Do you ever take shortcuts in video games, Sup Forums?

Do you ever take shortcuts in video games, Sup Forums?

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Only if someone got sand in the potato salad.

Raymundo is the worst father in cartoon history besides that comic where the dad molests that girl

who lets their kid grind on a fucking pier with a huge drop and then give them free skateboards and hotdogs

If I'm replaying a game I'll skip the grind for items through cheat engine. Pretty much the main reason I'd want Bloodborne to be on PC despite owning a copy on PS4.

Bunta Fujiwara encourages his only son to street race. He literally wouldn't have started if Bunta hadn't pushed him.


The squid beefed it again.

>The Squid is a fucking buff ass surfer


I want to fuck Sam

the only good boards that leak into Sup Forums are /d/ and sometimes /e/
remove Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Of COURSE I do. If the only thing doing it the long way does is waste my time then I try to skip it.

Also this guy gets it the dad was fucking awfu- wait wut

>sam usa poca ropa

What? Sup Forums is only good when it's on Sup Forums fuck off

>remeber that nerdy kid you reject in high school?

>Squid literally beefed it


>Dragon Age
>Doing the Fade in the Mage's tower
>Interesting at first but gets real fucking boring and repetitive.
>Install the skip the fade mod
>Now I only have 4 things to do in the fade which takes less than a minute each

I bet the first thing the dork directed was TWEEESTERRR.

I didn't think anybody remembered this


>part of my childhood complete

I remembered this. Who doesn't?

I make my own shortcuts in video games.

>I didn't think anybody remembered this
I remembered it somehow

just the terror in my mind, really

Where tito @

I remember

of course
I speedrun

I guess I've just never seen it referenced before.

Really? Me and my friend thought it was hilarious. We went to shoot some hoops after watching that episode and kept trying to mess each other up by saying the line in our worst Reggie voice.

>Klasky Cuspo designs

No thanks

He dead

went to the great kahuna in the sky

I was an anxious child

I am still anxious desu

Don't forget lil' Cuz. Like the Ancient Hawaiians once said, not every coconut has the same tasting milk, buddah.

>Otto is a broke nigga that never got sponsors
>squid literally a rich nerd surfer

That was unexpected

> buddah

>Got through
>Not Made a Good Future
Step the fuck up.

What is this? It looks like it was actually drawn by the show's artists.

I've gone like 15 years without remembering this episode. Thanks OP

I always felt like the show was really unfair with Otto. He had the most skill but lost nearly every race or wasn't allowed to take part in them because of reasons.

Reggie was basically the golden child who could do no wrong and the show had about 3 episodes per season dedicated to her being amazing.

Most likely something from those Nickelodeon comic magazines.

I used experience multiplier AR cheats all the time in the DS/PSP days to avoid grinding

>but lost nearly every race or wasn't allowed to take part in them because of reasons
Otto was an entitled whiny bitch

>retard one becomes famous and successful director
>beta weakling becomes hot as fuck
>most skilled one becomes a literal DUDE WEED hobo

Reggie was totally expected though.

Was more interesting than any of the 6-9 episodes that were literally just Reggie going "GIRLS CAN DO X ALSO!"

I figured that was kind of the point. He had a lot of talent, but no discipline and not the best temperament and it cost him a lot of the time.

best thread on Sup Forums tonight

Those reasons were usually him either being a humongous piece of shit, or receiving some stroke of karma for being a humongous piece of shit.

anyone play the PS2 game where you were using Hockey pucks as ammo?

>that episode where squid gets a new skateboard and is really good on it
>Otto steals it and breaks it
Yeah he was a cunt

What's your favorite bit of Rocket Power lore? Mine is the Cold War

Yeah don't get me wrong, Otto acted like a cunt in most episodes, I just hated Reggie because she was so sanctimonious and generally all episodes based around her character was just 20 minutes of everyone sucking her cock.

The only exception I can think of is the one where she gets famous and fucks Otto over

I played the ps1 game, it's still somewhere in my closet.


>I speedrun

I can't remember the show well enough to be honest. I could swear there was an episode or two where she got too big for her britches and got some comeuppance.

The one she gets famous but no one bitches at her except Otto, she figures out her wrongdoing in the end and the one she makes a big deal about the cripple snowboarder and throws a race because she thinks the cripple needs the win.

Every other episode is just her being perfect.

What the fuck happened to the squid

rocket power has the deepest lore

The one where she befriends the poor girl and the poor girl shits on her for treating her like a charity case.

He turned into his dad

Bunta is best dad though

You ever see his dad? The guy was Arnold in a suit
And since they taught the squid to surf...

They kept on saying he'll beef it, and guess what happened.

>Otto became the most pathetic at the end.

Can you shoobies be any more based then The Squid?

>Literally only the last sentence is related to Rocket Power


Who is this guy?