What went wrong, Sup Forums?

What went wrong, Sup Forums?


Nothing is wrong with my wife.

Nothing, she now has the milf rag.

God bless Raita

A shitty anime adaptation.

>not liking mom Alicia
do you even bread bro?

Nothing even changed.
She's just wearing a different outfit with no bra and is squinting a bit.

cumming inside

>Aging that much in 2 years
You've done it again japan, gg.

She got preggo. And therefore, hotter.

God damn those are pointy

War changes you

Only cow tits. I love me a milf or a cake.

Absolutely nothing?

Fighting a war. Being a mom. And if its about the tits, Raita always designed Alicia to have big tits, so its not surprising.

Not even true. The love triangle with Faldio felt cheap as hell though.

Looks like a levelup.

artist change

Did her tits get bigger? Bless Raita.

Breasts naturally undergo big changes throughout pregnancy.

If anything, the breasts are the most realistic things to change in those years.

>Not even true.
Vyse dies. That is a sin great enough to call the entire adaptation bad

Usually for the worse and often on a emotional level (barring war injuries of course)
Never heard of any returning veterans suddenly becoming more handsome or beautiful after a tour of duty.

Why did I laugh

She basically had to push a watermelon out of her vagina. Oh, and she went to war.