you.
>INB4 git gud
>INB4 that's how DS works
>INB4 muh meta
As far as polish and game design, ds3 is about on par with ds2 for me
>playing a new character today
>get invaded when I'm heading to Farron's Keep from Road of Sacrifices near the ladder with the two guys
>swing a left and do the sleep gesture near a giant rock
>he wonders around aimlessly looking for me for 25 minutes
>nearly dies after falling off something
>finally leaves
You tried, buddy
>People using passwords to babysit players
The player should expect it by choosing to play Online.
I haven't played Kings Field, but
DeS=BB > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2
Passwords were implemented so that people with real friends could easily play together. You know, not you.
The invader should expect the worst when choosing to interrupt someone else's game.
Projecting aside, I've played with friends in DS using passwords. Im specifically talking about guiding then through the game on their first run
Good taste, my only change would be switching des and das.
People shouldn't be able to have that many phantoms, 1 only except for in special cases like the woods/ invasion areas. You're already ruining the game for yourself by playing it coop and 3 is just absurdly easy.
Well, NOW they should, considering all the benefits hosts have now.
What would otherwise make for hectically frantic game play are now one sided deriatives to the invader. Before, the worst you would expect from invading, besides a damn good player, were additional phantoms and no mobs.
I also haven't played any of the Scholar of First sin (someone stole my disk from the collectors edition I had) nor the Bloodborne DLC because of funds.
I heard SotFS did a lot of good things.
The only time an invasion with 5 or 6 people involved is fun is when theres purple, red, yellow, and blue in the mix.
You reap what you sow. Should've thought about how much you'd hate having the tables turned on you when you were invading in Parish with twinked endgame gear and 99 humanities.
I'm stuck at the entry point to Shitthryll of the Fuckface Valley. Little to no problem everywhere else, but the enemies here are using overpowered range bullshit that passes through walls or mob tactics to fuck me to death. What the fuck is with the sudden jump in difficulty?
This. Invaders deserve everything that happens to them, and twinkers are the worst. Get fucked, Giantdad.
interesting way of tying two unrelated points in different games
>Sudden jump in difficulty
Trying luring. Irithyll Knights, the sword dancer dudes, are easy enough one on one with good dodge timing.
Niggers with swords that look like total pansies are total pansies.
Flame staff guys are the only major threat, but can be dealt with if you get rid of everything else.
Also, you do not have to full-clear an area, next Bonfire is up the stairs, then keep following up and they'll be in a chapel on the left after a bend to the right.
If you're complaining about Irithyll, you'll *love* the Dungeon.
It's DS3's Anor Londo. Welcome to phase 2.
Isn't DS3's Anor Londo Anor Londo?
I literally never did any of that.
Stop inventing scenarios to justify your casual behavior.
The game's unbalanced.
That zone is only a pain because of the Aldritch Cumrags. Otherwise it's a cakewalk.
Plus, Londo itself has literally three enemies even worth fighting, and one of them is a boss.
I shit on DS2 but the PVP ensured almosr every weapon tier was useful, introduced cool infusions, and combat styles.
The soul memory was the biggest issue.
I'm more referring to the fire-staff cocksuckers who abuse the shit out of the most broken fucking magic abilities I've seen so far in this game. I really don't want to have to resort to using short sword bullshit just to get ahead, but literally everything stronger has such a fucking windup they're almost useless, since From's "poise" system only functions for enemies.
and all you had to do was wait for 25 minutes in a video game
>dickwraiths spend two games twinking and shitting all over new players, telling them to git gud like they ever stood a chance
>in ds3 they're at a significant disadvantage in most invasions due to summons and seeds
>dickwraiths start crying like babies
I'm not saying gank squads aren't retarded, of course they are. But why do you think you have any right to complain about it?
>The Soul Memory was the biggest issue
Only if you wanted to Twink/hound someone specific/LLD
Cause by "end game," everyone is in the same bracket, cause they get exceptionally huge.
It's the pontifd knights, really. Huge damage, fast, and infinite stamina.
Getting them one by one is the move.
because not everyone is the same person?
just because you got dicked over one time too many doesn't mean everyone who enjoys invading for invadings sake should never be able to do so again
balancing isn't about taking turns on who gets shit on each game, it's about trying to reach a balance, and none of the games have achieved that
What part of the posts you're replying to indicated they were twinking, you mouth breathing cunt?
>Fight two bosses and a few areas
>Die twice and lose all your souls
>Pitted against people who mist likely invested the souls wisely and lost nothing
Yeah, no.
soul memory punished bad players by irreversibly putting them in higher brackets and being invaded by people who didn't lose their souls
Essentially twinking but brought on by trying to prevent twinking. Ironic.
It's a system so hilariously misplaced that you have to wonder if they put a single shred of thought into it
While I do see your point, they could very well just burn an Effigy and hide from Invaders.
Or they could get good. By the time invasions become remotely prevalent enough to be problematic, you have access to a few Soul Vessels and can start trying to fix your build.
Come on, be realistic. You may or may not have twinked in the past, there's no way I could know that. But the majority did, and now everybody's fucked because of memers who wanted to make epic pvp montages of noobs getting pwned. There's no sense in crying over it, From won't be doing anything to fix this shit until the next game, and I'd be surprised if they didn't fuck it up even worse because it seems like the plebs actually like things this way. They finally got their Easy Mode and they won't be happy if it's taken away.
there's no "fixing" anything
you reallocating your stats won't magically make the souls you lost dying come back, you will forever be in a bracket higher than you should be, and sure, you could "get good", but that's something you could say to defend literally every design choice ever
While I see your point, Invasions aren't that common in 2, especially nowadays before you reach really high levels, excluding the bell towers.
If a person can't handle a loose invader or two now and again, they should try to get better instead of blaming the game for fucking them.
>Host uses seed
>"just lure them to the host!"
>enemy just focuses on you more then the host
Why? For what fucking reason.
>downscaled phantoms get to keep fth/int scaling plus higher estus level so everything is a full heal
>downscaled phantoms get to keep fth/int scaling plus higher estus level so everything is a full heal
Are you fucking with me
As for the estus thing, yes.
Int/fth stuff I can't be too sure, i've been 1 shotted by a lot of end game magic/Miracles when fighting downscaled phantoms.
Its bullshit.