Why did they not let him marry Cordelia?

Why did they not let him marry Cordelia?

You'd understand if you played anything other than Awakening.
The reason is still stupid.

No he wouldn't, the reason is just: because.

That's it, that's the reason. Welcome to Fire Emblem, where some things never change. Faggot.

Both this user are right.
There's a reason. It's a stupid reason. Just because. Some things never change. Like the green knight always being better than the red knight. ;)

It's a reference to Marth's game. Catria has a huge crush on him and knows it won't go anywhere because Marth is engaged to Shida. So Cordelia is the Catria of Awakening, but since you can choose who Chrom marries, unlike Marth, it's dumb.

I was too busy getting Chrom'd inside to care

t. Sain

Chrom was too pure for that shitty game.

Because then they'd have to write unique supports.

So Chrom!Severa with Aether doesn't obliterate the universe.

I just married off Cordelia with Fredrick because they can both pretend to be fucking Chrom and not feel guilty about each other. It's the only way.

Chrom was void of any personality though.

so you can bone best girl and best gen 1 unit outside of the avatar

Much like Lucina if you're "courting" her, otherwise the jealous/suspicious relationship between femc and her seems better than the mother/lover dialogues.

Funny enough, I found Stahl more interesting than Chrom, if only slightly.

Kinda funny that the Srank picture you get has her on your chest but if you picked the S-sized model for your protag, you could pretend that he's standing on a chair for it.

Don't talk shit bout mah husbando.

Wrong pic bro.

I still want an Awakening anime


But Pegasus Riders absolutely wreck Tharja. Funny how that works.

the pairing would've been too OP compared to Chrom's other non-FeMU options.

>Celicas Gale or any wind tome

The ship wars would destroy the discussions.

If not that, the loli dragon flirting.

Sumia is better mage than Tharja ironically, as Tharja has no Sage access.

napoleon complex is magic.

It's been a while but does someone have the Prince Stahl Theory image?

I wanted to pair Chrom to this beauty but they didn't let me.

Nostanking doesn't work when you get doubled.

Oh great it's this faggot
Gaius x Tharja is much better than MU x Tharja

>Owain will never use his swordhand to unleash Aether without hacking

Haven't played the latest FE because I'm still waiting for a cheap 3DS R4 for the complete japanese version with english patch.

>Not the trap priest whose name I forgot
Their endgame was funny.

I actually did it when I applied the gay patch to Awakening but really outside of the novelty it doesn't seem all that great. Only thing Cordelia really gives Lucina is Merc for Armsthrift and Sol, which is useless if she uses Falchion and Aether, and Dark Mage for Vengeance but Aether would still be better than that since she can couple RK with it, and Lucina doesn't get something like Swordfaire like she would from Olivia. And all Severa gets is Aether but Sol and Swordfaire or Luna/Swordfaire from someone like Stahl would be preferable since Severa wouldn't be proccing Aether as much as Lucina would be. I was let down.

I'd say Sorc is the better end class though, and just cause Sumia has Sage access won't give her the mag stat to really even use it that well.

I'd say Tharja can avoid getting doubled since she's actually pretty fast but I forget how inflated enemy stats in Awakening are.

I married Tharja to that kid.


Remember, best girl never wins because she's saved for you!

I love Tharja but I hated MU and her S-rank


Was Gaius that orange headed sweet tooth thief guy? He was terrible and so was their relationship

Sorcerer is a terrible post game class due to terrible caps.
Sumia has a neutral magic mod. Tharja has +3. With Sage caps and tomefaire, Sumia has 4 more magic. Plus she can double and has Luna.

Muh Galeforce

I prefer the survivability of Sorc more since Awakenings more of just having a fuck ton of enemies attack you, and Sumia won't last as long since she wouldn't take a hit as well and the only HP regen she really gets is Renewal, but at least she does get some hit and run stuff with Galeforce, but it'd be better she be in Dark Flier for that.

>nostanking or celica's gale
>no armsthrift
>can't get galeforce either
>fucking archer
tharja is a mediocre unit and there's much better candidates for an endgame sorcerer.

I married Cordelia to Lonq.

To save best 1st gen girl for yourself

I demand you cut this shit out and talk about gameplay at some point.

>Tfw recently realized Cain and Abel are named after too characters from the Bible

Nostanking is completely unnecessary for durability. You just need to be over leveled which is easy as fuck to achieve on an early joining unit with great stats like Sumia.

Use exalt brand on Owain in Fates