Is Tales of the Abyss on 3DS worth playing if I already beat the living FUCK out of the game on ps2 as a kid? Any glitches or improvements?
Pic related, booted up the game to take a look at my old saves.
Is Tales of the Abyss on 3DS worth playing if I already beat the living FUCK out of the game on ps2 as a kid...
Here's a bump because I wnt to know this as well, I only played Legendia on PS2, but I have a 3DS.
It has worse graphics, no multiplayer, and no cool glitches. Not worth it.
>Abyss had multiplayer on the PS2
Wait what the fuck
The load times are better? I think that's the only improvement. That and it being portable is nice.
so what you're telling me is that it's fine
If he was eight in 2006, he's not underage.
>yfw people born in 1998 are legal on Sup Forums
You'd have a point if the 3DS version had something else to make up for it.
>touch screen
>loading times are shortened (in exchange for lag in places)
>removal of multiplayer
>only four save slots per game card
>slightly more generous timeframes for missable quests
>fewer glitches
If that sounds worthwhile, knock yourself out. I know there are some games for me where simply being portable is a selling point, but if it isn't, there's no real point.
how does the gameplay of abyss compare to symphonia?
I know at some point those tales games started becoming absolute garbage to play with extremely finnicky free 3D movement which results in a fuck ton of whiffed attacks. Was Abyss the beginning of that or does it utilize the side-on action as well as Symphonia?
Yeah, somebody could control another member of the party. My brother and I played it together.
Abyss is the first to be super free form (Legendia was a little bit more free form than Symphonia), but if you whiff all the time, git gud.
I was 14.
I have this game on ps2 but emulating it cause I don't have my ps2 now. The loading times never bothered me but I can speed through them now. The only thing is I want to 100% it, and even though I can speed it up, 3600 battles to master cooking. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I like this game a lot but it has the most sadistic missables I have ever seen in a game. I want to complete the collection book but I always forget something.
>It has worse graphics
You sure? Ps2 looks like dogshit on my hdtv even with component cable, unless there's a magic way to make it look good.
I was 17 in 2006,
still a kid.
commit sudoku
you were a teen you dumbfuck. You're an adult now so you don't even have an excuse for making that kind of age labeling mistake.
I was 12. I turned 22 last month. Get a fucking life
Seeing him in HD in Zestiria made me really want an Abyss remake. At least an HD version.
>whiffed attacks
Then stop trying to attack in free run, release the button and you're stuck on a rail like Symphonia.