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Imagine a giant Nyan Cat popping in the sky haha

Is this the greatest one-liner vidya premise of all time? One sentence and Duke sets up all you need to get into the game and start shooting things.


What I always find the most jarring when coming back to Duke from a modern game is what a beast he is physically. That grey thing on the roof there? Duke can jump over it.

im badook cook em.

how were u supposed to know to shoot the barrel?

the source port will always be dead though.

This. Now two bullets make your screen go red and you have to hide for 15 seconds to auto heal.

Just like how you're supposed to know to grab the TNT at the start of Blood. The demo.

DOS version still looks nice

>shoot the barrel
>not mighty foot'ing the fan

what's with that resolution? i've only been playing in 800x600

poorly cropped because the screenshot captured some of my desktop


Who owns Blood these days?

I'd love a remake or fancy port.

i think i worded that wrong. i meant how are you playing at 1280x1024? do i need to edit some .ini files or something?

The birthplace of the modern setpiece shooter.


Nu Duke by Randy Pitchford


>you could shoot the barrel

OP didn't post a screenshot of Half-Life.

>The planned remake of retro shooter Blood will not be happening after all. Monolith Productions founder Jace Hall revealed this week that Atari, the company that owns the rights to the game, has declined to continue the project.
>"I just got an unusually short, one sentence e-mail from Atari, letting me know that given the current set of circumstances, they are choosing to decline to proceed," Hall said on the Blood fan forums Postmortem. He also expressed his disappointment at this turn of events, noting that Atari had offered him a lot of encouragement.

>On June 22, 2014, Atari announced a new corporate strategy that would include a focus on "new audiences", specifically "LGBT, social casinos, real-money gambling, and YouTube".

That really doesn't make any sense by any standard of history. E2L7: Lunar Reactor does feel like a proto-Half-Life map with its scripted events and technological setting though.

Nor should he have, since that came out well after Duke Nukem established the notion of a spectacle-focused FPS experience.

Unreal did it first. Interactivity with the environment was going to happen anyways with games like Ultima 7 and System Shock.

t. doombaby

lol, no

Zilla sends his regards, Lo Wang.

>oh no, he likes the older, better game with a pedigree so strong that the original release has a thriving mod scene to this day!
>better call him out on that fact!
Boy you sure showed me.



>tfw successfully getting your parents to ignore the content warnings and buy this for you

>Wangs of Death

>tfw alien scum

>he recently discovered an FPS everyone played and now worships it as the greatest game ever made
>he only plays with heavily modded sourceports and pretends that's how Doom played in 1993

>older, better game
But Duke 3D is an objectively superior game to Doom 1 and 2.

>no h-doom in the gif.

you had one job.


I was interested in buying the 20th anniversary when it dropped to less then a fiver. But now I ain't even gonna touch it. FUCK YOUR BAZINGA BULLSHIT

Randy Pitchford can suck nigger cocks

not that user
but Doom and Wolf 3D were my first fps games

I've played through Shadow Warrior and the expansions multiple times, and I still have no idea what the story is.


my nigger

Add Dark Forces, Quake, and System Shock to the list of games objectively superior to Doom that came out before or in 1996

better fps imo

how the fuck was this game so ahead of it's time in 1999?


>tfw played this and DOOM with my dad at 5 years old.

What does this t. meme mean? I've never understood. What does the t mean? Is it a le reddit thing?

Hey man, I LOVE DK2 but while we're here I just want to explain something to you.

>it's time

You don't need an apostrophe there. You're not saying it was "ahead of it is time", you're saying it was ahead of its time. Counter-intuitively, "its" possessive does not use an apostrophe. The only time you should ever type It's with an apostrophe is if you are saying "It is".


Who /fuckingmetal/ here


>is it a le reddit thing?
newfag please

it comes from Sup Forums or Sup Forums. finnposters would explain something and then show why they know it. it's like the finnish way of saying


or something like that.

Doom 2> Doom > Quake>>>>> Blood=Duke

t. Means source in Finnish
t.Meme expert

basic high school English education actually


Lo Wang is a Shaow Warrior, a god tier assassin, who works for Zilla, the owner of a mega corporation that spans the globe. Turns out Zilla is evil as fuck and wants to take over the world and gets assistance from demons to do so. Lo Wang decides he wants no part in that and leaves. Zilla sends assassins to kill him and then the game starts. Zilla escapes upon defeat.

In Twin Dragon, Lo Wang's brother, Hung Lo, rounds up Zilla's minions and uses them to try and kill his brother.

In Wanton Destruction, Wang decides to visit family in America where he runs into Zilla's goons again, discovering that Zilla has come out of hiding. He takes a plane back to 'Asia' and confronts Zilla one last time.

Ohh, split personality!

Does Atari really exist anymore? Or is it just one guy hoarding a bunch of IPs?

Yeah I fucked up there man I'm tired will it ease your anger if I apologized?

I'm sorry.

Doesn't make DK2 any less of a great game. Such a shame EA killed it.

Mouse support is ass. Any way to improve it?

Holy fuck, get your shit taste checked.

Doom = Douk > Quake > Blood >>>>> Doom 2

Duke has better level design and weapons than Doom, stop riding Id's dick, even Epic does better games and engines today

Download bmouse.exe

Doing god's work, user.

you don't need to be sorry or anything, I just post that correction whenever I see that so people will eventually learn, I ain't mad

I'm v sad about DK's death. You should look up War for the Overworld on steam, it's a spiritual reboot kinda thing

my man

Wait a minute... that card.

Turn off mouselook (use it only for turning) and use Q and E to look up and down. Z centers view.

This is how I always played Blood since I never liked the native Build mouselook. You don't need to aim up and down that much, usually only to adjust dynamite throws now and then.

What are some good map packs for Duke3D?

Wait what is this Bazinga shit? Did Gearbox add that as an ebin reference on the game somewhere?

When and where did that happen? I’ve been busy with life so I’ve been less on Sup Forums and missed on this.


Duke Hard is a pretty good multi-level addition.

My favorite single-level maps are RCPD, WGCity, and Desert Complex.

I want to play blood but i suck dick at the controls. being a casuals fucking hard

"Bazinga" would have made me smile if he said it in a snarly deadpan, but no, he says it all bright and happy.

rebind them????

What was the fucking deal with these dancing girls?

I remember you could give them cash and someone of them were plastered on walls on green shit begging you to kill them, but when you did it spawned a shitload of monsters.


I always ended up accidentally killing the infected ones trying to get rid of those green slime bastards.

Blood gotta be one of the few fps where the "default pistol" is as powerful as all the weapons in the game

>Lo Wang
>hung Lo

I never noticed

>hung lo

NOLF has a powerful default pistol too same with FEAR. Seems like a Monolith thing.

>Lo Wang sister is called No Wang

>gearbox will keep duke captive until they die.

>gearbox will die a drawn out and painful death while they rape every franchise they have for spare change
>duke will go to Bethesda

Best shotgun in any game too.

As a fan of mediocre FPS games how worth while is Forever at 4 american dollars?

I tried playing blood but the framerate is fucking terrible what do?

>those entrails bouncing off the crates
every time

Do you like the sound of Half-Life 2 mixed with Halo?

sourceport coming eventually

Use the svn daum version of DOSbox

Bethesda owns DOOM and Wolfenstein and those two reboots were pretty great. I'm sure they could make a new Duke game that's at least better than DNF.

I would hardly call them great. They weren't bad but neither were oldschool in any way.

Sounds like hell on earth. Time to see if it can unseat Halo 3 from the worst FPS I played in a while

>Halo 3 is the worst FPS you've played
You need to go deeper into mediocrity. Play Blood 2.

>Doom (2016) gets 85 on metacritic
>Woflenstein: TNO gets 81 on metacritic
>Duke Nukem: Bethesda Subtile? gets 8X on metacritic

I'd honestly be fine with that company raping Douk's corpse. At least it'd be better than the necrophila Gearbox currently is engaging in.